Second Semester World History Honors Mr. Gronich

Protestant Reformation 1517 – 1577
Diet of Worms – held by Charles the V to get ML to recant his 95 thesis and subsequent writings
theocracy – Government controlled by religion
indulgences – fees paid to forgive sins and entry to heaven
Excommunicate – to be removed from the church and separated from god
Martin Luther – German Monk who would lead the Protestant Reformation
Wittenberg – Where ML had his parish and where Indulgences were being sold. Place where he nailed the 95 thesis to church door
95 Thesis – ML criticism of indulgences and the Catholic Church
Pope Leo X – created indulgence to pay for St. Peter’s Basilica
Protestant Reformation – a Movement started by ML against catholic church. Luther would reject teaching of Catholicism creating a schism thus creating a new branch of Christianity Protestantism
Peasant Revolt – Inspired by Luther standing up to the pope, Peasants lead a revolt against their lords for better economic conditions
Johannes Guttenberg – Invented the first movable type printing press. Published Luther’s thesis. First book his
Guttenberg Bible

1.  How Martin Luther efforts to reform the Catholic Church change European Society
people should read the bible. Creation of schools, break from the Catholic Church. Years of War

2.  Know the causes which lead to Luther’s’ posting of his 95 Thesis. The sale of indulgence as a ticket to heaven. .Johann Tetzel selling indulgences in Wittenberg damming the souls of those who would by them

3.  How did the printing press lead to the expansion of Luther’s popularity? His 95 thesis and writings against the Catholic church published in mass quantities spread throughout Europe

4.  How did Luther’s view of Faith differ from the Catholic Church?
By faith alone. A bible. Did not need a church, priests, sacraments, relics or pilgrimages

5.  Why did the pope excommunicate Luther and what his reaction?
Luther did not recant his criticism of the church. Luther no longer recognized the authority of the church.

6.  Know what the Diet of Worms was about, and what Luther meant by his quote “Here I stand for I can do no other.”
Brought by King Charles the V for Luther to recant and keep peace. Luther could not go against scripture.

7.  What would be the ideas Luther came up with for his church that differed from the Catholic Church?
Read the Bible, Do not need Priests, No sacraments or relics, No worship of saints, Schools needed for those to learn to read the bible
Elected local counsels

8.  What were the long term legacy of the Protestant Reformation
A split in churches
reading, and schools,
Puritans would come to America based on Luther’s teachings
explosion of knowledge based his and other works published with the printing press
Imperialism, and the Slave Trade

Columbian Exchange
Ferdinand Magellan
Middle Passage
Triangle Slave Trade

1.  How did the search for spices lead to global exploration? New routes to find routes to the East Indies lead to the discovery of the New World.

2.  What role did Italy and Muslims have in the spice trade in the Mediterranean in the early, middle 1400’s? Muslims traded spices with Italian city states allowing Italy and merchants to become very wealthy

3.  How did Europeans become introduced to spices from the East Indies? Spices were brought back to Europe during and after the Crusades. The Black Death stopped the Spice trade. Following the demand for spices grew again.

4.  How did Prince Henry demonstrate Renaissance ideas socially politically and economically in his explorations? Political – search for new Land (imperialism
Economic – search for gold, resources
Social – To convert slaves and others to Christianity
Intellectual – Used scientist and cartographers
Technological – astrolabe, Compass, Caravel

5.  What was the social political and economic conditions in Spain in 1492? Isabella and Ferdinand finally drove the Moors (Muslims) out of Spain. Spain captured the kingdom of Granada, the Moors´ last stronghold, in 1492. The Start of the Spanish Inquisition. Investigating usually by torture and death all non-Christian activities and practices. The Jewish diaspora (or simply the Diaspora; the expulsion of Jews from Spain in 1492 to rid Spain of non-Christian influence.

6.  What was the causes and effects of the Treaty of Tordesillas? Land dispute between Spain and Portugal. Pope Alexander 6th divides longitude giving port. Brazil and all east and Spain west of brazil and the New World

7.  How did the spice trade lead to imperialism? First Portugal then Spain followed by the English, French, and Dutch all sough land in the new world for political and economic power.

8.  How did Magellan’s circumnavigation of the world change the World View? Globalization and new imperialism occurs

Age of Absolutism

1.  Be able to define absolutism

2.  Where did absolute monarchs receive their authority to rule? What was this called?

3.  Why was Henry the V111 and Elizabeth 1st not considered an absolute monarchs?

4.  How did Henry the V111 use parliament compared to James 1st and Charles 1st?

5.  Who was the only non-royal to rule England? How did he come to power?

6.  How did Philip of Spain use religion politically to fight enemies? Who were his enemies?

7.  What was the purpose of royal marriage during the Age of Absolutism

8.  What was the difference between Mary Tudor of England and Catharine the Great when it came to religion?

9.  Where did rights of property and land come from during Absolutism

10.  How was Oliver Cromwell different from monarchs of his day

11.  What Religion was Oliver Cromwell and what issues did he have with the Church of England

12.  Why was the west more advanced than Russia?

13.  What did Peter the Great and Catherine the Great have in common in ruling Russia

14.  What were the purposes of Royal Palaces during the Age of Absolutism

15.  Politically why could these palaces not be built today
Enlightenment/Age of Reason
Natural law
laissez faire
Natural rights

16.  Why did Locke have a problem with the Devine Right of Kings concept?

17.  How did the Scientific Revolution influence the Enlightenment?

18.  Based on human nature how did Hobbes and Locke view the role of government?

19.  What is meant by the term Enlightenment and Natural Law?

20.  Give an example of enlightenment figures in science, government and economics

21.  How did Newton’s discoveries demonstrate natural or universal laws?

22.  How does Adam Smith Lazier Faire and the “free hand” of the Market show Natural law in economics?

23.  According to Lock, what are his principles of government?
On equality --
Where do rights come from?
What is the role of government?
How are governments created?
Under what circumstances should a government be abolished?

24.  Locke mentioned rights such as Life Liberty and Property, What did Jefferson mean by “Pursuit of Happiness?” How did this make America unique from all other countries?
What is the importance of the Magna Carta as an influence for enlightenment government?

25.  Know the views and works of the following Philosophes:
Voltaire Montesquieu
Hobbes Locke
Adam Smith
26. Why were women against the Philosophes? They were not included in such things as unalienable rights

French Revolution

French Revolution
Estates 1st 2nd 3rd

Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette
Minister Reckler

General Assembly
The Tennis Court Oath
National Assembly
The Bastille

Declaration of the Rights of Man and of The Citizen

Committee of Public Safety

The Reign of Terror
Guillotine (National Razor)
Goddess of Reason Festival of the Supreme Being
End of the Reign of Terror

Napoleonic Code
Napoleonic Wars
Napoleon's Exile and Defeat

Industrial Revolution Study Guide

·  When and what was the Industrial Revolution?

• What were the Enclosure Acts and what were their effects on England?

• Who was James Watt? What did he invent and how was it significant to the Industrial Revolution?

• Describe the Factory system in England

• What is Urbanization?

• What was the role of labor unions?

• What is a tenement?

·  What is socialism?

·  Captialism

• Who was Karl Marx? What are communism, the proletariat, and the bourgeoisie?

·  Explain the concepts of the Communists Manifesto

• Who was Henry Bessemer? Explain how his process was significant to the Industrial Revolution?

• How did Henry Ford’s Assembly Line change production, prices and distribution

• What is a monopoly? Give an example. What are the Pro and Cons of Monopolies?

• Define the following persons and give their contribution to science:

o Louis Pasteur

o Thomas Edison

o Michael Faraday

o Charles Darwin

What are the three major art movements? Define & give an example of an artist and an art work for each:

Why was each movement a reaction to Industrialism?

§ Romanticism

§ Realism

§ Impressionism

·  Robert Owens

Unit 9: Nationalism and Imperialism Chapters 22 - 25

* What is Nationalism
* Who was Otto von Bismarck?

• What is a Kaiser?

• Who was Giuseppe Garibaldi?

• What is an anarchist?

• What was the dual monarchy?

• Who was Queen Victoria and give one characteristic of the Victorian Age?

• What is suffrage? Give one example of expansion of suffrage.

• Where is the Suez Canal and explain its importance?

• What was the Dreyfus Affair?

• What is Zionism and explain its rise?

• What is Manifest Destiny?

• What is imperialism?

• What was the purpose of the Berlin Conference?

• What is genocide?

• Who were the Sepoys and what was their relationship to the British?

* What was the cause and effects of the Sepoy Rebellion

• What was the Opium War and what caused it?

• What was the Taiping Rebellion and what caused it?

• What is an Open Door Policy and its role in Asia?

• What was the Meiji Restoration and how did it change Japan?

• What is the Monroe Doctrine?

• Where is the Panama Canal and what were the results of its completion?

Key questions

1. What were the cause and effects of unification of Germany and Italy?
2. What were the social and economic reforms made by western democracies?

3. How did imperialist European powers claim control over most of African?

4. How did European nations extend their power into Muslim regions of the world?

5. How did Western powers use diplomacy and war to gain power in China?
6. How did Japan become a modern industrial power?
7. How did nationalism lead to WW1

World War 1 “The Great War” 1914 – 1918.

List the countries in the Allied powers
Great Britain, France, Russia later and US. Russia will pull out in 1917 after becoming the Soviet Union

Triple Alliance—France, Great Britain, and Russia had formed the Triple Entente.
***Italy was allied with the Central Power but switched to the Allies
List the countries of Central powers
Germany, Austro Hungarian Empire, Italy, and Ottoman Empire

What were the causes of WW1?
1. Militarism – Germany led the way in militarizing first causing an arms race of modern weapons of war
2. Nationalism. The Serbian secret Nationalist group the Black Hand assassination of the
Archduke Fernand was hoped to create a war for Serbian independence from the Austrian Hungarian Empire.
3. Imperialism – Germany’s Schlieffen Plan called for the capture of France turning then to Russia thus conquering the Continent.
Germany was behind France and England as an Imperial power
4. Alliances – Countries pledging support that an attack on one is an attack on all. Countries were obligated to fight despite not having
personal national interests.
How did the assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand lead to WW1? After the A/D was assassinated, Austria would declare war on Serbia, Alliances would require Russia to join with Serbia, Germany would join to protect Austria, France would come in to protect Russia and Great Britain would join to protect France (Domino Effect)
Why was The Arch Duke assassinated? The Black Hand thought the Arch Duke would give Serbs freedoms and more home control thus not have Serbians eager or strongly willing to fight for independence.
Who was the Black Hand and what did they want for Serbia? Secret Serbian Separatists group fighting for Serbian independence and uniting with fellow Slavs in Bosnia.
What were new technologies used in this war? (Mechanized Warfare) War Planes, Mustard and Poison Gas, long range artillery, machine gun, tanks. Telecommunications
Describe Trench warfare? 25,000 miles of trenches dug from Austria to Belgium. Wet, Diseased, dead bodies, bodies could not be removed while people still fought. Opened land above (No Mans Land) was mined (no mans land) Gas warfare!!!
Why was the US hesitant to enter WW1?

·  Policy going back to Washington and the Monroe Doctrine isolationism each hemisphere powers stay out of the others business.

·  Neutrality we were supporting and trading both sides (economic self - interest)

·  Large population of American immigrants on both sides of the conflict could cause chaos at home

What event changed the US decision to enter the war and what year did we enter the war?

·  U-boat sinking of the Lusitania 1915 Public opinion begins to shift towards war.

·  Sinking of US supply ships to France and England (hoped to roll over Allied powers if US supplies were not provided.

·  US saw Central Powers as not economically viable as trade or political partners.

·  Final Straw - Zimmerman Note: Secret Alliance with Germany and Mexico. If US attacks Germany, Mexico would attack US; Germany would earn back land Mexico land lost during American Mexican War.

·  US enters WW1 in 1917

What role did women play in the war?
Women became industrial workers in huge numbers that would ultimately lead to the 19th Amendment. Following the war women flexed greater confidence and independence. Many became sick from industrial health hazards.

Describe President Wilson’s Fourteen Points: (See handout)

14 points that would eliminate future conflicts and would solve localized disputes.
Examples: End to secret diplomacy, Free trade, End of Empires, a League of Nations