October 2013 Monthly Meeting, Dunshaughlin Area Office, 9.30 Monday 14 October 2013
Cathaoirleach Cllr. Brian Fitzgerald presided.
Other Members Present:
Cllrs. Joe Bonner, Nick Killian, Noel Leonard, Niamh McGowan, Maria Murphy, Gerry O’Connor.
Officials Present:
Joe Fahy, Area Manager; Adrian Hobbs, Area Engineer; Mary Fagan. Clerical Officer; Paul Monahan, Area Administrator
Paul Monahan advised the Councillors / Officials of their obligations under Part 15 of the Local Government Act 2001 as set out in the Ethical Framework circulated with the Agenda.
1.0 Confirmation of Minutes of the following meetings
1.1 September 2013 monthly meeting held Monday 9 September 2013
On the proposal of Cllr. Killian seconded by Cllr. Murphy the members confirmed the minutes of the September 2013 monthly meeting held Monday 9 September 2013
2.0 Matters arising from the Minutes
Nothing raised.
3.0 Expressions of Sympathy and Congratulations
The members extended sympathy to
- The family of the late Tommy Boylan, former member of the Area outdoor staff
The members extended congratulations to
- Kilmessan on winning the Senior Hurling Championship
- Blackhall Gaels on winning the Intermediate Hurling Championship
- Dunshaughlin Harvest Festival and Ratoath Festival Committees on their recent successful village events and the Council for its role in facilitating the events
The 34th Michael Manning
4.0 To consider matters in respect of Protocol Committee in relation to:
4.1 Planning
On the proposal of Cllr. Nick Killian and seconded by Cllr. O’Connor, the members agreed to go into committee to discuss this item. Cllr. McGowan voiced her objection to this
Cllr. Leonard
DA/130665 Concerns
DA/130525 For.
Cllr. Killian
DA/130631 For
DA/ 130459 For
DA/130667 For
Cllr. Bonner
DA/130665 Concerns.
Cllr. O’Connor
DA/130459 For
DA/130691 For
Cllr. Fitzgerald
DA/130629 For
DA/130469 For
DA/130157 For
DA/130648 For
DA/130422 For
DA/130682 For
DA/130691 For
Cllr. Murphy
DA/130692 For
Cllr. McGowan
DA/130675 Concerns re. traffic
There was a brief discussion on the ongoing traffic issues at many of the schools in the area at opening and closing times. There was a general agreement that the schools themselves as major stakeholders must be part of the solution. Joe Fahy advised that all future planning application for new builds or extensions to existing educational facilities should be accompanied by a viable traffic management plan. All want to see educational facilities enhanced but it must happen in a coherent holistic manner. The upcoming LAP process would provide an opportunity to discuss this issue.
The members requested an update on unauthorised development on the N2 and the slow progress in resolving cases. Joe Fahy advised that the Council had no control over the legal process and must have regard to due process. The members requested an update on the LAP process for the next meeting.
5.0 Matters raised with the permission of the Cathaoirleach
Paul Monahan circulated the Report on Matters Raised at the September meeting. The members noted the report and raised the following issues:
v Cllr. Fitzgerald expressed dissatisfaction with the report on the spreading of sludge on lands at Blackhall Big, Batterstown. He queried why MCC should receive sludge from another County and he advised that the lands were not plowed in the traditional sense as stated in the report. Joe Fahy advised that Environment Dept. monitors all sludge spreading under EPA guidelines and regulations.
v Cllr. Leonard said he was pleased that Turners Bridge would be returned to the Area and he hoped that a suitable location for it would be found. He asked that the Council respond to the recent query on improvement works to Dunboyne Water Tower; and requested an update on the purchase of playground equipment.
v Cllr. Killian disappointment at the lack of progress in implementing the Labour Activation Scheme. HR was dealing with this issue.
v Cllr. O’Connor requested that the Area follow up with Corporate Services on MABS utilising spare office capacity in Dunshaughlin Civic Offices; taking in charge of the private road at Tara News, Dunshaughlin; and requested comparison figures on traffic movements through Dunshaughlin.
v Cllr. Murphy said that in places willow trees were growing into the Castle River from the bank. Adrian Hobbs advised that the Area had recently removed barriers from the river. The OPW, who have no remit in the matter, was satisfied with the maintenance regime. Nevertheless, he would arrange for the Area overseer to walk the riverbank to ascertain what essential maintenance if any is required.
v The members agreed to wait until Dr. Meehan reports on Dunboyne cemetery before any other works are carried out.
Following the discussion on the Report on Matters Raised, the members raised the following items:
Cllr. Leonard requested the provision of a railing at Dunboyne playground to prevent children running into the car park adjacent to the playground; and grass cutting at Dunboyne Park.
Cllr. O’Connor requested that the exterior of the Civic Offices and open space around it be properly maintained; requested a map showing the exact details of the Ratoath Local Electoral Area; provision of a budget for footpath repairs in Council estates; parking of a Civil Defence vehicle in the disabled bay at Dunshaughlin Courthouse.
Cllr. Killian requested that the Council writes to the Minister for Social Protection seeking an increase in rent supplement in Meath similar to that which pertains in North Kildare and Wicklow; provision of a polling station in Ashbourne for residents of Baltrasna, who otherwise will have to vote in Ratoath; update on the funding for the footpath at the BMX track,on the Fairyhouse Road, Ratoath
Cllr. Murphy requested the repair of a pothole on Boylans Bridge, Dunboyne
Cllr. Bonner expressed satisfaction with the work carried out by the outdoor staff and the progress to date on Ashwood; requested the provision of lights on Hunters Lane; and asked that every effort be made to increase outdoor staff numbers.
Cllr. McGowan requested an updated report on the status of estates in the Area; satisfied with the progress on Ashwood; requested the provision of lights on Hunters Lane; future status of second road into Ashwood and not shown on plans; commencement of tendering process of levy funded works at Mill Tree Park before the estate is officially taken in charge; road marking at junction of Fairyhouse Road / Tesco; Rath & Nilemilestone Roundabout maintenance; derelict site at 8 Tara Lawns, Ashbourne; queried whether there is scope to alter the boundaries of Local Electoral Areas following the report by the Local Electoral Area Boundary Committee on the division of council areas into local electoral areas; and in particular to redraw the Ashbourne Local Electoral Area boundary to include Baltrasna, which is currently as per the report in the Ratoath Local Electoral Area. Adrian Hobbs advised that the maintenance of these roundabouts was contracted out by the NRA to a third party and was therefore not under the Council’s remit. However, he expected the maintenance regime to improve next year.
There being no further business the meeting ended at 11.40 pm
Minutes October 2013 meeting 141013 Page 4 of 3
Meath County Council, Dunshaughlin Civic Offices, Drumree Road, Dunshaughlin, County Meath