Culpeper County School Board 8/4/2010 3:02 PM


June 28, 2010

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June 28, 2010

A meeting of the School Board of Culpeper County was held June 28, 2010 at the School Board Office (Colin Owens Conference Room) at 450 Radio Lane at 6 p.m. Present were George Dasher (Stevensburg District); Elizabeth Hutchins (Cedar Mountain District); Leanne Malulani (Jefferson District); Robert A. Houck (West Fairfax District); Russell E. Jenkins (Catalpa District); Anne C. Luckinbill (Salem District); Director of Finance/Clerk Jeff Shomo; Superintendent Dr. Bobbi Johnson; Director of Administrative Services Dr. Russell Houck; Budget Analyst Lauren Thomas; Director of Facilities, Planning and Construction Hunter Spencer; newly appointed Director of Human Resources Dr. Stacey Timmons; newly appointed Federal Programs Specialist/ESL Program Specialist Karie Lane; and Deputy Clerk Pearl Jamison. Robert Beard (East Fairfax District) was absent.

At 6 p.m., Mr. Dasher called the meeting to order and called the roll.

Mr. Dasher noted that Mr. Beard would not be attending the meeting due to another conflict.

On motion of Ms. Hutchins seconded by Ms. Luckinbill, the Board went into closed session immediately regarding:

[a] Discussion of Personnel Recommendations as permitted

by the Code of Virginia 2.2-3711 (A) (1)

[b] Discussion of Student Matters of Named Student A (Religious Exemption) as permitted by the Code of Virginia 2.2-3711 (A) (2)

Motion carried 6-0 by voice vote. (Mr. Beard was absent.)

On motion of Ms. Hutchins seconded by Ms. Luckinbill, the Board ended the closed session at 6:25 p.m. and certified by the following roll call vote that only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements and only the items included in the motion to go into closed session were discussed:


George Dasher

Robert Houck

Elizabeth Hutchins

Russell Jenkins

Anne Luckinbill

Leanne Malulani


Robert Beard

On motion of Ms. Luckinbill seconded by Mr. Houck, the School Board considered approving the agenda. Mr. Houck asked that the second reading of the Grading Scale regulation be moved to Action Item G. Motion carried 6-0 by voice vote. (Mr. Beard was absent.)

Consent Agenda

Mr. Dasher reviewed the items on the Consent Agenda for approval. He noted that the Grading Scale regulation has been moved to Action Items.

Mr. Houck and Ms. Hutchins noted some language that should be struck from the ESP regulation relative to the 10 day requirement.

Mr. Houck noted that a retiree could now work under the ESP regulation until they are Medicare eligible. He asked if employees who previously completed the program under the seven year requirement could return under the new guidelines. Dr. Johnson said they discussed grandfathering in but not previous retirees. Dr. Johnson said this change was suggested because it would be easier to track. Mr. Houck said it is a great option. He said perhaps we also need to consider individuals who have already retired and have done their seven years. It was agreed staff would research the subject.

On motion of Ms. Malulani seconded by Ms. Hutchins, the School Board moved to amend the consent agenda to place the Payment of Bills with the Financial Closeout under Action Item B. Motion carried 6-0 by voice vote. (Mr. Beard was absent.)

On motion of Ms. Luckinbill seconded by Mr. Houck, the School Board approved the Consent Agenda as amended.

(a) Approval of Minutes - June 14, 2010

(b) Payroll and Payment of Bills (See Action Item B.)

(c) Personnel Recommendations

(d) Second Reading of Policies/Regulations (Hard copy available upon request.)

- Athletic Participation Fee Regulations (JN R-2)

- Grading Scale (IKE R-2) (See Action Item G.)

- Student Code of Conduct

(e) Approval of Title Grants (Hard copy available upon request.)

- Title I, Part A - Improving Basic Programs

- Title I, Part D, Subpart 1 - Neglected, Delinquent, or At-Risk

- Title II, Part A - Teacher Quality

- Title III, Part A - Language Instruction for Limited English Proficient and Immigrant Students

(f) Approval of Miscellaneous Bids

- Elevator Maintenance

- Pest Control Services

- Trash Removal and Recycling

(g) Review of Administrative Regulations

- Extended Service Program (GBO R-1)

- Worker's Compensation (GCBC R-2)

(h) Disposition of Named Student A (Religious Exemption)

Motion carried 6-0 by voice vote. (Mr. Beard was absent.)

The board considered the following action items:

(a)  Consideration of VRS Changes effective July 1, 2010

On motion of Ms. Hutchins seconded by Mr. Jenkins, the School Board considered picking up all of the 5% VRS member contributions as outlined in the resolution.

Mr. Houck asked why the Board would want to do this. Dr. Johnson said we want to do this so we don’t lose ground when hiring new teachers. She said the latest VEA survey indicates only 7 out of 100 school divisions are passing these costs on to their employees. She said we currently pay the employees portion.

Mr. Dasher said this also will keep consistency across the school division. He said the county does not pay the 5% for their employees.

Mr. Houck expressed concern that we have teachers who have been in the system for 3 years and we are bringing in new teachers at the same level. He said this would be one way to differentiate between teachers.

Ms. Malulani said she agreed with Mr. Houck but we need to look at what we are going to do to straighten out our salary scales. She said in the past we spent years straightening them out and now we have lost ground. She said perhaps individuals that have been here move up to where they should be before raising our starting salary. She said it will not be an easy fix and we need to be in step with other localities around us.

Ms. Hutchins agreed with Ms. Malulani. She said before the salary scale mess balloons we need to address it and remind everyone that the first year we didn’t give raises we actually lowered our beginning salary and created a zero spot in order to keep a differentiation for those employees. She said we are beginning to create a snowball and need to address it before it gets really huge.

Motion carried 6-0 by voice vote. (Mr. Beard was absent.)

(b)  Approval of Financial Closeout for FY10 and Payment of Bills

Mr. Shomo reviewed certain bills.

v  Payment to GDW Government in the amount of $31,360 for computer access points for our schools to make testing flow better

v  Payment to Cisco System in the amount of $193,703 for technology at the secondary level (this is payment 3 of 5 for the networks and telephones at the secondary level)

v  Payment to Dell Marketing in the amount of $97,691 for staff replacement laptops

v  Payment to Floor Fashions in the amount of $36,665 for flooring at Pearl Sample

v  Payment to Green Gifford Motors in the amount of $20,656 for a replacement van

v  Payment to Kingmor Supply in the amount of $425,550 for 6 busses

v  Payment to Lawrence Perry in the amount of $20,150 for predesign work at CCHS

v  Payment to Muncy Electric in the amount of $22,520 for a down payment on the CMS fire alarm

v  Payment to P.W. Stilwell in the amount of $9,600 for the sewer line replacement at PS

v  Payment to Packet360 in the amount of $42,653.92 for renewal of network licenses

v  Payment to REC in the amount of $101,061 for electric at all schools except PS/AG

v  Payment to School Systems of Virginia in the amount of $64,162 for 2nd quarter workers compensation premiums

v  Payment to Vector Security in the amount of $32,670 for security cameras at EVHS and FTBMS

v  Payment to Virginia Truck Center in the amount of $25,983 for bus cameras

v  Payment to Certain Textbook Suppliers in the amount of $245,986 for textbooks

Mr. Shomo noted that the school allocations have been restored to the schools.

The total bills being paid for the month is $2,432,732.50.

Ms. Malulani asked about payment for legal services. She asked if there has been a particular area of need. Dr. Johnson said they have dealt with the Code of Conduct and personnel issues.

Ms. Malulani asked if the security cameras being installed at EVHS are in the critical needs areas that have been previously discussed. Mr. Shomo said yes.

Mr. Dasher asked what we are paying for diesel fuel. Mr. Shomo said $2.20 per gallon and we budgeted $2.32 per gallon.


Mr. Shomo said we estimated $34,992,513 in state revenues and have collected $33,168,277 as of June 24, 2010. He said we have collected $3,910,374 in federal revenue and need to collect $589,000.

Mr. Shomo noted that the total expenditures through June 30, 2010 are estimated at $69,590,987.

Mr. Shomo said the estimated balance on 6/30 of $1,728,606 equates to 2% of the overall budget. He said $1.1M was earmarked for VRS but resulted in a savings from VRS.

Mr. Shomo said the VRS holiday for April, May, and June resulted in a savings of $994,698.

Mr. Shomo highlighted some items that were in the end of year payables on page 2 of the finance handout totaling $3,075,907.

Ms. Malulani asked if the retirement money is coming from instruction. Dr. Johnson said yes.

Mr. Shomo reviewed the end of year school allocations that were given back to the schools and the end of year technology money that will be spent.

Mr. Shomo said the VERP incentive plus leave payout is $643,174 for 43 employees.

Mr. Shomo shared with the board the financial statements posted through the middle of June.

Mr. Dasher asked what happens if we don’t receive the anticipated $2.4M. Mr. Shomo said the state has indicated the sales tax should be more than we anticipated. He said they are pretty confident the state number will be on target and could be even more. Dr. Johnson said other school divisions are in the same situation we are.

Ms. Malulani applauded Mr. Shomo and his staff for doing a phenomenal job in making the most of what we have without landing us in jail. Mr. Shomo said we try to do a lot of things at the end of the year.

Ms. Hutchins echoed Ms. Malulani’s comments about the phenomenal job of the Finance Department.

On motion of Ms. Malulani seconded by Ms. Luckinbill, the School Board approved the financial closeout and payment of bills. Motion carried 6-0 by voice vote. (Mr. Beard was absent.)

(c) Approval of Cable Commission Representative

On motion of Mr. Jenkins seconded by Ms. Luckinbill, the School Board appointed Jack Glick to serve on the Cable Commission through December 31, 2010. Motion carried 6-0 by voice vote. (Mr. Beard was absent.)

(d)  Approve Resolution returning VRS Holiday funds to Board of Supervisors

Dr. Johnson read the resolution included in the packet.

Ms. Hutchins suggested rewording the resolution to read “School Board respectfully requests that the Board of Supervisors earmark these funds for redistribution at such time that VRS increases rates.”

Ms. Malulani asked if we should include a statement indicating when it is due.

Mr. Shomo said it is anticipated in FY13.

On motion of Ms. Malulani seconded by Mr. Houck, the resolution was approved as amended.

Mr. Jenkins asked what happens if the Board of Supervisors spend the money. Mr. Dasher said they will spend it. He said this resolution is just a way for our board to document that we gave them the money back with anticipation that we would receive it back when the rates increase.

Ms. Malulani said it gives her heartburn to turn the money back because we could do something worthwhile for the education of our students and it could backfire. She said she is concerned we are short changing our students because when it comes due it could be taken out of our operational fund. She said it is the right thing to do because we know in the future we will owe it.

Ms. Hutchins said if we use it to hire teachers and when it comes due they chop it out of our instructional budget, we are going to be forced to cut back. She said if they don’t earmark it and give it back to us we are in deep trouble. She said it makes more sense to save it and be ready for paying back.

Mr. Dasher said he has asked Mr. Bossio to consider placing the money in escrow.

Mr. Houck said we are at least making the effort to do this.

Motion carried 6-0 by voice vote. (Mr. Beard was absent.)

(e)  Approve Resolution transferring Money from Food Service to CIP for CCHS Renovation

Dr. Johnson read the resolution in the packet.

On motion of Ms. Malulani seconded by Ms. Luckinbill, the School Board considered approving the resolution as presented.

Ms. Hutchins suggested rewording the resolution to read “Culpeper County School Board respectfully requests that the Culpeper County Board of Supervisors deposit these funds into the CCHS Renovation Capital Account.”

Mr. Jenkins asked how much Mr. Beamer is left with in reserve after this transfer. Mr. Shomo said around $900,000.

Ms. Malulani asked how many food service programs in Virginia operate in the black. Mr. Shomo said he was not sure. He noted that Orange County is going from outsourcing to back in-house.