
Our marriages are made in heaven, but the result of it can only be fruitful if we able to get our real life partner and establishing a permanent bond between two of us is the decision which has been taken in heaven. Global matrimonial is the medium to make it true. It helps in joining two people through which both people will spend their life till their death. Sometimes most person even after their marriages searching for their unfindable loved ones. Through this open platform you will able to search your real life partner and understand them based on their available verified information.

Existing System

To carry out all your tasks through this system is totally dependent on search options and this was what lacking in the existing system. It’s not able to meet the desired result just on the basis of age, religion and occupation. Users panel were not menu driven and designed in such a way, that it would not make easy to be on papers in traditional manner. Proper profile management system was not integrated and system was not able to make recovery in case of adverse situations. Due to bulky code, it takes time to carry out the entire operation and no relationship was established between the working modules.

Proposed System

Advanced search options has been integrated for users on the basis of occupation, education, location with addition of earlier ones.There will be two panels – one for admin and other for members which will be for bride and grooms. To make a more interactive profile much exciting features has been added such as uploading videos, adding success story, contact information along with protect property which means only verified ones with privileges can access it. Of course only registered one will able to access this system by providing their required information during registration process.


1.  Members Login Module.

2.  Members Registration Module.

3.  Search Module.

4.  Members Profile Module.

Members Login Module:-

Admin will have full control to access and search the registered user’s information. Facilities to change the outlook and add modules in coming features. Registered users with their valid id and password can access as either bride or groom. Password recovery and sending messages has also been facilitated under this system.

Members Registration Module:-

Registered users will able to add their basic details along with physical status, religion background and much more. To make authentic user, users need to enter the sended message to their emails.

Search Module:-

Searching operation of opposite sex can be made on different patterns such as based on age, caste along with profile photo, language, occupation and much more.

Members Profile Module:-

Registered users will able to update and print their profile, change password, upload their profile pic and horoscope, protect their photos with other exciting features.