Date of Auction : 15.12.2011

Time : 10:30 a.m.

Date of Collection : By not later than 4:00 p.m. on 10.1.2012
by successful bidder or otherwise specified.

Remark :  In case a black rainstorm warning or typhoon signal No. 8 or above is still valid between 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m., the Auction will be deferred to 10:30 a.m. on the following working day.

Notes for Bidders / :

Terms & Conditions of the Auction Sale :

Bidders should comply with the Terms & Conditions of the Auction Sale as stipulated in the Notice of Auction.

Inspection & Viewing of Goods :

Interested bidders are requested to approach the departments concerned for inspection arrangements in the first place. The names of contacting officers and/or the telephone numbers are provided against the lot numbers.

Collection & Removal of Goods :

The successful bidders should at their sole cost, provide transportation, labour and necessary equipment required for the collection and removal of the goods (including vehicles, vessels and sampans, etc) from the specified locations against individual lots at the status as they were when the bidders carried out the inspection of goods.

For Purchase of Electrical Products :

The electrical products are sold as is for scrap purposes only and without any warranties as to their fitness for purpose. Successful bidders are reminded that they are required to comply with the terms of the Electrical Products (Safety) Regulations if they attempt to recondition, re-use and/or sell any of these goods in the local market in Hong Kong.

Enquiry :

In case of further enquiry, the bidders may contact Government Logistics Department
on telephone no. 2896 9878 , by fax (no. 2515 9447) or e-mail ().

Help Desk Service

The auctions are normally conducted in Cantonese. Upon request, the auctioneer can supplement in English and/or Putonghua when conducting the auction for individual items. If a bidder has such a requirement, he should approach the help desk in the waiting area before the auction by indicating the lot numbers that he is interested to bid and whether he wishes the auctioneer to supplement in English or Putonghua. Arrangements would be made as far as possible for the auctioneer to supplement in the preferred language when conducting the auction for the specified lots. During the auction, if a bidder requires any other assistance, he should raise his hand (but not the bidding paddle) or approach the staff at the auction venue for assistance immediately.





- 18 -

Lot No. / Item No. / Description / Quantity
批號 / 項目 / 物品詳情 / 數量
(GLD File Ref. : GR/4/1980/2011)
Department / : / Housing (Ref. : (59) in HD(FIB)/S/DISP/05 Pt.62)
Location / : / HM/KC7 - (Flat 1821, Shek Hei House, Shek Lei (2) Estate)
Ref. / : / E/SL2/SH/1821 d.d 17.3.2011
Contact Person / : / Miss K.S. Tang or Miss S.L. Wong
at 2420 6987
部門 / : / 房屋署
地點 / : / 下葵涌區租約事務管理處 – 貨物存放於石籬(二)邨
聯絡人 / : / 鄧小姐或王小姐 / 電話: / 2420 6987
(May not function properly – 功能或許有損)
UP-301 / 1.  / Television Set / 電視機 / 1 / No. / (部)
2.  / Electric Fan / 電風扇 / 1 / No. / (把)
3.  / Cooking Stove / 煮食爐 / 1 / No. / (部)
4.  / Electric Water Heater / 電熱水爐 / 1 / No. / (部)
5.  / Window-Type Air-Conditioner (Dismantled) / 窗口式冷氣機
(已拆下) / 1 / No. / (部)
6.  / Massage Chair with Massage Belt / 按摩椅連按摩帶 / 1 / No / (部)
7.  / Watch (Tin Fat) / 手錶 / 1 / No / (隻)
8.  / Watch (Seiko) / 手錶 / 1 / No / (隻)
9.  / Golden Necklace
(The golden necklace was found to be composed mainly of gold weight 26 gram) / 金頸鍊
重 : 26克 / 1 / No. / (條)
10.  / Golden Pendant
(The golden pendant was found to be composed mainly of gold weight 13.6 gram) / 金吊飾
重 : 13.6克 / 1 / No. / (件)
11.  / Golden Ring
(The golden ring was found to be composed mainly of gold weight 7.7 gram) / 金戒指
重 : 7.7克 / 1 / No. / (隻)
Special Conditions :
1.  Prior to collection, the successful bidder is required to contact the representative of Housing Department for arrangement.
特別條款 :
1.  取貨前, 承購人必須先聯絡有關房屋署代表安排提貨事宜。
(GLD File Ref. : GR/4/1980/2011)
Department / : / Housing (Ref. : (60) in HD(FIB)/S/DISP/05 Pt.62)
Location / : / HM/HK3 – (Flat 801, Yiu Fu House, Yiu Tung Estate)
Ref. / : / E/YTG/YFU/801 d.d 15.8.2011
Contact Person / : / Ms. FUNG or Mr. CHAN Wai-hung
at 2539 8336
部門 / : / 房屋署
地點 / : / 耀東邨辦事處– 貨物存放於耀東邨
聯絡人 / : / 馮小姐或陳先生 / 電話: / 2539 8336
(May not function properly – 功能或許有損)
UP-302 / 1.  / Water Heater / 熱水爐 / 1 / No. / (部)
2.  / Washing Machine / 洗衣機 / 1 / No. / (部)
3.  / Cooking Stove / 煮食爐 / 1 / No. / (部)
4.  / Refrigerator / 雪櫃 / 1 / No. / (部)
5.  / Notebook / 手提電腦 / 1 / No. / (部)
6.  / Cassette Recorder / 卡式錄音機 / 1 / No. / (部)
7.  / Ring / 戒指 / 1 / No. / (隻)
8.  / Jadeite Metal Ring
(The golden part of the ring was found to be composed mainly of gold, copper, and silver. The pale green stone was found to be composed mainly of sodium, aluminum, silicon, oxygen, calcium and iron, the composition was similar to that of Jadeite. weight 2.95 gram) / 翡翠金屬戒指 重 : 2.95克 / 1 / No. / (隻)
9.  / Metal Ear-pin
(The silvery ear-pin was found to be composed mainly of rhodium, gold, and copper. weight 0.433 gram) / 金屬耳針
重 : 0.433克 / 1 / No. / (隻)
Special Conditions :
1.  Prior to collection, the successful bidder is required to contact the representative of Housing Department for arrangement.
特別條款 :
1.  取貨前, 承購人必須先聯絡有關房屋署代表安排提貨事宜。
(GLD File Ref. : GR/4/1980/2011)
Department / : / Housing (Ref. : (61) in HD(FIB)/S/DISP/05 Pt.62)
Location / : / HM/S&M4 - (Flat 931, Wing Sam House, Lung Hang Estate)
Ref. / : / HD(H)LH 5/25/6 d.d 30.9.2011
Contact Person / : / Mr. LEE Wai-shing or Mr. LEUNG Hon-sun at 2606 1073
部門 / : / 房屋署
地點 / : / 隆亨邨辦事處 – 貨物存放於隆亨邨
聯絡人 / : / 李先生或梁先生 / 電話: / 2606 1073
(May not function properly – 功能或許有損)
UP-303 / 1.  / Split-Type Air-Conditioner
(Without Remote Control)(Dismantled) / 分體式冷氣機
(不連遙控器)(已拆下) / 1 / No. / (部)
2.  / Washing Machine / 洗衣機 / 1 / No. / (部)
3.  / Television Set / 電視機 / 1 / No. / (部)
4.  / Rice Cooker / 電飯煲 / 1 / No. / (個)
5.  / Radio Receiver / 收音機 / 1 / No. / (部)
6.  / Green Colour Stone / 綠色的石塊 / 17 / Nos. / (塊)
7.  / Fan / 風扇 / 1 / No. / (把)
8.  / Golden Colour Bracket / 金色手鏈 / 3 / Nos. / (條)
9.  / Golden Necklace
(The necklace was found to be composed mainly of gold, nickel, copper and zinc. weight 6.21 gram) / 金項鍊
重 : 6.21克 / 1 / No. / (條)
10.  / Fan / 風扇 / 1 / No. / (把)
11.  / Air Warmer / 暖風機 / 1 / No. / (部)
12.  / Refrigerator / 雪櫃 / 1 / No. / (部)
13.  / Sewing Machine / 衣車 / 1 / No. / (部)
14.  / Camera / 相機 / 1 / No. / (部)
15.  / Wooden Clothing Bin / 木衣箱 / 1 / No. / (個)
16.  / Watch (ROMANCE) / 手錶 / 2 / Nos. / (隻)
17.  / Watch (CIMTA) / 手錶 / 1 / No. / (隻)
18.  / Watch (CITIZEN) / 手錶 / 1 / No. / (隻)
19.  / Watch (RADO) / 手錶 / 1 / No. / (隻)
20.  / Watch (TITONI) / 手錶 / 1 / No. / (隻)
21.  / Watch (AUREOLA) / 手錶 / 1 / No. / (隻)
22.  / Watch (GRARD) / 手錶 / 1 / No. / (隻)
Special Conditions :
1.  Prior to collection, the successful bidder is required to contact the representative of Housing Department for arrangement.
特別條款 :
1.  取貨前, 承購人必須先聯絡有關房屋署代表安排提貨事宜。
(GLD File Ref. : GR/4/1980/2011)
Department / : / Housing (Ref. : (55) in HD(FIB)/S/DISP/05 Pt.62)
Location / : / HM/KE7 – (Flat 720, Sau Mai House, Sau Mau Ping South Estate)
Ref. / : / E/SMPS/SME/720 (ex-tenant) d.d 4.10.2011
Contact Person / : / Mr. Edward CHAN at 2349 1361 or Mrs. NG at 2350 0228
部門 / : / 房屋署
地點 / : / 東九龍(七)區租約事務管理處– 貨物存放於秀茂坪南邨
聯絡人 / : / 陳先生或吳太 / 電話: / 2349 1361 / 2350 0228
(May not function properly – 功能或許有損)
UP-304 / 1.  / Refrigerator / 雪櫃 / 1 / No. / (部)
2.  / Gas Water Heater / 氣體熱水爐 / 1 / No. / (部)
3.  / Gas Cooking Stove / 氣體煮食爐 / 1 / No. / (部)
4.  / Small Folding Table / 小型摺檯 / 1 / No. / (張)
Special Conditions :
1.  Prior to collection, the successful bidder is required to contact the representative of Housing Department for arrangement.
特別條款 :
1.  取貨前, 承購人必須先聯絡有關房屋署代表安排提貨事宜。
(GLD File Ref. : GR/4/1980/2011)
Department / : / Housing (Ref. : (62) in HD(FIB)/S/DISP/05 Pt.62)
Location / : / HM/KE6 – (Flat 516, Choi Shing House, Choi Tak Estate)
Ref. / : / (47) in E/CT/CSH/516 d.d 7.10.2011
Contact Person / : / Ms. CHIN or Ms. LEUNG at 3499 1194
部門 / : / 房屋署
地點 / : / 東九龍(六)區租約事務管理處– 貨物存放於彩德邨
聯絡人 / : / 錢小姐或梁小姐 / 電話: / 3499 1194
(Unserviceable – 不可使用)
UP-305 / 1.  / Refrigerator / 雪櫃 / 1 / No. / (部)
2.  / Fan / 風扇 / 1 / No. / (把)
3.  / Cooking Stove / 煮食爐 / 1 / No. / (部)
4.  / Rice Cooker / 電飯煲 / 1 / No. / (個)
5.  / Water Kettle / 熱水壺 / 1 / No. / (個)
Special Conditions :
1.  Prior to collection, the successful bidder must first go to Lok Wah North Estate and contact Ms. CHIN (Contact tel. no. 3499 1194) for processing of necessary documents.
1.  取貨前, 承購人必須首先前往 樂華北邨 聯絡 錢小姐(電話:3499 1194) 辦理所需文件。
(GLD File Ref. : GR/4/1980/2011)
Department / : / Housing (Ref. : (63) in HD(FIB)/S/DISP/05 Pt.62)
Location / : / HM/T(TKO1)(Hau Tak Estate) - (Flat 801, Tak On House, Hau Tak Estate)
Ref. / : / E/HTA1/TN/801 d.d 17.10.2011
Contact Person / : / Ms. LAI at 2701 3320 or
Mr. CHENG at 2706 0188
部門 / : / 房屋署
地點 / : / 將軍澳區租約事務管理處(一) – 貨物存放於厚德邨
聯絡人 / : / 賴小姐或鄭先生 / 電話: / 2701 3320 / 2706 0188
(May not function properly – 功能或許有損)
UP-306 / 1.  / Electric Fan / 風扇 / 1 / No. / (把)
2.  / Heater / 暖爐 / 1 / No. / (部)
3.  / Gas Cooker / 氣體煮食爐 / 1 / No. / (部)
4.  / Printer / 打印機 / 1 / No. / (部)
5.  / Washing Machine / 洗衣機 / 1 / No. / (部)
6.  / Refrigerator / 雪櫃 / 1 / No. / (部)
7.  / Gas Stove / 氣體煮食爐 / 1 / No. / (部)
8.  / Electric Kettle / 電水煲 / 1 / No. / (個)
9.  / Gas Water Heater / 氣體熱水爐 / 1 / No. / (部)
10.  / Wooden Table / 木枱 / 1 / No. / (張)
11.  / Bunk Bed / 雙層床 / 1 / No. / (張)
12.  / Wooden Cabinet / 木櫃 / 1 / No. / (個)
13.  / Wardrobe / 衣櫃 / 1 / No. / (個)
14.  / Wooden Cabinet / 木櫃 / 1 / No. / (個)
15.  / Shoes Cabinet / 鞋櫃 / 1 / No. / (個)
16.  / Wooden Cabinet / 木櫃 / 1 / No. / (個)
Special Conditions :
Prior to collection, the successful bidder must first go to Po Lam Estate and contact Ms. LAI (Contact tel. no. 2701 3320) for processing of necessary documents.
取貨前, 承購人必須首先前往 寶林邨 聯絡 賴小姐(電話:2701 3320) 辦理所需文件。
(GLD File Ref. : GR/4/1980/2011)
Department / : / Housing (Ref. : (64) in HD(FIB)/S/DISP/05 Pt.62)
Location / : / HM/KC5 - (Flat 2301, Shing Fu House, Kwai Shing East Estate)
Ref. / : / E/KSE/SFU/2301 d.d 19.10.2011
Contact Person / : / Ms. KAN or Mr. WONG at 2421 2426
部門 / : / 房屋署
地點 / : / 上葵涌區租約事務管理處– 貨物存放於葵盛東邨
聯絡人 / : / 簡小姐或黃先生 / 電話: / 2421 2426
(May not function properly – 功能或許有損)
UP-307 / 1.  / Washer / 洗衣機 / 1 / No. / (部)
2.  / Cassette Player / 卡式磁帶播放機 / 1 / No. / (部)
3.  / Refrigerator / 雪櫃 / 1 / No. / (部)
4.  / Television Set / 電視機 / 1 / No. / (部)
5.  / Recorder / 錄影機 / 1 / No. / (部)
6.  / Gas Stove / 氣體煮食爐 / 1 / No. / (部)
7.  / Gas Water Heater / 氣體熱水爐 / 1 / No. / (部)
8.  / Window-Type Air-Conditioner (Dismantled) / 窗口式冷氣機
(已拆下) / 1 / No. / (部)
9.  / Sewing Machine / 衣車 / 1 / No. / (部)
10.  / Clock / 鐘 / 2 / Nos. / (個)
11.  / Radio / 收音機 / 1 / No. / (部)
12.  / Digital Camera / 數碼相機 / 1 / No. / (部)
Special Conditions :
Prior to collection, the successful bidder must first go to Shek Yam Shopping Centre and contact Ms. KAN (Contact tel. no.2421 2426) for processing of necessary documents.
取貨前, 承購人必須首先前往 石蔭商場 聯絡 簡小姐 (電話:2421 2426) 辦理所需文件。
(GLD File Ref. : GR/4/1980/2011)
Department / : / Housing (Ref. : (65) in HD(FIB)/S/DISP/05 Pt.62)
Location / : / HM/WTS5 – (Flat 316, Lung Hong House, Lower Wong Tai Sin (1) Estate)
Ref. / : / E/WTS1/LHO/316 d.d 19.10.2011
Contact Person / : / Mrs. HO CHAN Shuk-yee at 2326 8962 or
Mr. WONG Tsz-kit at 2726 5220
部門 / : / 房屋署
地點 / : / 黃大仙區租約事務管理處 – 貨物存放於黃大仙下邨(一區)
聯絡人 / : / 何太或黃先生 / 電話: / 2326 8962 / 2726 5220
(May not function properly – 功能或許有損)
UP-308 / 1.  / Refrigerator / 雪櫃 / 1 / No. / (部)
2.  / Television Set / 電視機 / 1 / No. / (部)
3.  / Electric Fan / 電風扇 / 1 / No. / (把)
4.  / Rice Cooker / 電飯煲 / 1 / No. / (個)
5.  / Mobile Phone (Motorola W375) / 手提電話 / 1 / No. / (部)
6.  / Window-Type Air-Conditioner (Dismantled) / 窗口式冷氣機
(已拆下) / 3 / Nos. / (部)
7.  / Washing Machine / 洗衣機 / 2 / Nos. / (部)
8.  / Range Hood / 抽油煙機 / 1 / No. / (部)
9.  / Iron / 熨斗 / 1 / No. / (個)
10.  / CD Player / CD機 / 1 / No. / (部)
11.  / DVD Player / DVD機 / 2 / Nos. / (部)
Special Conditions :
1.  Prior to collection, the successful bidder is required to contact the representative of Housing Department for arrangement.
特別條款 :
1.  取貨前, 承購人必須先聯絡有關房屋署代表安排提貨事宜。
If the above telecommunications apparatus is not for export business purpose, no licence from the Telecommunications Authority is required in accordance with Section 5(1)(a)(iv) of the Telecommunications (Telecommunications Apparatus)(Exemption from Licensing) Order 2003.