Energy conversions and Types of energy

A WebQuest for 8th Grade (Energy conversions and Types of energy)
Designed by Breona Lawrence
Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Credits | Teacher Page


In this web quest you will develop comprehension and research skills. This web quest pertains to everything from energy conversions to types of energy. Hope you enjoyJ.


Describe crisply and clearly what the end result of the learners' activities will be. The task could be a:
·  You are a survivor of a radiation accident. Everyone is dead in your city. Write a letter to the federal government explaining the power of nuclear energy and all the effects of the damage.
·  Create a brochure explaining the law of conservation, who created this law, and if were to change the law to fit society 1 million years from now what would you change.
·  Complete a crossword on electrical energy.
·  You have been frozen for 1 thousand years. All of a sudden you land on a nice, sunny island. You start to thaw out. Draw a picture and label the direction of the heat rays and waves.
·  Measure the speed of elastic potential energy using a rubber band and a stopwatch.
·  Create a Venn diagram giving the similarities and differences of potential and kinetic energy.
·  Pretend you’re a type of instrument; write a short narrative poem on your functions.


To accomplish the task, what steps should the learners go through? Describing this section well will help other teachers to see how your lesson flows and how they might adapt it for their own use, so the more detail and care you put into this, the better.
1.  Go to the following sites for the first task
2.  To help create your brochure go to the following:
3.  Play a review on electrical energy and get your score
4.  For task 4 refer to your science book in chapter 10 section 2
5.  For task 5 go to in studrive and click on carrier, next go to web quests and click on elastic potential energy record sheet. Make sure to get teacher’s signature
6.  Create a flow table chart on word. Go to insert and click diagram and then click on the outline of venn diagram
7.  The last task is to research your favorite instrument then write a creative narrative poem. Add graphics


Describe to the learners how their performance will be evaluated. Specify whether there will be a common grade for group work vs. individual grades. You may want to have separate rubrics for individual and group work.
1 / Developing
2 / Accomplished
3 / Exemplary
4 / Score
Letter / Letter was not complete. Lacked main idea and didn’t grasp the reader’s attention. / Letter was incomplete. Had main idea but didn’t grasp the reader’s attention. / Letter was well drafted. Main idea was clear. Knows the audience their writing to. / Letter was splendid. Main idea was
splendid as well. Loved it!!
Brochure / Brochure was not creative. Did not have relative information. / Brochure was not creative, but had some information / Brochure was creative. Had most of the information asked. / Brochure was very creative. Had all of the information. With graphics
Drawing / Lack of color.
Didn’t show full description of the heat waves / Some color. Showed half of the description. / Showed color. Gave information on the heat waves / Showed different, creative color. Gave more information than needed
Poem / Incomplete. / Half- way done. / Very creative. Showed functions. / Good job! You really know how to write poetry


You have learned many things in this web quest. Hope you enjoyed it.

Credits & References

Include a link back to The WebQuest Page and the Design Patterns page so that others can acquire the latest version of this template and training materials.
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