CPT Practical – Homework 2
: / 1. What physical status modifier should coders append to describe a patient with a severe systemic disease?: / 2. What add-on code should you report in addition to the code for the primary anesthesia procedure to describe anesthesia complicated by utilization of total body hypothermia?
: / 3. What code should you report for anesthesia for open procedures involving the hip joint; total hip arthroplasty?
: / 4. What code should you report for anesthesia for all open procedures on upper ends of the tibia, fibula, and/or patella?
: / 5. What code should you report for anesthesia for all closed procedures on the radius, ulna, wrist, or hand bones?
1. Application of long leg cast
2. Surgical arthroscopy of the knee
3. Open treatment of a dislocated hip joint
4. Intermediate repair of a 2.8cm wound on the lower left arm
5. Percutaneous needle biopsy of a right breast lump
1. Radiologic examination, ankle, two views
2. Radiologic examination of the eye for foreign body
3. MRI of the neck, with contrast
4. Supervision and interpretation of angiography, spinal artery, selective Report the radiology service only.
5. Bilateral mammography screening
6. Transrectal ultrasound
7. Computed tomography of the thoracic spine, without contrast
8. Complete unilateral hip x-ray, two views
1. List the appropriate code(s) for reporting a laboratory panel that includes the following tests: calcium (total), carbon dioxide, chloride, creatinine, glucose, potassium, sodium, and urea nitrogen (BUN)
2. A sigmoid colon is sent to the pathologist intraoperatively for immediate diagnosis. The pathologist examines the specimen and renders an intraoperative pathological diagnosis without subjecting any of the tissue to microscopic axamination. How would the pathologist's intraoperative service be coded?
3. Assign appropriate code(s) for dipstick urinalysis (nonautomated) with microscopy.
4. Three endocscopic biopsies are submitted for a colonoscopy. Each is in a separate container that is identified as to origin (hepatic flexure, descending colon, and rectum). Assign the appropriate surgical pathology code.
5. List the appropriate code(s) for reporting a laboratory panel that includes the following tests: carbon dioxide, chloride, potassium, and sodium.
6. CPK (total)
7. Troponin, quantitative
8. Lipid Panel
A dialysis patient on a four-dose schedule is given 40 µg of Hepatitis B vaccine, administered in a single intramuscular injection
Subcutaneous administration of the conjugate measles, mumps, and rubella virus vaccine, live.