Dating Game: Panel Questions

  1. What are your hobbies or interests? (Open)
  2. Are you open to dealing with people who have different view points or lifestyles than your own? (Open)
  3. If you had just one opportunity to make a “first impression” on a person, what would you do? (Open)
  4. How willing are you to try “new things” outside of your comfort zone? (Open or closed)
  5. If the person you loved were to go overseas (military, work, family emergency, etc.), would you wait or would you move on? Explain your answer. (Open or closed)
  6. Is there an age range that you look for in prospective dating partner? (Closed) How important is age? (Closed, could be follow-up questions)
  7. What are your views on interracial/intercultural dating? (Open)
  8. How important is the possibility of marriage when considering dating prospects? (Open or closed depending on response, could also lead to follow-up question)
  9. What is your idea of male chivalry? (Open) How important is it? (Closed)
  10. How should a man/woman show you that he/she is interested and having a good time on a date? (Open)
  11. How important are religious beliefs to your dating/marriage relationship? (Open or closed, could also lead to a follow-up question)
  12. Tell me about yourself? (Open)
  13. What is the IDEAL first date? (Open) Give examples
  14. Do you like long walks on the beach? (Closed)
  15. Do you like movies? (Closed) Is there a particular type that you like/dislike? (Open or closed)
  16. What “qualities” would the “perfect person” need to possess? (Open)
  17. What types of people do you prefer to date” quiet/shy, or loud/outgoing? (Open or closed)
  18. Is physical attractiveness or personality more important to you, or are they equally important? (Open or closed)
  19. Where do you “hang out” with your friends? (Closed)
  20. Would you date a single man/woman with children? (Open or closed)Should children ever be included on a date? (Open or closed)
  21. How do you “pick yourself up” when you’re feeling down? (Open)
  22. Do you have a favorite comedic actor? (Closed) Why? (Open)
  23. Would you enjoy participating in one of your favorite hobbies or sports activities on a first date? (Closed) Why or why not. (Open)
  24. What are your interests and goals in life? (Open)
  25. What is your ideal job/profession? (Closed) Why? (Open)
  26. What would I need to do to get a second date? (Open)
  27. How important is it for married couples to have a “date night?” (Open or closed) Should children be included? (Open or closed)
  28. What type of food/music/activities do you like? (Open or closed)
  29. What time would you like to go out on a date; what time would you like to be home? (Closed)
  30. Are you happy being married? (Closed) How is it different than being single? (Open)
  31. What books do you like to read, or do you like to read? (Closed)
  32. Which country would you like to visit on holiday? (Open or closed)
  33. What is your favorite subject in college? (Closed) Why? (follow-up open question)
  34. Are you working? (Closed) Full time/part time? (Follow-up)
  35. What are your views of marriage? (Open)
  36. How you describe a loving relationship? (Open)
  37. What’s the ultimate deal breaker when it comes to dating another person? (Open) What’s the worst thing they could do, say, or believe that would make you walk away immediately? (Follow-up, open question)
  38. If you could have a superpower, what would it be and why? (Open)
  39. Do you see yourself as a “glass half-full or half-empty” person? (Closed) Why? (Open)
  40. How do you feel about going “Dutch Treat” on a date? (Open or closed) How about the first date? (Closed) Explain? (Open)
  41. Is it OK to be involved in several casual dating relationships, or do you prefer an exclusive dating relationship? (Open or closed: could lead to possible follow-up question)
  42. What’s your favorite desert? (Closed) Why? (Open)
  43. Do you prefer going to a restaurant where you look up at the food menu or look down at the menu selections? (Open or closed)
  44. What’s your IDEAL dinning out experience? (Open) Include restaurant type in your answer.
  45. What are some “first date” turn offs for you? (Open) Would you be willing to give the person a second chance? (Open or closed)
  46. Do you enjoy drinking an alcoholic beverage with your meal? (Closed) What type? (Closed)
  47. Would you be interested in going to a bar for a first date? (Open or closed)
  48. Do you enjoy dancing? (Closed) Where? (Open or closed) What type? (Open or closed)
  49. What is your IDEAL romantic honeymoon? (Open)
  50. How important is romance in a dating or marriage relationship? (closed) How should this be shown? (Open)
  51. What do you consider as the most important thing in your life? (Closed) Why? (Open)
  52. What do you consider as an appropriate age difference in couples? (Closed) Why? (Open)
  53. If you could be an animal, which one would you choose? (Closed) Why? (Open)
  54. Do you like beards on men? (Closed, could be turned into an open question bythe respondent)
  55. What do you notice first when meeting someone for the first time?(Open)
  56. How would your best friend describe you? (Open)
  57. Are you a spontaneous person or you do you like to plan out activities? (Open or closed)
  58. Do you like children? (Closed) What is your ideal family size? (Closed)
  59. Do you easily angered? (Closed) How soon are you able to forgive? (Open or closed)
  60. Do you cook? (Closed) What is your favorite type of home cooked meal? (Open or closed)
  61. Do you consider your self a “mama’s boy/daddy’s girl, or neither? (Open or closed)
  62. What’s something you don’t like about dating? (Open)
  63. What does the next chapter in your life look like? (i.e., after school) (Open)
  64. If you met the man/woman of your dreams and he/she were from a different religion, race or culture, how would you handle it? (Open) Would you look for ways to make it work, or would you walk away? (Open)
  65. Would your first date need to be simple or elaborate in order to “peak” your interest for a second date? (Open or closed)
  66. What are your top three priorities in a relationship? (Closed) Could you accept two out of the three? (Closed)
  67. What is your most treasured possession? (closed) Why? (Open)
  68. If you had six months left to live, what would you do? (Open)
  69. What’s more important on a date, fun or romance? (Open or closed)
  70. Tell me about your family? (Open)
  71. Have you ever traveled outside the United States? (Closed) If so, where? (Open or closed)
  72. How important is family to you? (Closed) If your family rejected someone that your were serious about, how would you respond? (Open)
  73. Are you easy or difficult to get along with? (Closed) How important is it for a date to agree with you? (Open or closed)
  74. How much attention do you need on a date? (Open or closed)
  75. How do you feel about going on a date where other couples are included (can be friends or new acquaintances)? (Open or closed, depending on the response)