Write a 5-10 sentence summary for each

Video 1: Title: Assistive Technology in Action- Meet Sam


Sam is known as a student blogger because he writes blog posts. Because of his disability, he used to have to have somebody help him take notes in school. But now, he is able to do it on his own. With this process, he uses his iPad, computer, and voice recorder. When it comes to reading books, he finds it a lot easier to read books on the computer rather than regular paper book. Sam gets excited by the fact that he is able to do so many more things as technology is evolving. To find new technology, he likes to read about it online or in the newspaper.

Video 2: Title: Assistive Technology- Enabling Dreams


People with disabilities rely a lot on technology. Susanna, one of the women in this video, explains that technology is her “lifeline”. She discusses how it makes her life so much better. Also, she talks about how her life was more difficult when these opportunities were not around. With the access to assistive technology, people with disabilities are able to become more independent. Learning how to use assistive technology begins already in preschool. There is assistive technology that can communicate for the disabled. With this, they are able to communicate with other people. Different types of assistive technology can keep disabled individuals in school and extracurricular activities.

Video 3: Title: The Sound of Learning


In this video, the boy is blind. He has an assistive technology piece that voices things outload, even when playing games for enjoyment. When it comes to school, blind students are now able to listen to the text book be read to them. Even when it comes to something complex, like computer programming for a class, there is assistive technology that reads everything that pops up on the screen to the computer, that way blind students are still able to participate. With access to all of the different assistive technology pieces, this blind student is able to participate in school as well as pursuing in his love for music.

Video 4: Title: Assistive Technology and Education Success

Summary: Assistive technology is a device to help an individual function successfully in school, jobs, and everyday life. For children who are not able to speak, is a device that shows pictures which helps with communicating to others. Another device provides a portable way to visually read and audibly hear feedback, for school work. There is also the FM system, which allows those who have a hearing disability to hear better. The teacher simply wears a thing around his/her neck which amplifies the sound their voice and it goes through another piece that the student is able to hear it through.

Video 5: Title: TED Talks- Robotics


With the devise of robotics, a person is able to be shown on the robot and it speaks for them. This device makes it easy for mute individuals. Using this, people who are mute are still able to communicate with others. It allows them to still be engaged in life. The man in this video was able to control a robot to shave another man, pass out Halloween candy to kids, and play soccer. Robotics can help individuals in many ways to accomplish typical daily tasks. Through the use of robots, this man is able to have many of his needs met to make his life easier as well as enjoyable.