Study Questions 5.01

Times New Roman and Arial are examples of

#] Typefaces.

Visual additions such as 3-D effects used to attract a reader's attention to specific text are called:

#] Enhancements.

Text sizes when using computer software are usually stated in

#] Points.

What voice commands should be used for the text below?

North Carolina

#] <bold that<cap that>

The text below is an example of what font effect?

Digital Communication Systems

#] Underline

Study Questions 5.02

What does the proofreading mark "#" mean?

#] Space is needed

Which sentence uses the word "hour" correctly?

#] We should earn one credit hour per class.

Which sentence uses the word "too" correctly?

#] I think I will go, too.

Spell checkers are helpful in locating:

#] Misspelling of words

The phrase below has what kind of misstroke?

at the Fifth avenue deli

#] Capitalization

When editing a document electronically, cutting text to place it some other place in the document temporarily stores the text on the:

#] Clipboard.

What helpful software feature underlines unknown words with a red line?

#] Spell checker

What voice command is used to quickly erase the last word or continuous phrase spoken?

#] Scratch that

What helpful software feature marks errors with a green underline?

#] Grammar check

Study Questions 5.03

Which statement is true concerning the OPEN punctuation style in letters?

#] Punctuation marks are omitted after the salutation and complimentary close.

What type of spacing is required between the last line of the body of the letter and the complimentary close if there is no company name in the closing lines?

#] Double

Which statement is TRUE concerning the personal-business letter?

#] The return address appears just above the date.

When punctuation marks are omitted in opening and closing lines of a letter, the punctuation STYLE is called:

#] Open.

What formatting style is used when the dateline and the closing lines in a letter begin at the center point of the paper?

#] Modified block

The signature on a letter is handwritten directly above the:

#] Writer's type name.

What type of spacing is used between the letter address and the salutation?

#] Double

The paragraphs in a modified block style letter may be:

#] Either indented or blocked.

The type of spacing used between the complimentary close and the keyed signature is:

#] Quadruple.

In a modified block letter, the dateline:

#] Begins at the center point.

What type of spacing is used in the body of a letter?

#] Single

An orphan is the:

#] First line of the paragraph at the bottom of the page by itself.

The second page of a two-page letter begins with a/the:

#] Heading.

The type of paper used for the second page of a letter is what quality?

#] Plain stationery

The subject line of a letter is located between the:

#] Salutation and the body.

The autotext feature of software can be used to insert the:

#] Attention line.

Mailing notations on a letter are keyed a double space below the:

#] Date in all caps.

Key reference initials for a business letter:

#] A double space below the writer’s typed title.

What indicates someone other than the writer keys the letter?

#] Reference initials

What is an optional message added to a letter as the last item on the page?

#] Postscript notation

Which of the following is a mailing notation?

#] Registered

Envelopes are keyed

#] Single spaced

Certified mail is an example of a:

#] Mailing notation

On an envelope the word “Confidential” is an example of:

#] Addressee or handling notation

Which may be preprinted on the envelope?

#] Sender's return address

Reference initials are typed in:

#] Lower case.

Study Questions 5.04

What spacing is used between the "reference initials" and the "attachment" notation of a formal memorandum?

#] Double

The side margins for a memorandum are how many inches?

#] 1

The spacing used between the body of a memo and reference initials is:

#] Double.

What is the spacing within paragraphs of a memo?

#] Single

A document that accompanies a memo or letter is referred to as a/an:

#] Attachment.

An email heading may also include a/an:

#] Copy notation.

Study Questions 5.05

Which statement is TRUE regarding the title page of a report?

#] Should be centered horizontally and vertically

Endnotes are keyed:

#] On a separate page at the end of the report.

When an academic report has a heading keyed at the top left margin on the first page of the report:

#] A title page is not necessary

The top margin of an outline should be keyed how many inches from the top of the page?

#] 2 or vertically centered on the page

An ellipsis is used in quoted material in a report to show a/an:

#] Omission of words, phrases or paragraphs

What kind of protection prevents leaving the FIRST LINE of a paragraph on the BOTTOM LINE of a page?

#] Orphan

The right margin of a leftbound report is how many inches?

#] 1

What is the correct spacing of main entries or headings (shown with Roman numerals) in an outline?

#] Double

The correct order of each source in a bibliography is:

#] Author’s name, title of source, and publication date

All numbers of the second and succeeding pages of an unbound report:

#] Are aligned at the right margin

What type of spacing precedes and follows a long quotation in an academic report?

#] Double

The table of contents lists:

#] Paragraph and side headings

All entries in a bibliography are listed:

#] Alphabetically by author surname.

What spacing follows the title of a bound business report?

#] Quadruple

What spacing should be used within individual endnotes?

#] Single

In the body of a report enumerated items should:

#] Be single-spaced with a double space between items.

Study Questions 5.06

What is the correct spacing of the lower portion of an invoice that contains a list of items ordered?

#] Single-spaced with a double space between items

The caption “5/10, n/30” on an invoice means:

#] A 5% discount is given if paid within 10 days, but the net (total amount—no discounts) is due within 30 days of the invoice date if the invoice is not paid within the discount period

What section of a purchase reflects the cost per item being ordered?

#] Unit cost

What information should a job applicant NOT prepare to provide?

#] Age and health

What is an important number to have available when filling out an application form?

#] Social Security

When should a person list education before work experience on a resume?

#] Have little work experience

Good sources of references for a resume do NOT include:

#] Relatives

When completing a job application, the applicant should:

#] Print neatly in blue or black ink

Study Questions 5.07

The appropriate tab settings to use for formatting tables and setting tabs are:

#] Dependent upon the column data.

The column headings in a table should be keyed in:

#] Initial caps (major words begin with a cap).

Column headings are recommended for use in tables because they provide:

#] A description of the table body.

What is the correct spacing within a multiple-line column heading in a table?

#] Single

What kind of heading helps to identify the data in the body of a table?

#] Column

What kind of spacing follows the column headings of a table?

#] Double

What is the correct spacing between the subtitle and column headings?

#] Double

Column headings and data that begin at a left tab stop in a table are:

#] Blocked.

A subtitle in a table should be keyed in:

#] Initial caps (major words begin with a cap).

When formatting a multiple-line column heading:

#] Align the last lines of each column heading on the same line.

Study Questions 5.08

The MOST efficient method to horizontally center a line of text is to:

#] Use the automatic centering feature of your software.

When keying minutes, the organization’s name should be keyed how many inches from the top?

#] 1

What is the summary of the events and business conducted during a meeting?

#] Minutes

The descriptive information in an agenda should be keyed:

#] In the second column.

A list including dates, times, schedules, lodging, and method of travel is called a/an:

#] Itinerary.

What document includes the order of topics to be covered at a meeting and the individuals responsible for each topic?

#] Agenda

What visual additions attract a reader’s attention to specific text?

#] Enhancements

What type of spacing should be used after the date information in an itinerary?

#] Double

Vertical centering has:

#] Equal top and bottom margins.

Side headings of minutes should be keyed in:

#] All caps.

Study Questions 6.01

What procedure should be used if five columns of values need something added to each column without having to enter into the spreadsheet five different formulas?

#] Copy

A computer program that uses rows and columns of data to manage, predict, and present information is software called a:

#] Spreadsheet

A procedure or operation that is built into a spreadsheet program to perform shortcut calculations is called a:

#] Function

A simple mathematical equation that is used to calculate spreadsheet values is called a:

#] Formula

What should be entered into a spreadsheet to automatically add a column of 10 numbers?

#] Formula or function

Which mathematical operator represents subtraction?

#] -

Which software allows editing of a cell?

#] Spreadsheet

What is the direction of rows and columns in a spreadsheet?

#] Rows run horizontally and columns vertically.

Which is NOT a good use of a spreadsheet?

#] Recipe file

The cell address B6 represents:

#] Column B and Row 6

Text, symbols, dates, or numbers not used in calculations are called:

#] Labels

Equations with symbols for math operations such as + and - are called:

#] Formulas

When using a spreadsheet, the first part of a cell address identifies the location of a:

#] Column

A rectangular group of cells treated as a unit in a spreadsheet is a/an:

#] Range.

Which is an example of a cell address in a spreadsheet?

#] B9

The column letter followed by the row number is the:

#] Cell reference

Study Questions 6.02

To format a range of cells in a spreadsheet to the nearest cent, using currency, set the number of decimal places to:

#] Two.

The default alignment for labels on a spreadsheet is:

#] Left justification

What function is used to add a range of cells?

#] Sum

What procedure should be used to change the contents of a cell?

#] Edit the cell

In a spreadsheet, a user’s Social Security number is a:

#] Label

Which mathematical operator represents division in a spreadsheet formula?

#] /

In a spreadsheet, “=B3*C3” is a/an:

#] Formula

The default alignment for values in a spreadsheet is:

#] Right aligned

What is (A6:A10) in the formula? “=sum(A6:A10)”

#] Range

What key should be used to delete text that is to the immediate left of the cursor in a spreadsheet cell?

#] Backspace

Which spreadsheet format should be used to get the effect? “$167,389.69”

#] Currency

Study Questions 7.01

Which is NOT an example of a database at a hospital?

#] Hospital newsletter

Which could be set up as a database?

#] Coin collection

Column E in a database, used to enter student grades, should be formatted as what type of data?

#] Number

A record in a database is made up of a series of:

#] Fields

Which is NOT an advantage of using a database?

#] Easy to read text

In a database, a social security number should be formatted as what type of data?

#] Text

If calculations are going to be made in a database field, what type of field should be used?

#] Number

Which term is NOT related to computerized databases?

#] Rivers

Which field type would NOT be used for a database?

#] Table

The data in a field is a(n):

#] Entry

One row of data is a:

#] Record

What kind of software is used to organize large amounts of data?

#] Database management system

Study Questions 7.02

Jake’s Auto Sales has two databases. One database includes all the new vehicles and the other database includes all of the cars on the lot. To retrieve information from both databases in the same query identify the:

#] Key field

Mrs. Cauthorn needs to quickly locate all of the cosmetic customers in the city of Raleigh. Which database activity should she perform?

#] Filter

To filter a database for all FBLA members who are juniors and raised more than $100 in the fundraiser, which field or fields would be queried?

#] Class and Sales

When sorting a column of data, the second column to consider when arranging the data is the:

#] Secondary sort

If Brown’s Clothing is searching a database for all products costing more than $50.00, which mathematical operator should be used?


The process of arranging data in an A-Z order is:

#] Ascending

Which process is used to retrieve particular records with a certain set of conditions?

#] Filter/Query

Which symbol indicates that the data in a field is too long?

#] #

After planning a report from a database, what must be selected to include in the report?

#] Fields

How should the database be most efficiently searched to find all of the Grammy winners in the Alternative category since 1990?

#] Category =”Alternative”, Year >= “1990”

To make changes to an existing database, what should be done FIRST to the file?

#] Retrieve

When inputting data while viewing one record at a time, what view must be changed to see a full page of records?

#] List