OATmeal # 12

Use the diagram showing a cross section of a hill and the information below to answer question 1.

Scientists see three layers of rock exposed on the side of a hill. The bottom layer is sandstone with fossils of a certain species of reptile found only in this geographic location. The middle layer is volcanic ash. The top layer is mud stone (shale) with fossils of a different species of reptile.

  1. The fossil evidence supports which hypothesis about the extinction of the older reptile species?

A. The older reptile species went extinct because sea levels rose and flooded its habitat.

B. The older reptile species went extinct because a predator was introduced into the environment.

C. The older reptile species went extinct because it could not compete with the younger reptile species.

D. The older reptile species went extinct because a volcanic eruption caused the environment to change.

Use the diagrams and information below to answer question 2.

The diagrams below show the digestive systems of an earthworm and a bird.

Earthworms and birds have strong muscular gizzards. The gizzard grinds food into small bits before it passes on to the intestine. Mammals, in contrast, do not have gizzards.

  1. Why do earthworms and birds need to have gizzards but mammals do not?

A. Earthworms and birds are not equipped to chew food.

B. Earthworms and birds eat food that is difficult to digest.

C. Earthworms and birds have intestines that work inefficiently.

  1. Earthworms and birds do not have stomachs to mix moistened food.
  1. Which is an example of a group of cells with a common structure and function?

A. stomach

B. muscle tissue

C. mitochondria

D. digestive system

  1. When a skydiver’s parachute opens the rate in which he is falling decreases.

Identify what force causes him to slow down. Explain how this force causes him to slow down. Write your answer in the Answer Document. (2 points)

  1. Anna is conducting an experiment to determine how weather affects cell phone reception. She is trying to decide the best way to conduct her experiment in order to collect meaningful data.

Which of the following experiments would help Anna collect the best data?

A. Test a cell phone’s reception in one location with clear weather and in another location with rainy weather.

B. Test different cell phones in different locations on days with clear weather.

C. Test a cell phone's reception in the exact same location under various atmospheric conditions.

D. Test different cell phones in different locations on days with rainy weather.

  1. The ability of an animal to react to a change in its environment is called

A. natural selection.

B. mutation.

C. adaptation.

D. extinction.

  1. Fran is conducting an experiment to determine how light affects the growth of bread mold. She is trying to decide the best way to conduct her experiment in order to collect meaningful data.

Which of the following experiments would help Fran collect the best data?

A. Place a sample of bread mold in a moist, dark area and record its rate of growth over time.

B. Place one piece of bread in a lighted area and one piece of bread in a darkened area, and then observe the rate of mold growth over time.

C. Place one sample of white bread and one sample of whole wheat bread in a lighted area, and then observe the rate of mold growth over time.

D. Place the main ingredients of bread in a lighted area and the same amount of the ingredients in a darkened area, and then observe the rate of mold growth over time.

  1. A friend states that when a force is applied, contact must take place between two objects.

Identify whether you agree or disagree with your friend. Support your decision with an example. Write your answer in the Answer Document. (2 points)

OATmeal #12