(Union, Morris, Essex County Swim Teams)
TO: All Swim Coaches and Athletic Directors
FROM: Donna Gelegonya, Meet Director
Re: U & ME Invitational Swim meet
Friday, January 13th, 2017 (Girls & Boys “A” meet)
Warm-ups: 3:00 pm Coaches Meeting: 4:00 pm Meet Start: 4:00 pm
Saturday, January 21st, 2016 (Boys & Girls “B” meet)
Boys/Girls Warm-ups: 12:30 pm Coaches Meeting 1:30 pm Meet Start 2:00 pm
Entries: This year Morristown High School will offer both an A and B Invitational swim meet. This will give your swimmers another opportunity to compete against swimmers of similar ability. Only swimmers with times equal to or better than the entry times are eligible for the "A" Invitational meet. Any swimmer may complete in the "B" Invitational meet. However, a swimmer may only enter one meet.
All entries must be submitted on HY-TECH format by Monday
January 9th, for the "A" meet and Tuesday, January 17th, for the "B"
Meet. Entries should be submitted on HY-TECK format, if problems arise call Donna Gelegonya for help. Entries must be received by 8:00 p.m...
Deck entries and changes will not be permitted after that time.
Email to:
** You will also need a Certificate of Insurance
Entry Fees: "A" meet: $250 ($125 boys or girls only teams)
"B" meet: $200 per school ($100 boy or girls only)
SCHOOLS ATTENDING BOTH THE “A” & “B” meets discounted entry fee $400
(Boys and Girls only teams $200) Checks payable to: Morristown Swim Boosters
Schools submitting only a few entries because they do not have an Interscholastic team $30 per participant.
Seeding: Use only Meter times when submitting Entry Times!!!!!!!!!
Events: The order of events will be according to the NJSIAA, and High School
Federation rules will be in effect. There will be two 10 minute breaks in
the meet for additional warm-up; one after the 50 meter freestyle and other after the
400 freestyle events.
Cut off Times:
Women Event Men
2:54.80 200 Free 2:45.36
3:09.48 200 IM 2:59.20
32.93 50 Free 31.85
1:33.49 100 Butterfly 1:26.00
1:15.67 100 Free 1:08.16
6:05.00 400 Free 5:50.32
1:26.60 100 Back 1:23.32
1:36.18 100 Breast 1:32.10
*** No Cut Off Times for Relays ***
Individual Entries: Teams will be able to submit four individuals per event in each
Meet. Individuals will be allowed to enter a maximum of four events (two
Individual and two relays, one individual and three relays). Alternates
must be listed on the entry card. Teams may enter one relay event in each meet.
** B meet ** Teams are limited to two 400 free entries and you may
enter as many as six 50 free entries. The 100 IM will replace the 200 IM.
*** Teams MAY ENTER 2 Relays Per Event
Scoring: Team Scoring will occur in the "A" MEET Only.
The same guidelines established for the state competition will be followed
to score the U & ME Invitational Swimming "A" Championships. Teams
must enter the division they have been swimming during the season. All
girls will swim in the girl’s events, and all boys will swim in the boys
events. Team points will be awarded according to individual place results. Move up scoring will only occur when a non-point scoring swimmer, defined as a swimmer affiliated with school that doesn't compete during the dual meet season, has placed in the top twelve.
Note: 12 places will be scored for each event in each division.
Individual Events: 16-13-12-11-10-9-7-5-4-3-2-1
Double points for relays
Note: All places in each event will be awarded on a time basis.
Awards: In the "A" MEET: trophies will be awarded for the first and second place teams. Medals for first through sixth
In the "B" MEET: ribbons will be awarded for first through sixth
Coaches/Advisors: Must be present at the meet and attend the coaches meeting.
Any coach or advisor who leaves prior to the end of the meet, your
Swimmers will be disqualified. All coaches/advisors are requested to
supply a minimum of two back-up timers one for each meet.
Locker Rooms: The physical education locker rooms will be used for changing. Please advise all swimmers not to leave money or valuables
in the locker room. The Morris School District is not responsible for lost articles.
Eligibility: All swimmers must meet NJSIAA requirements. Only those individuals who have participated on a team with an interscholastic meet schedule will be able to compete for the Team Championships. Individuals from schools with do not compete on an interscholastic basis are eligible to enter but will not score points.
Admission: Adults: $4.00 Students: $2.00
Refreshments will be sold at the meet.
**** E-mail address: PLEASE, USE THIS NEW EMAIL ADDRESS!!!!
If you run into any difficulties submitting HY-TECH ENTRIES call me at Morristown High School 292-2000 ext: 2156 or (908) 319-0037
****** Please send a team Photo to put up on our electronic scoreboard *******