Both parts of this term paper are to be word processed in standard academic format. You may write in first person, but write well, edit carefully, and turn in a finished document that contains excellent language and expresses your best thoughts about communication and character. Pay special attention to the accuracy of your writing, as errors in language or punctuation will reduce your grade. No cover pages or binders, please.

Important: To avoid questions about the integrity of your work, be sure to follow the guidelines for using tutors and friends as proofreaders, as found on the class website.

Part I. In preparation for your final paper, you will first complete an unsigned essay entitled “The Me I Want to Leave Behind,” in which you will privately reflect on the times when your character has been at its worst. All of us, in retrospect, can point to times when we have disappointed ourselves or others by acting in a shameful or dishonorable manner. It is not healthy to dwell on these negative experiences, but admitting our ethical or moral failures can be useful if it leads to honest introspection, reevaluation, and recommitment to higher principles. That is the purpose of this preliminary essay.

Spend some time thinking about the specific times in your life that you are not proud of— specific incidents or recurring trends in your public behavior or your private, secret life. With as much detail as you are comfortable, openly describe your feelings when you think about these shortcomings (remember this is an unsigned essay). Consider such questions as these:

·  What was going on inside of you during this time? Were you acting out some hidden hurt, disappointment, or sadness? Were you rebelling against someone?

·  What were the effects of your behavior on those around you? In the case of private or secret failures, what would people think if they knew? How do you feel, knowing about it yourself?

·  If the same circumstances were present today, would you behave differently? What can you do to prevent the likelihood of another similar negative experience?

·  How has this impacted your life and how you feel about yourself? Have you allowed this to define you? Have you forgiven yourself?

·  And especially—What have you learned, and how have you grown, from these hard times?

Conclude your essay by writing the most honest and sincere statement you can make regarding your desire to leave these experiences behind and move into a more positive future as a person of character and integrity. Then close the door—leave the past behind!

This essay will not be graded, but failure to turn it in will result in half credit for the final paper.On the day the essay is due, bring one printed copy with no name or identification. There is a 4-page minimum and no maximum. Keep writing as long as it is helpful or meaningful for you.

Part II. The final paper entitled “The Best Me I Can Be” will probably be much more enjoyable! You will synthesize the concepts we have discussed throughout the course as you describe your best character traits and those you wish to develop in the future. This 8- to 12-page paper should be well organized and carefully edited into an excellent finished document characteristic of a senior Communication student.

First, write a brief introductory paragraph that previews the purpose and content of your essay. Then identify your best character trait and describe in some detail how you have embodied this trait in your life. You are not limited to the traits we have discussed in class. Describe your communication in interactions with others where you feel this particular trait has been good for you and good for those around you. Include examples of tough choices you have made to maintain this good character trait. If you write about a trait we covered in class, refer to assigned readings, examples, and concepts we discussed together and relate them to your own life experience.

Second, select two character traits that you would most like to develop in yourself in the future. Again, you are not limited to the traits we have discussed in class. Demonstrate that you have thought deeply about these traits and have a sincere desire to excel in these areas. Write original definitions and descriptions of each of these selected traits. If you choose one of the traits covered in the course, compare or contrast your perceptions with those presented in class (readings, examples, discussions, etc.). In what future contexts and interactions will you have the opportunity to demonstrate these characteristics? In other words, what will it look like and sound like if you succeed in developing these traits? Finally, for each of the two traits, suggest three or more practical steps you can take to develop the trait within yourself—an action plan, if you will. These practical steps should describe how modifications in your communication will help you develop these traits.

Third, write a thoughtful and fitting conclusion to your paper. In many ways, this paper serves as a final exam for the course, so you want to invest sufficient thought and effort to produce excellent work.

Not only will Dr. Witt grade this final paper, but several of your classmates will also read and evaluate your essay (Part II) before learning the identity of the author. If they select your paper as the Top Paper in their group, you will receive bonus points. In preparation for the final class activity, you will read and evaluate the final papers of several of your classmates, as well. This final class activity is required; if you do not fully participate, your grade on the paper will be reduced by one letter grade.


Identify a positive character trait that we have not discussed, and write a new “chapter” for the Character textbook.


Capture attention by telling a brief, moving story or an amusing anecdote.


Define and describe different aspects of the trait and its opposite.


Focus on verbal, nonverbal, and/or behavioral cues that express this trait. This is your area of expertise, so make this section substantial and insightful. Here’s a good chance to refer to some things you have learned in your studies as a COMM major or minor.


Point out the social effects in various contexts (maybe the results of its opposite, as well). Is the practice of this trait good for people, for society, for you?


Give practical, well thought-out advice. Don’t be trite or obvious—really think through this part.


Get creative and close the chapter in a thought-provoking, challenging way.

TIP: Write in a conversational, easy-to-read style, but avoid clichés and incorrect grammar. The Writing Tips page is still in effect.

TIP: Consider including hyperlinks to 3-4 online sources like those found in the Resources pages. Either append them at the end or include them within the text. Be creative: videos, songs, articles, sites, stories, etc.

IMPORTANT: Follow the style of the textbook in terms of citations/references. Credit the source if you include the ideas of others (e.g., definitions, examples). Do not copy and paste content from the web or some other source unless you credit the source. We all paraphrase sometimes, but be careful that you are fair to the originator of every idea.

No PowerPoint is required for this assignment.