Leytonstone Youth Cafe Community Initiative

Youth Work Coordinator – Overview of Job

JOB TITLE / Youth Work Coordinator
SALARY / £25,000 (or £12.78 / hour)
+ Pension at 3% (£750 per year)
HOURS / 37.5 hours a week inclusive of regular evening and weekend work.
CONTRACT LENGTH / One to three years subject to funding.
Inclusive of three months probationary period. Possibility of extension.
RESPONSIBLE TO / Line manager - Alison Mackay
RESPONSIBLE FOR / Teams of volunteers (with assistance from trustees).
FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITIES / Small project budgeting with trustees and recording petty cash flow.
Key Responsibilities / Your responsibilities for Leytonstone Youth Café Community Initiative (LYCCI) include
·  Managing the Friday evening Drop in sessions for 11-18’s
·  Coordinating “Up-Grade” a 2 month programme to support young people revising for exams
·  Coordinating summer programmes looking at employment and developing skills
·  Coordinating Date Debate looking at relationships
There is also a subcontract agreement in place for this position so up to 75% of your hours will be spent working for Leytonstone United Free Church (LUFC) where your responsibilities will include.
·  Supporting the existing Girls Brigade company and holiday clubs
·  Working with church leadership to ensure children and young people are provided for and included in the life of the church
·  Initiating new opportunities for children and young people
Responsibilities shared between both organisations
·  Running sessions in local schools and colleges
·  Befriending and supporting young people as a professional and role model
·  Building relationships with other local groups
It is envisaged that your responsibilities with LYCCI will grow subject to further funding

Your Employer About LYCCI

Leytonstone Youth Café Community Initiative (LYCCI) is a charity which was started by LUFC and maintains a close link with the church; however, LYCCI is not a Christian organisation. The activities do not include any proselytising, the volunteers come from many different religious backgrounds and the sessions are open to any young person who lives, attends school in or socialises in the Leytonstone area. Friday drop-in sessions are run in partnership with the local council and offer a safe place for teenagers to socialise, play games and relax. They take place on a bus near to Leytonstone tube station.

Other programmes and activities are designed to provide opportunities for young people to learn and develop. Current programmes with funding include:

·  ‘Up Grade’ exam revision sessions,

·  ‘Handy Man Can’ a two week summer project to develop young people’s work skills and give them an insight into employment

·  ‘Date Debate’ a programme exploring issues around relationships

·  A summer residential

There are opportunities to develop further projects looking at health and fitness, drama, music or mentoring as well as social trips and activities.

Your Subcontractor About LUFC

Leytonstone United Free Church (LUFC) is a joint Baptist and United Reformed Church in East London. We are a diverse congregation with a weekly congregation of about 100. We have a heart for our community which is lived out through our involvement with organisations such as Branches Night Shelter, The Churches Night Shelter, Credit Union and the Youth Café. We are an Eco Congregation.

Children and Young People are an important part of church life. There is a core group of about 15 teenagers who regularly attend worship as well as about 7 younger children although there are others on the fringes. Regular youth work includes an Easter Holiday Club for primary age pupils, a weekly Baby Space for parents and toddlers and a Girls’ Brigade Company with about 30 regular girls in weekly attendance aged 5 - 16.

There are opportunities to develop further projects such as youth Bible Study, social trips and activities, Boys’ Brigade or a boys group, and mentoring sessions.

Youth Work Coordinator – Project Summary

Further details for specific sessions or projects within this job description:

Friday Youth Café Sessions 7-10pm (LYCCI)

·  To manage the youth drop in sessions as a fun, safe place for secondary and sixth form aged young people to hang out. Establishing a rapport with the young people, identifying areas where they need extra support or challenging and arranging relevant speakers and workshops in response to the needs identified.

Tuesday Up-Grade 7-9pm (April-May) (LYCCI)

·  To coordinate exam revision sessions for those studying SATS, GCSE, A Levels or equivalent qualifications

·  To book appropriate tutors to support young people

Monday - Friday Employment & Skills 9am-5pm (July) (LYCCI)

·  To coordinate a two week team task based programme where participants gain skills in different work fields

·  To work with local businesses to set appropriate tasks. To recruit young people

·  To introduce and facilitate sessions.

Sessions in local schools (LUFC & LYCCI)

·  Assisting school through assemblies, after school or lunch clubs, and lessons as appropriate. These sessions will complement the schools and the pupils needs but will also provide an opportunity to advertise the programs available through LUFC and LYCCI to a wide group of children and young people.

·  These schools could include:

LYCCI: 55 Wallwood Road, Leytonstone, E11 1AY. Company No: 6725087. Charity No: 1129444 Page 8 of 8

Leytonstone Youth Cafe Community Initiative

o  Buxton All Through School

o  Connaught School for Girls

o  Leytonstone School

o  Norlington Boys School

o  Barclay Primary School

o  George Tomlinson Primary School

o  Gwyn Jones Primary School

o  Leyton Sixth Form College

LYCCI: 55 Wallwood Road, Leytonstone, E11 1AY. Company No: 6725087. Charity No: 1129444 Page 8 of 8

Leytonstone Youth Cafe Community Initiative

Innovative New Projects (LUFC & LYCCI)

·  To work with young people to identify areas for new projects or activities and work with others to develop these ideas, and subject to funding and resources, to launch and maintain the new opportunities.

Projects associated with LUFC the subcontractor will include:

Wednesday Girls Brigade 6-9pm (LUFC)

·  To assist the Joint Captains to plan activities. To lead sessions and help girls working on badges and offer other support as requires.

Holiday Clubs between 9am-12pm (Easter Holiday) (LUFC)

·  To plan, coordinate and head at least one annual themed children’s holiday clubs throughout the year including a fun focus on Christian morals and stories.

Intergenerational focus for Existing Church Events (LUFC)

·  To work alongside church leadership to ensure that all church events cater for the needs of children, young people and families by providing age appropriate activities, e.g.:

o  Fellowship events such as Church Retreat, Holidays, Quiz Nights etc.

o  Spiritual events including Sunday Worship, Bible studies and House Groups

o  Social Action events such as Eco Group, work with homeless etc.

Youth Work Coordinator – Project Summary (Continued)

The below chart gives an indication of how much of your time may be spent on each project in a year. The hours for LYCCI are as agreed with the funders so flexibility is limited but hours on LUFC projects may be less rigid subject to agreement with your line manager and subject to the terms in the subcontracting agreement.

LYCCI continues to submit funding applications so it is envisaged that more or possibly all of the hours of this contract will eventually be assigned to LYCCI projects.

Youth Work Coordinator – Job Description


·  Create a safe environment for all and work with other staff and volunteers to minimise incidents of bullying, harassment and violence.

·  Develop, plan and deliver innovative in-house services to meet the needs of the participants. This will include arranging relevant speakers and workshops for the different groups (particularly GB and LYCCI).

·  Liaise with the Participant Focus Groups and subcommittees in the planning, delivery and evaluation of ongoing services and provisions.

·  To ensure all projects are delivered on time and within budget

·  Assist in the preparation of reports on project matters including information regarding monitoring the usage of the sessions by each group, development work and participant involvement.

·  Report back giving monthly feedback and progress updates regarding the participants, programme, resources and venue requirements.

·  Liaising with other education or service providers to ensure there is not a duplication or gap in service provision and to advertise our programmes and activities to a wide range of local residents.

·  Raising the profile of the programmes and activities at key community events and networking forums.

·  To ensure the sessions conform to the aims of organisation and works within the Policies and constitutions of each organisation and their funders.

Children and Youth Work

·  To encourage and support children and young people to achieve their potential including coordinating appropriate interventions to tackle any issues they are facing and to help them grow in confidence & self esteem

·  To welcome new children and young people and inform them of current programmes

·  To prevent and defuse conflicts between children and young people

·  Champion the views of children and young people for changes within, the sessions, the organisation(s) or the wider community


·  Treating all the volunteers with respect and courtesy while encouraging them to utilise their talents and skills within the sessions.

·  Collecting details for potential new volunteers and pass these onto the group coordinators.

·  Notifying the group coordinators of staff shortages at the sessions that arise due to volunteer absence.

·  Advising the group coordinators of any training or support that would benefit the volunteers.

·  To manage and supervise volunteers working within the sessions. This will include recording expenses claims and other operational information for any volunteers where appropriate.

·  Assisting with volunteer recruitment, induction, appraisals, supervision and disciplinarians as requested by the volunteer coordinator.


·  To establish, build on and maintain close relationships with key stake holders including other local faith groups and charities – particularly the Leytonstone Muslim Community Centre and Worth Unlimited. Other partnerships will include Waltham Forest Youth Service, the Leytonstone Business Forum, local schools, local residents associations, the safer neighbourhood team and the local education provider.

·  Develop inter-generational dialogue to bridge the gap between young people and adults in the organisations and wider community

Youth Work Coordinator – Job Description (Continued)

Key Roles and Responsibilities

·  Acting as a designated Safeguarding Coordinator during sessions and reporting to the safeguarding advisor, responding to any suspected or reported incidents of child abuse and referring this to the relevant authorities. Attending training and refresher courses on this issue.

·  Acting as a designated First Aider, ensuring the first aid equipment is available and adequately stocked in case of emergency. Administering first aid to any session user who is injured. Ensuring the accident book is logged appropriately.

·  Acting as a designated Health and Safety Coordinator during the sessions, ensuring there are appropriate risk assessments and that each of the groups you support have a practice fire drill once a year. Removing or minimising any inappropriate hazards or risks. Ensuring the incident book is logged appropriately.

·  Acting as a designated Data Protection Officer ensuring essential data is collected, stored, used and disposed of correctly.

·  Acting as a mentor and role model to the session participants and volunteer youth workers.


·  Identify areas which need additional funding - inform Management

·  Pass on information about any suitable funding streams you become aware of.

·  Support the participants to write funding applications for additional services within their projects.

·  Assist with monitoring for current funders


·  Regularly attending relevant training events.

·  To advise the Management on policy and procedures where any shortfalls are noticed.

·  Networking and liaising with members of the community and other service providers to share information and raise the profile of the sessions.

·  Administration accompanying role and other reasonable responsibilities.

·  Ensure the sessions are complying with government regulations and best practice guidelines.

Monitoring & Review

·  Fortnightly meeting with line manager

·  Submitting monthly report updates with your timesheet

·  Quarterly peer reviews with input from the three organisations, the young people, our partners and our volunteers

·  Six-monthly appraisal

Youth Work Coordinator – Person Specification

Education and Training

Essential / Desirable
• At least a Diploma in youth work or an equivalent national qualification validated by the National Youth Agency
• Child Protection training / • Managerial qualification
• Child Protection for nominated safeguarding officer and / or train the trainer
• Health and Safety training
• First Aid training
• Data protection training


Essential / Desirable
• Three years’ experience of working with children or young people or families, including experience of working with large groups
• Project and Volunteer management experience
• Demonstrable experience of advocating on behalf of children and young people
• Demonstrable experience of inspiring children and young people to secure their involvement in planning and decision making processes
• Experience of evaluating projects / • Experience of working in a charity
• Experience of strategic planning
• Experience of web design
• Experience of health and safety management
• Experience of networking across voluntary and statutory organisations, and working effectively with other professionals and agencies


Essential / Desirable
• Innovative problem solving skills
• An ability to support children and young people in developing their personal and social skills, through training and learning opportunities
• Strong communication, negotiation and influencing skills
• Strong organisational skills, including the ability to plan and prioritise own work and manage routine administrative tasks
• An ability to motivate and inspire a diverse group of people,
maintaining their commitment and participation
• Very good or fluent spoken and written English / • IT skills
• Knowledge of national initiatives related to children and youth work.
• Ability to manage a budget
• Report writing and analysis skills
• Coaching / mentoring skills
• Mediation skills
• Skills in drama, art, music or sport
• Advocacy skills

Personal Qualities