Course Code: CS201 (BT)

Course Basic Computation & Principles of Computer Programming

Contacts: 4


To understand this course, the student must have idea of:

§  Computer fundamentals

§  Principles of programming language using C


Fundamentals of Computer:

History of Computer, Generation of Computer, Classification of Computers.

Basic Anatomy of Computer System, Primary & Secondary Memory, Processing Unit, Input & Output Devices. Binary & Allied number systems representation of signed and unsigned numbers. BCD, ASII.

Binary Arithmetic & logic gates. Assembly language, high level language, compiler and assembler (basic concepts).

Basic concepts of operating systems like MS DOS, MS WINDOW, UNIX, Algorithm & flow chart

C Fundamentals:

The C character set identifiers and keywords, data type & sizes, variable names, declaration, statements.

Operators & Expressions:

Arithmetic operators, relational and logical operators, type, conversion, increment and decrement

operators, bit wise operators, assignment operators and expressions, precedence and order of evaluation.

Input and Output: Standard input and output, formatted output -- printf, formatted input scanf.

Flow of Control:

Statement and blocks, if - else, switch, loops - while, for do while, break and continue, go to and labels.

Fundamentals and Program Structures:

Basic of functions, function types, functions returning values, functions not returning values, auto, external, static and register variables, scope rules, recursion, function prototypes, C preprocessor, command line arguments.

Arrays and Pointers:

One dimensional arrays, pointers and functions, multidimensional arrays.

Structures Union and Files:

Basic of structures, structures and functions, arrays of structures, bit fields, formatted and unformatted files.


CS201 (BT).I Distinguish the difference between Bit, Byte, & Digits. Describe Memory Hierarchy.

CS201 (BT).II Identify the need for programming language and outline the distinguishing features and advantages of C programming.

CS201 (BT).III Describe the scope of pointer of pointers. Build the graphics program using C.

Lecture Plan:

Cl. No. / Date / Topics / Remarks
1 & 2 / 18/1/2016
20/12016 / Fundamentals of Computer:
History of Computer, Generation of Computer, Classification of Computers
3 & 4 / 22/1/2016
02/2/2016 / Basic Anatomy of Computer System, Primary & Secondary Memory, Processing Unit, Input & Output
5 & 6 / 03/2/2016
04/2/2016 / Binary & Allied number systems representation of signed and unsigned numbers. BCD, ASII. Binary Arithmetic & logic gates
7 / 05/2/2016 / Assembly language, high level language, compiler and assembler (basic concepts)
8 / 18/2/2016 / Basic concepts of operating systems like MS DOS, MS WINDOW, UNIX, Algorithm & flow chart
9 & 10 / 19/2/2016
23/2/2016 / C Fundamentals:
The C character set identifiers and keywords, data type & sizes, variable names, declaration, statements
11 & 12 & 13 / 24/2/2016
26/2/2016 / Operators & Expressions:
Arithmetic operators, relational and logical operators, type, conversion, increment and decrement operators, bit wise operators, assignment operators and expressions, precedence and order of evaluation.
14 / 01/3/2016 / Input and Output: Standard input and
output, formatted output -- printf, formatted input scanf.
15 16 & 17 / 02/3/2016
04/3/2016 / Flow of Control:
Statement and blocks, if - else, switch, loops - while, for do while, break and continue, go to and labels
18, 19& 20 / 15/3/2016
17/3/2016 / Fundamentals and Program Structures:
Basic of functions, function types, functions returning values, functions not returning values, auto, external, static and register variables, scope rules, recursion, function prototypes
21 / 18/3/2016 / Concepts of C preprocessor and command line arguments.
22 / 29/3/2016 / Arrays and Pointers: Use of One dimensional arrays
23 & 24 / 30/3/2016
31/3/2016 / Basic concept of Pointers and illustrate the use pointer in functions.
25 & 26 / 01/4/2016
05/4/016 / Difference between single and multidimensional array and their advantages. Notation to use the multidimensional array.
27 &28 / 06/4/2016
07/4/2016 / Structures Union and Files: Basic of structures, structures and functions, arrays of structures, bit fields, formatted and unformatted files.
29 / 8/4/2016 / Distinguish the difference between Bit, Byte, & Digits. Describe Memory Hierarchy. / This topic is beyond the syllabus
30 / 12/4/2016 / Identify the need for programming language and outline the distinguishing features and advantages of C programming. / This topic is beyond the syllabus
31 & 32 & / 19/4/2016
20/4/2016 / Describe the scope of pointer of pointers. / This topic is beyond the syllabus
33 & 34 / 21/4/ 2016
22/4/2016 / Build the graphics program using C. / This topic is beyond the syllabus

Recommended Books:

1.  E. Balagurusamy,TMH - Introduction To Computing (TMH WBUT Series)

2.  Kerninghan, B.W. - The Elements of Programming Style

3.  Yourdon, E. - Techniques of Program Structures and Design

4.  Schied F.S. - Theory and Problems of Computers and Programming

5.  Gottfried - Programming with C (Schaum)

6.  Kerninghan B.W. & Ritchie D.M. - The C Programming Language

7.  Rajaraman V. - Fundamental of Computers

8.  Balaguruswamy - Programming in C

9. Kanetkar Y. - Let us C

10. M.M.Oka - Computer Fundamentals (EPH)

Subject Teacher:
