Name: NASA Member #: Address: E-mail Address:

Directions: Use the “X” key to mark your answers and the “TAB” key to go from question to question. All answers are true/false. Once you have completed the test, save it as “Refs Test – Your Name” and then attach the saved and completed version to an e-mail mail and send to:

Rich Peters You must score at least 80% on the test to become certified as a NASA Referee. You will be notified by e-mail as to whether you passed or failed. No number grades will be given.

01)TRUE FALSE: There are 12 weight classes for men: 114.5, 123.25, 132.25, 148.75, 165.25, 181.75, 198.25, 220.25, 242.5, 275.5, 308.5, SHW and 10 weight classes for women: 97.0, 105.5, 114.5, 123.25, 132.25, 148.75, 165.25, 181.75, 198.25. 198.25+.

02)TRUE FALSE: Lifters or coaches must give all first attempts in kilos and in pencil at the weigh-in.

03)TRUE FALSE: The three lifts in a full power meet are, in order are: Bench, Squat, and Deadlift.

04)TRUE FALSE: The lifts included in Power Sports, in order, are Squat, Curl, Bench and Deadlift.

05)TRUE FALSE: All lifts have starting and finishing commands and hand signals.

06)TRUE FALSE: Wraps may be worn on the wrists, elbows and knees.

07)TRUE FALSE: A lifter must wear a belt.

08)TRUE FALSE: A lifter must wear a shirt during all lifts.

09)TRUE FALSE: When using the round system, ALL lifters in a flight (group of lifters) will complete all three attempts before the next flight does any attempts.

10)TRUE FALSE: A lifter’s coach cannot coach from within the marked/taped/indicated barrier or from the platform.

11)TRUE FALSE: A lifter must wear a lifting suit, shoes and a standard brief at all competitions with the exception of youth lifters and designated HS Meets.

12)TRUE FALSE: Lifters progress within a flight from lowest to highest attempt.

13)TRUE FALSE: Any errors in loading or scorekeeping should be declared by the lifter IMMEDIATELY, to the Head Referee.

14)TRUE FALSE: A lifter may change his/her attempt at anytime.

15)TRUE FALSE: Outstanding lifters are determined by a mathematical formula as follows: Total in pounds divided by bodyweight in pounds multiplied by a specific coefficient for each bodyweight. This system is also used to determine the order our Awards are presented in most meets.

16)TRUE FALSE: All lifters who are tied in total must be re-weighed to determine placings.

17)TRUE FALSE: In order for a lifter to set a NASA National Record of any type, the meet MUST be NASA Sanctioned and MUST be a National Meet.

18)TRUE FALSE: Bodyweight class limits shall be posted near the weigh-in scale.

19)TRUE FALSE: Regardless of what a lifter's bodyweight is at weigh-in, he/she may lift in the next higher weight class if they wish.

20)TRUE FALSE: The maximum allowable width of a belt used in competition is slightly less than 4 inches (10 cm).

21)TRUE FALSE: A lifter may wear a T-shirt and shorts at designated high school meets.

22)TRUE FALSE: Lifters may wear only one shirt and one suit at a time during a meet.

23)TRUE FALSE: High School meets may use pound sets but all records MUST be rounded down to the nearest Kilo for any Record to be determined and valid.

24)TRUE FALSE: Lifters and/or coaches may not ask the judges why a lift was turned down.

25)TRUE FALSE: In the squat, legal depth is defined as the point at which the top of the leg at the hip joint (crease) descends below the top of the knee.

26)TRUE FALSE: In the squat, the lifter must wait “in the hole” until given the command “UP”.

27)TRUE FALSE: Lifters must wait for a command to begin the lift in the Squat, Bench and Deadlift.

28)TRUE FALSE: The lifter must face the front of the platform during the squat and deadlift.

29)TRUE FALSE: The lifter must always face the head referee, regardless of where the referee is sitting.

30)TRUE FALSE: Collars may not be used at the discretion of the meet director.

31)TRUE FALSE: No lateral foot movement is allowed during an attempt of any of the lifts.

32)TRUE FALSE: Wrist wraps may not exceed 3 feet 3 inches (1M) in length.

33)TRUE FALSE: Wristbands may not exceed roughly4 inches or 10cm in width.

34)TRUE FALSE: Knee wraps may not exceed 6 feet 6 inches or 2M in length.

35)TRUE FALSE: Shirts, shorts, shoes and socks may be of any color or combination of colors.

36)TRUE FALSE: The maximum width of a lifting belt is 6 inches.

37)TRUE FALSE: Baby powder, pool hall chalk, liquid chalk, resin, talc or magnesium carbonate are the only substance allowed to be added to the body or attire.

38)TRUE FALSE: The meet director may designate an area where baby powder may be applied.

39)TRUE FALSE: A lifter can wrap or adjust his/her attire on the platform.

40)TRUE FALSE: All seated officials must be either NASA or IPF certified.

41)TRUE FALSE: Only the lifter, the three officials and the spotters/loaders are allowed on or near the platform during at attempt.

42)TRUE FALSE: The use of ammonia capsules is allowed as long as they are used away from the platform.

43)TRUE FALSE: Head slapping is legal in the vicinity of the platform.

44)TRUE FALSE: A lifter does not have to have his/her suit straps up when bench pressing.

45)TRUE FALSE: Male lifters should be weighed in by male officials in private.

46)TRUE FALSE: Two pairs of socks sewn together constitute shoes.

47)TRUE FALSE: A lifter must wear shoes which have a distinct sole attached.

48)TRUE FALSE: During the performance of the bench press, the lifter does not have to stop the bar on the chest.

49)TRUE FALSE: During the bench press, the lifter must wait for the press signal (clap or press command) and verbal command “rack” to place the bar back in the rack.

50)TRUE FALSE: During the bench press, the lifter may lift his/her head position during the upward press, after the press command.

51)TRUE FALSE: During the deadlift, the lifter cannot start the lift until the referee gives the start command and hand signal.

52)TRUE FALSE: The starting signal for the bench press is the handclap or a verbal command of “press”.

53)TRUE FALSE: During the bench press, the lifter may use any hand grip width on the bar.

54)TRUE FALSE: During the squat, the lifter may grip the sleeves on the bar.

55)TRUE FALSE: During the squat, the lifter may grasp the collars or plates.

56)TRUE FALSE: During the deadlift, the lifter may use any combination of handgrip (over or under) on the bar.

57)TRUE FALSE: If a disagreement occurs concerning the ruling on a lift, it should be discussed with the Chief referee.

58)TRUE FALSE: If a lifter’s attempt is mis-loaded heavy and the attempt is successful, he/she will be granted the lift with the actual weight if desired.

59)TRUE FALSE: If a lifter’s attempt is mis-loaded light and the attempt is successful, the lifter has the option of accepting the lift or going up to the correct weight

60)TRUE FALSE: If the lifter approach’s the platform in slightly improper attire, he/she must be stopped from lifting, regardless of the reason.

61)TRUE FALSE: A lift must be turned down if the lifter is in improper attire.

62)TRUE FALSE: Once a lifter has made weight within the limits of his/her weight class, he/she may not return to the scales to reweigh to further reduce his/her weight.

63)TRUE FALSE: A lifter may wear extra clothes to move up a weight class.

64)TRUE FALSE: The only reasons a referee may use to turn down a lift are those causes for disqualification listed in the rulebook.

65)TRUE FALSE: Team point scoring for other than National Championships shall be by the first five places with points awarded as follows: 7,5,3,2,1.

66)TRUE FALSE: If teams tie in points, the team which has the most first places will win. If both teams have the same number of first places, the team with the most second places will win, and so on.

67)TRUE FALSE: Teams may consist of no more than 2 lifters per weight class that can score points (in most meets)

68)TRUE FALSE: Teams may consist of up to 10 members for points.

69)TRUE FALSE: All attempts that must be repeated due to an error by the announcer or in loading of the bar must be taken at the end of the round in which the error occurred.

70)TRUE FALSE: Usually each flight is composed of a single weight class or combination of weight classes so that each flight consists of 10 – 15 lifters.

71)TRUE FALSE: Shoes are defined as any foot apparel with a molded sole or foot type outline.

72)TRUE FALSE: Ballet shoes are legal shoes.

73)TRUE FALSE: Any threats, physical or verbal, towards any Referee will result in Disqualification of that lifter.

74)TRUE FALSE: A Lifter may be banned from NASA for poor Sportsmanship.

75)TRUE FALSE: A lifter has 1 minute from the time he/she is called to the platform to begin the lift.

76)TRUE FALSE: Any lifter who brings negative attention to or verbally attacks NASA either in person or by using the Internet MAY be banned from NASA.

77)TRUE FALSE: Spotters/loaders may aid the lifter in removing and replacing the bar from/on the racks. They may not aid the lifter in any way during the lift, except when safety is concerned.

78)TRUE FALSE: All meet equipment should be checked by the meet director or meet officials prior to the beginning of the meet to assure that it meets standard dimensions as defined in the rulebook.

79)TRUE FALSE: All lifters in the same weight class must lift on the same platform, using the same equipment and judged by the same officials.

80)TRUE FALSE: Female lifters must be weighed in by female officials in private.

81)TRUE FALSE: Team lists may be submitted after the weigh-in, but before the beginning of the lifting on the first day of the meet.

82)TRUE FALSE: The heaviest plate must be turned inward while the others are turned outward.

83)TRUE FALSE: A High School student wishing to lift in a sanctioned meet is required to purchase a NASA membership.

84)TRUE FALSE: All 20 Kilo Plates are Blue in color.

85)TRUE FALSE: All 22 lb, 10 Kilo Plates may be any color.

86)TRUE FALSE: 45 Kilo Plates are usually Gold and weight 99 lbs in most NASA meets.

87)TRUE FALSE: Most NASA meets use light collars and 1.25 kg plates should be added to the bar to make up the difference.

88)TRUE FALSE: Anyone associated with powerlifting is eligible to take the NASA referee test as long as they are a current NASA Member.

89)TRUE FALSE: A lifter or coach who uses abusive language towards or strikes any meet official is automatically disqualified from the meet.

90)TRUE FALSE: All NASA Referees are explicitly forbidden from openly criticizing, in public, another NASA Referee’s performance.

91)TRUE FALSE: For any National/American NASA Record to be certified, a minimum of 2 Official NASA Referees must be judging.

92)TRUE FALSE: Any lifter who breaks an National/American Record MUST have a current NASA Membership Card, before making the attempt.

93)TRUE FALSE: All weight plates must be clearly marked as to their actual weights to 1/10 pound or 1/10 kilogram.

94)TRUE FALSE: All Records set in the meet are Forfeited if the Lifter Bombs Out except in Power Sports.

95)TRUE FALSE: A lifter who fails to complete one of three valid attempts in any of the lifts is eliminated from the competition and all records set that day will be forfeited except in Power Sports.

96)TRUE FALSE: A lifter Must initial his/her weigh in card at the weigh-in.

97)TRUE FALSE: All lifting suits, shirts, shoes, belts, wraps, etc., are subject to inspection.

98)TRUE FALSE: A lifter may wear more than one pair of socks.

99)TRUE FALSE: Orthopedic knee braces may be worn in conjunction with knee wraps in competition.

100)TRUE FALSE: If a spotter/loader inadvertently touches the bar during an attempt and the lifter misses the lift, the lifter may be granted another attempt at the end of that flight, at the option of the Head Ref.

101)TRUE FALSE: A lifter may wear commercially available underwear in place of an athletic supporter.

102)TRUE FALSE: Groove briefs and erector shirts are allowed in all NASA meets.

103)TRUE FALSE: All lifters, Coaches and Referees must be familiar with the rules of powerlifting.

104)TRUE FALSE: The thumbless bench press grip is allowed in both Power Sports and Powerlifting.

105)TRUE FALSE: Knee wraps are allowed in squat in both Power Sports and Powerlifting.

106)TRUE FALSE: Hips may be thrust forward for momentum in the Strict Curl.

107) TRUE FALSE: The commands for the strict curl are “curl”, “down” and “rack”.

108) TRUE FALSE: Hand signals should be given along with voice commands for all lifts.

109) TRUE FALSE: Canvas bench press shirts and squat suits are allowed in all NASA competitions.

110) TRUE FALSE: Double and triple ply equipment is allowed in NASA meets.

111) TRUE FALSE: The lifting order for a NASA meet in which Power Sports are contested is as follows, Curls, Squat, Bench Press, Deadlift.

112)TRUE FALSE: A fourth attempt may be taken to set a State Record with the approval of both the meet director and the State Record Chairman.

113)TRUE FALSE: A fourth attempt may be taken to set a Record only if the 4th attempt is within a reasonable, approximately 10 kilos/22 pounds, proximity of the present record.

114)TRUE FALSE: In order to take a fourth attempt, the lifter need only complete his first or second attempt.

115)TRUE FALSE: To be allowed a 4th attempt for any record the lifter must have successfully completed his/her 3rd attempt.

116)TRUE FALSE: The current National or World Cup Champion in any division or weight class is exempted from qualifying for the same meet in the same event the following year.

117)TRUE FALSE: It is allowable for a lifter to wear a hat on the lifting platform during his/her attempt.

118)TRUE FALSE: Head Bands/Sweat Bands are allowed on the platform by lifters.

119)TRUE FALSE: Any lifter who causes or brings disrespect to NASA may be banned from NASA for any period of time determined by the leadership.

120)TRUE FALSE: To be eligible for any and all NASA Lifter of the Year Awards a lifter should lift in only NASA Sanctioned Events.

121)TRUE FALSE: Spotter/Loaders may assist the lifter out of and back into the racks during the Bench Press and Squat.

122)TRUE FALSE: Once a Curl lifter reaches nearly 200 lbs or within 10 lbs of his/her bodyweight the rules shall be relaxed slightly to allow for leverage adjustments.

123)TRUE FALSE: It is the Head Referee’s responsibility to declare when the bar is ready and loaded for the lifter’s attempt. At this time the Head Referee should declare “Bar Loaded” .

124)TRUE FALSE: Basically,Gold Plates are 99 lbs, Blue Plates are 44 lbs and large Red Plates are 55 lbs (all rounded off weights)

125)TRUE FALSE: Any NASA Referee who interferes with another Referee’s judging may lose his/her Referee Card.

126)TRUE FALSE: It is always the Lifter’s Responsibility to have his equipment approved by the Head Referee at each meet.

127)TRUE FALSE: All NASA Referee’s at ALL National meets should be well dressed and wearing proper “approved” attire.

128)TRUE FALSE: It is the Head Referee’s responsibility to establish a judge’s list at all meets where he/she is the Head Referee and that list should be presented to the meet director for his/her approval.

129)TRUE FALSE: Under Armor shirts are allowed as long as the sleeves are above the elbow.

130)TRUE FALSE: A lifter starts his lift before he receives the command to lift. He may immediate redo the lift as long as he has time remaining.

131)TRUE FALSE: The Plates should be placed in order in the plate racks so the audience and referees can determine if the bar is mis-loaded.

132)TRUE FALSE: Lifters have 1 minute after their lift is completed to turn in their next attempt to the scorekeeper.

133)TRUE FALSE: It is the responsibility of each Referee to position themselves in the best position around the lifter to view the lift being performed.

134)TRUE FALSE: Any NASA Referee who publically criticizes a fellow NASA Referee may lose his/her Referee status in NASA.

135)TRUE FALSE: Lifters who use profanity on the platform should be warned by the Referees.

136)TRUE FALSE: Throwing belts and other objects may result in expulsion from the meet and all records forfeited.

137)TRUE FALSE: The PRESS command for the Bench Press should be given IMEDIATELY when the bar comes to a complete stop.

138)TRUE FALSE: Standing on your toes during the actual performance of the Bench Press is acceptable.