Americana Choice Board
Complete activities adding up to 75 points. You MUST select ONE ESSAY and one 25 point activity. If you want extra credit you may do another 25 point activity.
1920s and 1930s / Essay (50 pts)Write a 2 – 3 page essay explaining whether or not the term “Roaring 20s’ appropriately described the time period.
Essay Title
Times New Roman 12 font
Double Spaced
Underlined thesis
At least 5 paragraphs
typed / Advertising/Propaganda (25 pts)
Create a propaganda poster from WWI or a New Deal poster from the 1930s OR an advertisement poster displaying a new product of the 1920s
Explanation on the back describing the purpose
Blank paper or poster
Use color
Make it original/ Don’t just trace something / Create a PowerPoint/Prezi (25 pts)
Choose an entertainment star of the 1920s and make a PowerPoint or Prezi biography of their life. Minimum of 6 content related slides with pics)
· Examples include Louis Armstrong, Irving Berlin, Langston Hughes, Babe Ruth, Charlie Chaplin, Charles Lindbergh, Al Capone, Duke Ellington, Walt Disney, Al Jolson
1930s / Create a Standards Poster (25 points)
Create a museum display that covers the standard and elements of SSUSH18 (FDR and the New Deal)
· Visuals required for each element, hand drawn or clip art
· Notes can be in graphic organizer form, but must be detailed and cover all aspects of the elements.
· You can type things out and tape them to the poster / Essay (50 pts)
Write a 2 - 3 page essay detailing the causes of the Great Depression and/or the most successful responses to the Great Depression
Essay Title
Times New Roman 12 font
Double Spaced
Underlined thesis
At least 5 paragraphs
typed / 1920s/1930s Movie Analysis (25 pts)
Compare history vs Hollywood. Write a paper summarizing the plot and explaining which historical elements were portrayed correctly and incorrectly in the film.
Grapes of Wrath
Cinderella Man
It’s a Wonderful Life
Singin in the Rain
The Untouchables
Bonny and Clyde
Others can be watched with approval 1st
1940s / Music Video (25 pts)
Download music from the 1930s, or 40s and create a music video or silent film using PowerPoint or moviemaker. Save your FINALIZED product and bring it in on a flashdrive
Include lyrics or dialogue cards
Include at least 20 images if not live action
Organize video with the theme of the decade chosen / World War II TIMELINE (25 pts)
Create a Timeline on a poster or PPT with maps and annotations of WWII Events and battles
Include lend-lease program, Pearl Harbor, Battle of Midway, D-Day, the fall of Berlin, Manhattan project, Stalingrad, El Alamein, Battle of the Bulge, Iwo Jima, Okinawa, Battle of Britain, Internment Camps
Be sure to explain each one; Don’t just list them / Essay (50 pts)
Write a 2 - 3 page essay explaining how US entry into WWII impacted the home front
Essay Title
Times New Roman 12 font
Double Spaced
Underlined thesis
At least 5 paragraphs