Proposal Document

Automation of Privileges and Immunities Directorate



Last Date of Submission: 17/06/2014 by 2:30pm

Technical Bid Opening Date:17/06/2014 at 3:00pm

Financial Bid Opening Date: Only those bids which qualify minimum technical criteria as listed in RFP will be considered for financial bid opening. The date and time of financial bid opening will be announced to the successful bidders via email at a later stage.

Note: Please clearly document the name, phone # and email address of the contact person on the first page of the bid.

Note2: Please enclose financial proposal in a separate sealed envelope inside the technical proposal.

Note3: Please submit only 1 set of proposal (technical and financial).

Note4: For queries, Mr. Muazam Ali, Deputy Chief of Protocol (P&I) may be conducted.


Table of Contents:Page

  1. Description of the Project 3
  2. Main Objective 3
  3. Staff Training & Capacity Building 4
  4. Management structure and manpower requirements 5
  5. Format of Proposal 7
  6. General Terms & Conditions 9
  7. Terms of Payment 10


Diplomatic Missions based in Pakistan are entitled to duty free imports of vehicles and other consumables for their official and personal use. The Privileges and Immunities Directorate of the Protocol Division of this Ministry receives and processes the requests of the Foreign Missions.

In this backdrop, the Protocol Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs intends to devise an electronic system in which the requests for import, export, registration and sale of cars and other consumables of the Diplomatic Missions could be processed in a transparent and efficient manner.

The Consulting Firm will be responsible to build a complete and fully functional MIS solution which will manage the registration and exemption process of the diplomatic vehicles, consumable items and other households, as outlined below.

Duration: 2 month

Scope of Work:

  • Define requirements through user interviews, document analysis, requirements workshops, business processes’ descriptions, user cases, scenarios, business analysis, task
  • Develop functional requirements (Business Requirements Document), Use Cases, GUI(Graphical User Interface), Screen and Interface designs
  • Technical support in related procurement, as needed.
  • Liaise between the Network team, Protocol officer(s) and support staff (data entry team)
  • Develop training material and conduct trainings of the deployed system.

Key Deliverables/Outputs:

  • Provide Technical Documentations i.e. User Manual, SOP’s, SRS(System Requirement Specification),
  • Functional system of Diplomatic Vehicle registration/Exemption as outlined in approved SRS.
  • Training Manual.
  • Will provide Technical training to the staff
  • Will manage and operate the system for 2 week after production
  • Train and local support staff for daily support need

Reporting Channel:

  • Chief of Protocol
  • Deputy Chief of Protocol (P&I)

Experience and Expertise

-Practical experience of 8-10 years in system Design and business process automation.

-Should have experience of working with the Government organization in Pakistan.

-Sound experience in system integration (software and hardware)

Selection Process:

The firm for this assignment will be selected in accordance with the “Selection Based on Consultants Qualification” (CQS).

Short Listing Criteria:

The short listing criteria for the evaluation are as follow;

-Proposed methodology for carrying out the task30

-General Experience10

-Relevant Experience20

-Quality of Professional Staff30

-Experience of working Govt projects 10

Total Number of Points100

Staff trainings/Capacity building:

There is a need of enhancing the professional capacity of existing staff, enabling them to smoothly operate the proposed system. On successful completion and implementation of the system training session would be given to all stakeholders involved in using the system.

Format of Proposal:

The technical proposal for Diplomatic vehicle Registration and Exemption system should be concisely presented and structured in the form of chapters to include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following information. Support material should not be part of the main proposal but should be placed at Appendixes.


The responding organization should provide the following.

• Name of the participating organization or participating organizations (if more than one) in the responding consortium, including their scope of involvement.

• Number of years of incorporation of the participating organization or participating organizations (if more than one).

Financial Capabilities

The responding organization shall describe the financial position of its organization. Income Statement or Annual Report should be included in the detailed Technical proposal. The National Tax Numbers of the company and/or partners should also be indicated (Photo copies of concerned documents should be provided).

Relevant Experience:

Responding Organizations must demonstrate relevant experience of implementing nature of similar projects. They should only provide the details of experience where the proposed system is implemented and running. (Note: Experience with government organizations will be preferred.)

S.No. / Nature of the Project / Total Value in PKR / Name of the Project, Customer, Contact person & Contact Details

Staff assigned to the Project:

Responding Organizations are required to name and provide resumes of at least the planned project manager, Also, a list of the number of persons and their roles for the project is to be provided. Particular focus should be on core skills set required for implementation of project of this nature.

  1. Total Staff assigned to the project (Please specify role of each person, as per minimum requirements mentioned above).
  2. Total Staff assigned for Project Implementation.
  3. Total Staff assigned to the project for Support purposes.
  4. Total staff assigned to the project for Training purposes
  5. Total Staff assigned to the project for installation and Configuration of Hardware equipment.
  6. Total Staff assigned to the project for establishment of infrastructure on site.

Project Implementation/Management Plan:

The responding organization shall provide a detailed implementation plan and project management plan. Responding Organization (RO) should provide the timeline. Responding Organization should cover tasks assigned to the employees and resource allocation of responding organization during the course of the project. This should not be in generic terms but should be specific to the project. Project plans in tabular form, mentioning names of tasks, sub tasks, start date, finish date, resources and milestones will also be appreciated. In the training category, ROs to provide detailed training schedules along with the names of resources.


The responding organization should clearly mention and list all the deliverables to be completed under the proposed project. All architectural deliverables must comply with industry standards.

Warranty Period:

The supplier shall give 6 months comprehensive after competition warranty for software certifying that the goods/services supplied confirm exactly to the specifications laid down in the contract.

Support Capabilities:

The selected vendor must provide support for the solution for the duration of the entire implementation process of the project. i.e., up to the time of exit of the selected vendor. The selected vendor will provide support for the following 6 months over the phone and would visit the client premises, if needed, to support the system.

Software bugs and upgrades/enhancements warranty.

The software warranty will include providing on-site and Help Desk support for technical issues. The detailed support plan should also include the following information other than mentioned above:

S.NO. / Items / Software bugs and upgrades/enhancements warranty / Response Time ( In Hours) / Resolution Time ( in Hours) / Contact Person Name, Email & Mobile No.

The chapter on Support plan should cover following categories in detail;

  • Staff assigned to the project (Onsite Support)
  • Technical support staff location. (Office Locations)
  • Support experience of Government projects.

Training Capabilities:

The Responding organization should indicate its training capabilities to provide training on software application, Licensed Software, Hardware they provided and infrastructure they developed. Responding Organization should also provide a detailed training schedule. Training premises (on-site) and necessary equipment will be arranged by the vendor. Preference will be given to the Responding organizations with certified trainers.

The chapter on Training plan should cover following categories in detail:

• Comprehensive system training plan

• Staff assigned to the project

Technical and Financial Evaluation:

There will be a two-stage technical evaluation for Software developments followed by a financial evaluation. Preliminary evaluation (Initial Screening) of technical bids will be done on the basis of following parameters:

  1. Lead bidder should be a Company/firm having legal presence in Pakistan.
  2. Bidder must have successfully implemented the same kind of proposed application.
  3. The detail of the projects in which theResponding Organization has provided the complete turnkey solution should be listed separately.
  4. The proposed solution must have at least one implementation in government sector
  5. Bidder should have valid National Tax Numbers.

Note: Failing to qualify on any of the above criteria will not be considered for further evaluation.

Financial bids of firms who score at least 70% on the technical evaluation (as a whole) will be opened before the representatives who wish to attend the tender opening. 20 % weight-age will be given to financial proposals of responding organizations. The formula for financial scoring is that the lowest bidder gets 20 points and the other bidders score 20 multiplied by the ratio of the lowest bid divided by the quoted price.

The financial bid for proposed software system and data entry should be quoted separately.


All currency in the proposal shall be quoted in Pakistan Rupees (PKR).

Governing Law:

This RFP and any contract executed pursuant to this RFP shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Pakistan. The Government of Pakistan and all responding organizations responding to this RFP and parties to any contract executed pursuant to this RFP shall submit to the exclusive jurisdiction to Courts.

Acceptance of Proposals:

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reserve the right not to accept the lowest or any proposal and to annul the bidding process without assigning any reason whatsoever, where permissible by the PPRA rules.

The acceptance criteria will be as follow;

1. Bidder must be technically complaint to initial screening criteria mentioned.

2. Bidder must score at least 70% in the technical evaluation.

3. Bidder must be the highest evaluated bidder (i.e. Technical Score + Financial Score is maximum.

General Terms and Conditions:

  1. The proposal and price shall remain valid for a period of not less than 90 days from the closing date of the submission of the proposal.
  2. The technical and financial proposals should be delivered in separate sealed envelopes. At the top left of the envelopes it should be clearly stated “Diplomatic vehicle Registration and Exemption system", and it should be clearly stated on the envelope, whether it contains the technical or the financial proposal.You may insert a sealed Financial proposal envelope inside the Technical proposal envelope, but it must be sealed so it can be opened at later stage.

3. Tenders must be accompanied with bid security/earnest money (refundable) for an amount of 2% of bid value in shape of pay order/ bank draft in favor of Deputy Chief of Protocol (P&I), Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Islamabad. The earnest money should be included in the sealed financial proposal. Tenders without earnest money or less than 2% of the bid value will not be entertained and rejected straightaway.

  1. The Competent Authority reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tenders at any stage without assigning any reason thereof.
  1. The scope of work mentioned in the proposal may increase or decrease according to requirements.
  1. At any time prior to the deadline for submission of bids, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs may, for any reason, amend this RFP, whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective bidder.
  2. If the progress of work is not to the satisfaction, the work will be awarded to another party at the risk and cost of the bidder.
  3. All government taxes will be deducted at source as per rules.
  4. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will not bear any expense incurred in the preparation of proposals in response to this RFP.
  5. All responses to this RFP shall become the property of Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  1. Proposals sent to Ministry of Foreign Affairs by Fax or Email will not be accepted.
  2. Proposals submitted after due date and time will be rejected.
  3. An effort by any firm(s)/individual to influenceMinistry of Foreign Affairs, "directly or indirectly through unfair means", in the underlinedproposal evaluation, proposal comparison or contract award decisions, to meet or discuss with any Ministry of Foreign Affairs official unless desired by the Ministry may result in the rejection of bidder's proposal.

Terms of Payment:

Payment will be made by Ministry of Foreign Affairs on successful deployment completion of the Project at Project site KP as per contract. Milestone payments can be considered based on deliverables. No advance payment will however be made without 100% bank guarantee. Ministry of Foreign Affairs may deduct 10% retention amount on each payments to be released after successful completion of warranty, provided the solution complies with the agreed specifications and working satisfactorily.





Note: Terms: Responding Organization/Bidder/RO have been used interchangeably. They all mean the organization interesting and responding to this RFP.

Automation of Privileges and Immunities Directorate