Grace Lutheran Church

Council Meeting

September 13, 2011

Preliminary Matters:

  1. Russell Gundermann called the meeting to order. Members present were Skip Brown, Eric Larson, Nikki Jorgenson, Gene Kronback, Deloris Winter, Roger Bunkers, Steve Schmalz, and Linda Carter. Also present was Pastor Dave and Jane Hass.
  2. Devotions were given by Nikki Jorgenson.
  3. The secretary’s report: The secretary’s report was approved on a motion by Roger Bunkers and seconded by Nikki Jorgenson. The motion carried unanimously.
  4. The treasurer’s report was approved on a motion by Steve Schmalz and seconded by Gene Kronback. The motion carried unanimously.
  5. Pastor’s Report:

a.  Vacation – Pastor Dave will be on vacation September 16-18. Thank you to Jim Jorgenson and Kris Isder for covering the service on Sunday.

b.  Pastor Dave will be attending a Preaching Seminar on October 3-5 in Mpls. and the Fall Theological Conference on October 9-12 for continuing education.

c.  Bibles will be presented to the 3rd Graders on Sunday, October 2.

d.  Confirmation will be on Sunday, October 30.

  1. Committee Reports:

a.  Parish Ed - Sunday School Report. Jane Hass reported on the structure of past Sunday School attendance and activities and proposed a new structure for finding Sunday School teachers. The 2011-2012 goal will be to have groups with multiple ages and have groups or families teach the lessons and verses, having an assigned teacher or teachers for the entire year.

b.  Personnel – The committee is structuring the Janitors Duties into daily, weekly, and monthly duties. A Wedding Coordinator will be assigned by pastor.

c.  Trustees – Steve Schmalz re-visited with the city and they will help to repaint the lines in the parking lot before winter.

d.  Worship – A request has been made to add more healing services.

Old Business:

  1. Concrete in driveway: Concrete will be poured late fall if possible, but will most likely be completed next spring.
  2. Lawn Mowing: The lawn has been recently mowed and will be checked more often in the future.

New Business:

  1. Next Meeting: Thursday, October 13 at 7:30 p.m. Note day of week change.


  1. Gene Kronback made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Nikki Jorgenson seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
  2. The meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

Linda Carter, Council Secretary

Your council

All meetings of the council are open to anyone who would like to attend. If you have a concern or comment, please feel free to come to a meeting. Or, if you prefer, talk with a council member and have them bring your concern to the council

Next meeting

Thursday, October 13 at 7:30 p.m.

President – Russell Gundermann 274-6789

Secretary – Linda Carter 859-2315

Treasurer – Deloris Winter 274-6643


Skip Brown 274-5553

Roger Bunkers 274-5931

Nikki Jorgenson 274-5953

Eugene Kronback 274-5162

Eric Larson 274-5168

Steve Schmalz 274-5667

Let us know

If you know of someone who is hospitalized or at home and would like the pastor or a member of our Grace family to visit, please call June at the church office 274-5572 or 274-6558.

Our Prayer Chain is ready to pray for your joys or needs ! Please call Coralyn Comnick 274-5318; Pauline Rueter 274-5513 or the church 274-5572.

Prayer Concerns

Pray for Laura Anderson, Bertha Deutschman, Betty Jensen, Lil Knudson, Clara Lohse, Isabel Nibbe and all those with on-going needs.

Change of address

Please give us address updates if you move or plan to be away for an extended time. Please contact the church office (507)274-5572 or gwoffice@ with the address change or to put your Flashlight on hold. It will save “return to sender” fees! Thank you for your cooperation.

Sunday readings

October 2

Isaiah 5:1-7

Philippians 3:4b-14

Matthew 21:33-46

October 9

Isaiah 25:1-9

Philippians 4:1-9

Matthew 22:1-14

October 16

Isaiah 45:1-7

1 Thessalonians 1:1-10

Matthew 22:15-22

October 23

Leviticus 19:1-2, 15-18

1 Thessalonians 2:1-8

Matthew 22:34-46

October 30

Micah 3:5-12

1 Thessalonians 2:9-13

Matthew 23:1-12


August 7 89

August 14 96

August 21 85

August 28 120


Please make every effort to be in church the month you are scheduled. If you cannot be there or if you have any questions, please contact Jim Schneider 274-6318 or Marvin Sorenson 274-6787.

Beryl Morton Gene Kronback

Alan Wahl Perry Zieske


If you are unable to participate when you are scheduled, please find a replacement.

October 2 Breanna Lidtke & Brianna Schoenenberger

October 9 Sophie Horkey & Calle Anderson

October 16 Tristan Joel & Adam Hass

October 23 Cassidy Mischke

October 30 Zach Vande Kieft & Jack Jorgenson


Please get a substitute if you are unable to read when you are scheduled.

October 2 Deloris Winter

October 9 Eric Larson

October 16 Beryl Morton

October 23 Marcella Chapman

October 30 Karla Gundermann


Please get a substitute if you are unable to greet when you are scheduled.

October 2 Keith & Jane Nelsen

October 9 Jeff & Ceci Cassel

October 16 Tom & June Merchant

October 23 Rich & Kris Isder

October 30 Luella Kirchner


If you are unable to count the money when you are scheduled, please find a replacement.

October Roger or Bernice Bunkers

Tom or June Merchant

Volunteer needed

There may be those who need a ride to church on Sunday. If you would like to volunteer to give a ride to those who need one or would like to coordinate the schedule for drivers, please see Pastor Dave or President Russell Gundermann.

Budget information

Year-to-Date Budget = $115,882.26

Year-to-Date contributions = $91,063.97

Short = $ 24,818.29 (As of Sept. 27, 2011)

September 11 we welcomed new members, Andy and Krista Kopperud and their daughter Annika, to our Grace Family by way of transfer from another Lutheran congregation.


Update from Kris Isder

We are into our fourth week of classes already. My classes this fall are: The Mission of the Triune God I, Gospel of Luke and Foundations of Biblical Preaching. For the preaching class, we have to give our first three sermons without using any notes. That will be a challenge! Classes are going well.

I have now started Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE). We went to a retreat for chaplains at Alexandria and had our first group meeting. There are six in my group and I look forward to getting to know them. They are all working at different Mayo hospitals. CPE continues through April. I will be working as a chaplain at the Springfield and St. James hospitals to cover my 300 hours of clinical time. We also have 100 hours of group time.

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.

Fall in Love All Over Again!

Remember that feeling when you first fell in love? Attending a Lutheran Marriage Encounter Weekend gives you the time and tools to revitalize romance, deepen communication, and nourish the spirituality in your marriage. In a relaxed atmosphere, four presenting couples, including a Lutheran clergy couple, give a series of presentations followed by questions you discuss in the privacy of your hotel room. There is no counseling or required group sharing

The Fall Lutheran Marriage Encounter Weekends in Minnesota are October 14-16 in Duluth and November 18-20 in Brooklyn Center. Please register several weeks in advance. For more information, contact Dick & Judy Dehnel at 952-432-3105, Pete & Phyllis McMahon at 763-561-1575 or visit

Beginning Experience

offering Level I Series

Beginning Experience of Southwest Minnesota, a peer ministry support group for widowed, separated and divorced people is offering its Level I Series for eight weeks beginning October 24, 2011. The Monday night sessions begin at 7:00 P.M. at the First Lutheran Church on Church and "A" Street in Marshall, MN. Registration is held the first two Monday nights starting at 6:30 P.M. Registration is then closed for that session. The support group is open to people of all denominations. There is a fee to cover the cost of materials. This series is designed for those wishing to work through the grieving process following the loss of a loved one through death, divorce or separation. All dialogue is confidential and facilitators are trained individuals who have suffered a similar loss. If you wish to pre-register or have other questions concerning level participation, contact Karen at 507-532-0922 email: ; Shirley at 507-829-3106 email: ; Gene at 507-215-1362 or Kathy at 507-215-2361.

Partners in Ministry


August 18, 2011

Meeting attendees: Mike Stangeland, Joyce Vortherms, Earl Enstad, Ann Ward and Terri Stangeland.

The meeting began at 7 p.m.

June Minutes: Read and approved.

Treasurer’s Report: There is a question as to the actual amount given to Kidz Feeding Kids of Stewart, MN, since the money went directly to the organization instead of through the PiM account. Terri will contact to see what the final amount given.

Old Business: Fall Bible Study: The Fall PiM Bible Study is set for Saturday, September 17, 2011. Many ideas were given as to specific topics. Terri agreed to make contacts to several people. It was decided that there would be 4 speakers with 15 minutes given to each speaker, a 15 minute break and then 45 minutes given to questions. The Banquet: Joyce will not be able to attend The Banquet trip this year due to conflict schedule. Next meeting the menu will be set.

New Business: Fall Bible Study; The Banquet

The meeting ended at 7:50 p.m. The next meeting will be September 15, at Peterson Estates, 7 p.m.

Respectfully submitted

Terri Stangeland

October19 2:00 p.m.

Hymn: “Go My Children, With My Blessing” ELW 543

Devotions: Angie Horkey

Program: Called to Discover

Carrie Horkey

Offering: “We Give Thee But Thine Own” ELW 686

Serving Group:

*Ruth Knakmuhs Vicky Horkey

Pam Hogan Angie Horkey

Election of officers

Sewing Meetings in October

October 6 & 20

10 a.m. to 3 p.m. – Noon: Sack Lunch

Circle Schedule

Miriam circle – Thursday, October 13 at 7:30 p.m.

Flower Committee: October

Linda Schmalz* Lairdie Kells

Do not put flowers on the organ or piano.

See Policy handbook for placement of flowers.

Chancel Committee: October - December

Jane Hass* Pam Busswitz

Tammy Mischke Nicole Elzenga

Visiting Committee: September - October

This committee visits homes, hospitals and the shut-ins.

Ruth Bevier* Connie Meier

Barb Fowler Elsie Riddell


September 21, 2011

Grace WELCA met September 21, 2011 in the social hall. Seventeen members were present. You will notice our afternoon gathering involved “teachers” in our congregation participating in devotions, program and business meeting. We are so blessed!

Devotions were given by Inez Timmerman based on Psalm 32:8 “I will instruct you and teach you the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.” 1.) We will have responsibilities. 2.) Learn to think for yourself. 3.) Be loyal to God. 4.) Believe. 5.) Look ahead for future possibilities. 6.) God gives us a Blessed Assurance.

Vera Rachuy, Mission Growth Chairperson welcomed the guests, and announced the program “Called to Life Long Learning” presented by Eunice Christensen. She turned our WELCA guests into students. We were all given papers to take home. Our subjects for the day included All I need to know I learned from Kindergarten, a cow, a sheep and my Bible. We juggled and snuggled letters in word searches, and were given a chart of Bible verses to remind us that God has a positive answer to all our feelings.

The offering meditation was given by Vera Rachuy.

The offering was taken followed by the praying of the Lord’s Prayer and singing of the Table Prayer.

President Karla Gundermann opened the business meeting.

The secretary’s report was approved as printed.

The treasurer’s report was read and placed on file.

The correspondence was read: Kirsten Lidtke for graduation quilt and card; Pastor Margaret from Shalom for the Bible Study Groups that visited and brought gifts.

Old Business: 1.) Remember the “Malaria Nets” that our WELCA and congregation were involved in? Here are some updated numbers that have been shared with us. Two thousand, two hundred, seventy nine dollars and ninety-five cents was received for Project Comfort. That is enough for Lutheran World Relief to complete (add toothpaste) and ship 860 of the 2,517 Health Kits and 424 Personal Care Kits brought to the convention. Thirteen thousand, forty-four dollars and fifty-nine cents was received and sent on for malaria nets. If we try the math, 1304 nets will be purchased; if one net protects four people, 5,216 will be protected from malaria by our gifts from Southwest Minnesota. If we add to that the additional $1,000 sent, another 400 or more will be protected. That is more than just “a drop in the bucket,” but we cannot become complacent. The campaign is beginning to succeed, but more is needed if we are to eradicate malaria by 2015. 2.) Carpet cleaning update will be discussed with janitor.

New business: 1.) Shetek Conference Fall Workshop at Shetek Lutheran Ministries, Saturday, September 24. Meet at church at 8 a.m. Registration at 8:30 a.m. The Love Offering this year is washcloths, towels and money for mattresses. 2.) Sewing meeting begin October 6 at church – first and third Thursdays of October and November. Sack lunch at noon. Time – 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Helpers welcome! 3.) A Thank Offering program will be given at our November meeting. No special envelopes were purchased this year. Plan ahead. 4.) September is election of new officers. Eunice Christensen made a motion to accept the ballot, Marcella Chapman seconded, motion carried. 2011 Ballot: Co. presidents – Jane Nelsen, Marcella Chapman; Co vice presidents – Penny Danner, Annette Mischke; Secretary – Coralyn Comnick; Treasurer – Janice Sondergaard; Mission Growth – Penny Danner; Co Mission Growth – Inez Timmerman and Vera Rachuy; Co Mission Action – Frances Jorgenson and Elaine Eichner; Mission Community – Virginia Schneider; Ass’t Mission Community – Pauline Rueter

A motion was made by Janice Sondergaard, seconded by Jane Nelsen to adjourn the meeting and lunch was served.

Coralyn Comnick, WELCA Secretary

October Birthdays

1st - Brenda Anderson

Deloris Winter

Chelsey Wehmeyer

Dalton Taylor