College Curriculum Review Committee

April 18, 2012

Members Present: C. Costell Corbin; S. Davidenko; E. Gravani; T. Hanford; I. Jordak; J. Kronenbitter; J. O’Callaghan; K. Sayers-Walker;

J. Swartwood; C. Van Der Karr; S. Wilson; K. Zimmerman

Members Absent : R. Grantham; D. Pitman ; B. Wilson;

Topic / Comments / Action
Minutes / The minutes from April 4th, 2012 were approved. J. O’Callaghan moved to approve; seconded by C. Costell Corbin. Unanimous. / Minutes Approved
Announcements / Elections: College Curriculum Review Committee for 2012-2014 – Claus Schubert, representing math/science;
John Hartsock, representing Fine Arts/Humanities;
Regina Grantham, representing Professional Studies;
Katina Sayers-Walker, representing Education;
Abby Thomas, representing Professional Staff.
Also, C. Van Der Karr thanked committee members for attending Middle States Committee meeting.
Old Business
1. Program Alteration – BA International Studies / Contingent pass dependent on Level 1 change to language on left-column of proposal that is not currently in the catalog. Motion made by J. O’Callaghan; second K. Sayers-Walker / Contingent Pass
New Business
1. New Course Proposal – BIO 430 Pathology / J. O’Callaghan made a motion to recommend; seconded by K. Sayers-Walker. Unanimous. / Passed
2. Alteration of Existing Program – Biomedical Sciences / C. Costell Corbin made a motion to recommend; seconded by E. Gravani. Unanimous. / Passed
3. New Course Proposal – PHI 490
Senior Thesis in Social Philosophy / K. Sayers-Walker made a motion to recommend; seconded by Carol Costell Corbin. Unanimous. / Passed
4. New Course Proposal – PSY 375 Positive Psychology / C. Costell Corbin made a motion to recommend; seconded by K. Zimmerman. Unanimous. / Passed
5. Alteration of Existing Program – BS Psychology Major / K. Zimmerman made a motion to recommend; seconded by K. Sayers-Walker. Unanimous. / Passed
6. Alteration of Existing Program – BA Psychology Major / K. Zimmerman made a motion to recommend; seconded by K. Sayers-Walker. Unanimous. / Passed
7. Alteration of Existing Program – Minor in Psychology / K. Zimmerman made a motion to recommend; seconded by K. Sayers-Walker. Unanimous. / Passed
8. Alteration of Existing Program
AED 439 Student Teaching: Adolescence Education – Foreign Languages / Action item was tabled by the Chair pending gathering additional information:
1.  Intention of requirement
2.  Cost
3.  Full-time faculty potential for conflict of interest / Tabled
9. Alteration of Existing Program
BA Adolescence Education French
(7-12)[AFR, AFRW] / Tabled by Chair pending resolution of Action Item #8 / Tabled
10. Alteration of Existing Program
BA Adolescence Education Spanish
(7-12)[ASP, ASPW] / Tabled by Chair pending resolution of Action Item #8 / Tabled
11. Alteration of Existing Program
BA Adolescence Education French Spanish (7-12)[AFS, AFSW] / Tabled by Chair pending gathering additional information:
1.  Representation of current catalog in side-by-side comparison
2.  Clarification on proficiency
3.  Revisit total credit hours / Tabled
Meeting Adjournment / The meeting was adjourned at 4:15 p.m. The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 2, 2012. / Adjourned

Submitted by Jeff Swartwood

Approved 5/2/2012