Ilsington Parish Council Meeting at Ilsington Village Hall

Tuesday the 26th of April 2016


Present:Mr M Retallick Mr R Winsor Mr A Fairs Mrs K Bainbridge Mr A Patch Mr R Bainbridge Mrs J Prior Mr R Dale

Mr L Dunkley Mr R Steemson

Mr M Wills

Also in attendance: 3 members of the public and Mrs Retallick (Clerk).

Councillors are reminded that they must declare any prejudicial interests they may have in any item to be considered at this meeting, prior to the commencement of the meeting.

16/38 To accept apologies for absence.


16/39 Declaration of interest in items on the agenda.

Cllr Prior declared an interest for item 16/46 (a) on the agenda.

16/40 Clerks report.

The trees that were considered dangerous have been cut down at allotments

Meeting with highways engineers – lorry in the village, potholes, finger posts

Internal auditor – for council accounts and annual return.

Reported both planning matters to TDC and DNPA enforcement officers will investigate

Attended the bonfire beacon on Haytor well supported.

The chairman added that the highways engineer had noted that his priority is on drainage matters at the present time. He also mentioned to the engineer the wayside dumping on the verges whereas previously it was arranged to go onto farm land.

CllrFairs asked about pushing forward the problems of Lorries in the village –the meeting agreed that we should pursue a width and height sign at the bottom of old town hill.

16/41 PUBLIC FORUM & MEMBERS COMMENTS – (limited to 10 minutes)

(Applicants with planning applications for consideration may also speak for up to 3minutes on behalf of their own application)

Cllr K Bainbridge reported a pothole near Lewthorn cross also one near Woodhouse cross.

Ms Gemma Robert addressed the meeting giving a presentation about her plans to renovate the buildings related to the mining house at Ilsington she would like to give the public the chance to learn about the history of mining in Ilsington. She spoke about how to fund the idea through rent from a development of a dwelling. The chairman thanked her from coming and explained that a formal reply would be given once an application is presented to the council and suggested leaving contact details with clerk if any councillors would like to visit the area.

Emma Stockley – gave a brief report about the community heritage project ‘moor than meets the eye’. The Parish scape scheme has £10,000 ring fenced for each parish and application must be submitted byAugust 2019. The funds would be to support heritage project and the parish can decide how it can be spent. There have been 9 parishes already started planning and spending their money. Cllr Patches suggested a heritage walk throughout the villages. Cllr Patch also raised the issue of the dangerous stretch of road between 'Old Liverton' and Cummings Cross, which will be used by people coming from 'New Liverton' to vote at Liverton Village Hall in two upcoming elections. The road is also used by dog-walkers and youngsters at night. The provision of a footpath for this stretch of road has been mentioned in the 2010 Parish Council Risk Assessment as the road was deemed a high risk. Cllr Patch asked for this to be placed on the agenda of a future meeting.

16/42 To confirm the minutes of the last meeting 22nd March 2016

Signed as a true record of that meeting

16/43 To receive reports from District, County Councillors, DNPA Ranger and Police.

Cllr Steemson reported that the Ranger work day will be on Sunday May 8thlead by Simon Lee and the group will continue to unravel the granite railway.

16/44 Business Brought forward by the Chairman.

Set date for Finance and standards committee to

  • review the annual return and accounts, to review insurance needs for 2016/17.
  • Discuss internal control policy.
  • Make specifications for 2 tenders (1) Allotments trimming hedges and trees (2) Set up a tender specification for ground maintenance Contract.

Chairman reported that the beacon was successful and thanked all involved for their assistance, it was generally felt there was a good atmosphere.

Parking in Liverton - very congested and asked the councillors to keep an eye on the situation there. Cllr Patch offered to chat to the residents there to raise awareness of the problems there.

16/45 Parish/Community Emergency Planning

Cllr Patch asked1: the Council if they would like to facilitate the setting up of a Parish Community Response Team - booking facilities and inviting members of certain organizations and the public at large. The meeting agreed.

2: and if in doing so it will apply for the Community Emergency Plan Grant, or will fund the meeting and invitations from its own budget. All present agreed to support. Cllrs Steemson suggested applying for the £250 grant Cllrs Patch and Steemson will attend the next meeting on the 12th May to refresh the next stage.

16/46 To consider the planning applications received from Teignbridge District.

Council and Dartmoor National Park Authority.

a) DNPA 0186/16 Proposed rear extension to form new kitchen with additional bedroom over at Little Sigford Cottage, Sigford.No objection subject to there being no adverse light impact on the neighbouring property.

b) DNPA0192/16 – Proposed erection of timber framed summer house at 1 Ley Crescent, Liverton No objection

c) DNPA0193/16 – Proposed use of building as a separate dwelling house and gardens at the Bungalow, Sycamore House. Ilsington. No objection

Grant of Conditional planning permission

  • TDC 16/000123/FUL - Proposal: Single storey extension to the rear at 12 Kittersley Drive, Liverton

Split Decision Part approval and Part refusal

  • TDC 16/00550/TPO - Proposed Fell 5 trees E2/09/08 - OAKLEA PARK, EXETER CROSS 1987

16/47 To receive reports from Parish Councillors on outside bodies.

Cllr Prior reminded the meeting of the Ilsington village hall AGM on 9th of May

Cllr Patch reported from the Liverton village hall AGM and advised the meeting of his new role as Chairman. He also reported that tenders had been received for the 3 pieces of work, the floor repairs have not been started yet.

Chairman thanked Cllr Dunkley for the risk assessment for the bonfire beacon.

Cllr K Bainbridge attended the IPFARA AGM where Mr Smith continued as chairman at that meeting, the final officer’s positions would be ratified at a trustee meeting tomorrow evening, there was some discussion and Cllr Bainbridge offered to support Mr Smith over the next 12mths. The Viridor site visit is next week. The groups making up IPFARA are very positive and have an open day planned Mr M Besley has offered to help with volunteers to tidy up prior to the open day. The tiding up of there and the area needs an initial input.

The council discussed this matter in full and considered the constitution of the playing fields, it was agreed that the clerk contact DALC and seek advice. Cllr Retallick has noticed a lady from Haytor walks her dog on the playing field against the signs and asked if the parish council should write to her.

The clerk will write to confirm the naming of the playing field – it was Smith, Westaway and Owen on the Open day 5th of June the new sign will be the unveiled.

Cllr Fair reported on the website the preview was not acceptable and he is creating a better design for discussion.

Cllr Winsor reported an incident from TDC whereby a Cllr had to leave a meeting because she had replied to an email with regard to a planning meeting.

16/48 To authorise payments of cheques presented.

1 .C Retallick Salary£ 581.83

2.TDC£ 220.27

3.Playsaftey Ltd (Inspections)£ 319.20

4.DALC (councillors training)£ 54.00

5.R Ray (bus shelter clean)£ 10.00

6.Liverton Village Hall (Hall Hire)£ 134.50

7.DALC (Subscription)£554.20

8.Viking Direct(Stationery)£ 69.55

9.S & W Internal Audit£ 200.00

10.Tree works (Allotments)£ 240.00

Cheques total for this month £ 2,383.55

DDBT Feb£ 64.37

Fleur Broadband £ 25.00 89.37

Total expenditure for this month£ 2,472.92

Balance as from bank statements at the end of March 2016£ 48,096.82

All authorised and cheques signed

16/49 Correspondence.

Emailed correspondence already circulated:-

Your Healthwatch Devon Monthly Newsletter, temporary traffic orders, Dartmoor National Park Authority Weekly List of Planning Applications, Teignbridge Cycle Group Minutes and updates, Atlas Tin Mining Burning House, Do you know and care about people abuse or neglect? Devons libraries become independent staff and community owned organisation, Becoming Resilient - forum event invitation

To confirm the next meeting of Ilsington Parish Council on Tuesday 24th of May 2016 at Liverton Village Hall at 7.30 pm.

Please note this is the Parish Councils AGM.

Signed …………………………………………… Date ……………………………………...

Ilsington Parish Council (Full Council meeting)