Group Bookings


Booking Groups in Galileo 2

Limited Access Drop Through 2

To make a group booking with BA 2

Making a group booking in Galileo 3

Making a booking directly with the airline 3

Retrieve a group booking 4

Changes 4

Ticketing 4

Booking Groups in Galileo

Some airlines demand that you book groups direct with them via phone or email and do not respond on a group booking made in Galileo. But if you can book them in Galileo there are different ways of doing that.

Limited Access Drop Through

With British Airways you can book directly with them, it is called Limited Access Drop Through.

To make a group booking with BA

1.  @@BA/GROUP Select British Airways Drop Through

2.  CMT/name of Agency Moves your agency profile into the group PNR

3.  A10NOVCPHLON Check availability

4.  N20G2 Request 20 seats in G-class from line 2

5.  N.G/25TRAVEL/GROUP Add number of passengers, agency name and group name

6.  P.CPHT*123456789 Add telephone number


8.  NP.IATA NUMBER 1234567 Add remark with Agency IATA number

9.  R.ANNA Add receive from field

10.  Queue PNR to BA

QEB/STOBA0803/87 Sweden

QEB/OSLBA802/87 Norway

QEB/CPHBA0800/87 Denmark

11.  End and retrieve the booking

It is not permitted to book groups directly in the normal availability display. All group bookings must be requested as above. British Airways group department will then confirm or deny your request. Do not add any free format remarks until you have obtained a group quote, otherwise the free format remark cannot be read.

After finalising the booking a passive PNR is created. This passive booking is purely used to issue the tickets for the group directly in the Galileo system. The indicator “DT” at the end of each segment shows that the PNR was created in Drop Through. Any further amendments must be made via Drop Through, directly in the British Airways system, which will subsequently be re-transmitted into the passive booking in Galileo.

Drop Through bookings can only be made for British Airways flights. (No code-shares)

Valid booking classes are G, T, I and A.

Some other airlines use Drop Through but only to amend a booking, not create as with BA. Those airlines are

·  Iberia

·  Austrian

·  Lufthansa

·  Air France

The airline gives you access to their system, this is completely up to the airline so if it doesn’t work you have to call the airline directly and ask why. To get into a booking with this system you use the same format as with BA, @@OS/GROUP and then amend using normal Galileo format

Making a group booking in Galileo

Some airlines permit you to request seats in the Galileo system for a group booking. You must include the following items in your Booking File.

1.  N.G/25GROUPNAME Enter the group name

2.  0SK806M10NOVLHRJFKNN25 Request the appropriate number of seats

N25M1 (from Availability)

3.  P.CPHT*123456789 Add phone number

4.  R.ANNA Received field

5.  T.TAU/DDMM Add ticketing information

6.  SI.SSRGRPFSK*YGV15 FARE GBP 257.00 Add SSR with fare details

7.  ER End and retrieve booking

You must end a Booking File before you can add the individual names. Example: N.2KARLSSON/ANNAMRS/JOHANMR+N.NILSSON/KRISTINAMRS

If you make a group booking it may take more than 3 days before you will receive a response from the airline.

Making a booking directly with the airline

You contact the airline and they make the booking for you. You may then be required to create a passive AK Booking File so that you can issue tickets.

1.  N.G/25GROUPNAME Enter name field

2.  0VS3S10NOVLHRJFKAK25 Book the itinerary using passive AK status code

N25M1AK (from Availability)

3.  P.CPHT*123456789 Enter phone number

4.  T.TAU/DDMM Add ticketing information

5.  R. ANNA Add received from

6.  RL. YY*BOOKING LOCATOR Add Airline Booking Locator, some airlines reject the passive booking if it is not included (YY=Carrier)

7.  ER End and retrieve booking

When a Booking File is ended you can add the individual names. Example: N.2KARLSSON/ANNAMRS/JOHANMR+N.NILSSON/KRISTINAMRS

Retrieve a group booking

You can retrieve a group booking using the record locator, any passengers name or the group name.

*RECORD LOCATOR Search with record locator

*-NAME *-G/GROUP NAME Search with the group name

*N Show the names in a group booking


N.G/@ Delete a group name

N.G/@NEW NAME Change a group name

N.P5@KARLSSON/ANNAMISS Change an individual name


Many carriers only accept a maximum of 3-9 passengers per ticketing input, so Galileo recommend issuing the group in batches with a maximum of 9 tickets at a time.

TKP1P1-9 Issue filed fare 1 passengers 1 to 9 only

TKP1P10-18 Issue filed fare 1 passengers 10-18 only

For passive group bookings the vendor will need to be added manually using format RL.YY*ABC123

(Where YY is the airline and the locator is after the *)


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