1.Furball date – Sue needs to book asap
a.Martin luther king weekend sat jan 19
a.Elissa Mopper
b.Allie Mosel
c.Chrystal Lora
a.Committee chairs: almost all spots filled
b.New committee? Adding “communications” to community service?
i.No new committee
ii.Joshua project added to community service
iii.distribution of delegate stuff (which can’t go into women’s bathrooms)
c.Date for committee chair lunch-in
i.May 7th in VLH
4.Upcoming events
a.General meeting next Monday – 4/30
b.Product Day – 5/2 from 12-3pm
c.Spring festival – Sunday 5/6
d.Still haven’t decided on a date for the End of Year BBQ- fri 18 after 1st year exam
5.Ideas to improve SCAVMA percentages – Are we dead set on adding membership fees to tuition?
a.Can’t do auto charge (bursor says it’s too complicated to do opt out)
b.$1000/incentives to any class that has 95% registered
c.4 year registration option
i.Ask David how they do 4 yrs VBMA program registration- Caroline
ii.Secretary could be in charge of excel sheet with student info and coordinate signing
d.Yes to the idea of Pay 3 years and get the 4th year free
e.Scrap syllabi. What should we use instead? Café or SCAVMA store gift cards?
i.$25 gift toward one or the other (give it every year)
f.Should we be in the survival guide or ask BB to send out the SCAVMA brochure with the survival guide? Would that be too overwhelming?
g.Total reimbursement for a student
i.Gift card ($25)
ii.First Fridays ($80)
iii.Club Fair ($10)
iv.Symposium fee/hotel ($150)
v.Prof dev meetings ($80)
vi.Furball ($20)
vii.Travel grant
viii.Reduced subscription rates for journals
ix.Free subscription to NOAH internet access from Purina + AVMA ($120)
x.SCAVMA pays IVSA dues
6.Funding clubs
a.Last year we gave
i.$5/SCAVMA member
ii.$$ for donating to the auction (50)
iii.The club with the highest priced basket at auction received ½ the profit
iv.$$ for having a booth at Open House (50)
v.being a club (50)
7.Summer projects – we should each pick 1 or 2
i.any ideas to improve it?
ii.We need to add the total value of the membership to the brochure
iii.V15s need to update it over the summer
b.Need to work on organizing all of the “good standing” members
i.Very disorganized and currently anyone who is a senior gets the PLIT/AVMA benefits
ii.In future be more diligent
c.Compiling and revising SOPs for committees
i.Many do not have SOPs and some are very disorganized
d.Update club officers and company reps
i.Email BB (Erika)
e.Revamp the website
i.Put store online? no
ii.New pictures!!!
i.Who is consolidating all of these? Erin and ?
ii.Due sept 1st
iii.Example on website
g.SCAVMA logo contest (I forgot!)
i.Over summer, due sept 1
ii.$50 gift to SCAVMA store
h.Plan for fall auction
i.Let’s split up big items
ii.Try to get at least 3 items this summer
iii.I have a letter than you can take with you
a.Dog wash (typically Pres-Elect and Jr Delegate in charge)
i.Plan for the Sunday before classes begin
ii.Community Service, Public Relations and Social committee heads are involved in planning
iii.Hoses, kiddie pools, misc. supplies in closet in Loew
iv.Can get DermaPet to donate shampoo
b.Fall BBQ (again, Pres-elect in charge)
i.In beginning of August
1.Recruit clubs/student reps to be at the BBQ
2.Work with facilities to get tables/supplies
ii.Have the Social Committee Heads get food/drinks
iii.Treasurer: close contact with social committee chairs to budget them (how much? $500?)
9.Next fall
a.V16 rep: should we instate someone in August?
i.After class elections
i.Aug 25
ii.Who can attend?
iii.What should we sponsor or do for them?
10.Fundraising Ideas
a.Care Packages for Finals?
i.Too much work for this year, maybe next fall
b.Haunted Hay Rides?
11.Need to distribute travel grant awards
a.Jennifer Boyd
b.Alison Borek
c.Monika Burns
d.Heather Crispell
e.Taylor Goldberg
f.Jana Mazor-Thomas
g.Shannon McCook
h.Lori Newman
i.Samantha Schenck
j.Casey Tucker
12.Erin - Keurig in HLH
a.Sold 25
b.Theft rate 10%
c.Sell back big machine and get smaller one
d.Wait to decrease the price
i.Waiting to talk with Kate
ii.They have some account where all the money goes
iii.$3000 earned so far
i.Email Dawn about Travis fund: writing the check and how much
ii.Store= profit!!!
a.Revamped the SCAVMA board in HLH (YAY!!!)
b.New "What is SCAVMA?" board: need to printed out and put on the SCAVMA board
15.Poster – hopefully I didn’t forget it…
Should this be our last meeting or should we hold another one after finals? Another one after finals with ice cream