Caring for the Community

Minutes of the Full Council Meetingheld on

Monday 25 April 2016at 7.00pm in the

Council Chamber, Woodland Road Sports & Social Centre

Present: C Cllr R G Clark(Chair)Cllr Mrs V Crick

Cllr C CrickC Cllr N Davies

Cllr D DewarCllr S Matthews

Cllr S O’DobhainCllr M Price

Cllr A RappellCllr E SilcoxCllr W Steiner Cllr G Welsh

Clerk to the Council: Ceri Mortimer

Administrator: Catherine Hillier

In attendance:

Deborah Wildgust, Curator, Pontypool Museum

Sue Allford, Administrator, Torfaen Museum Trust

1. / Apologies for absence
Apologies were received from Cllr C Evans (unwell);Cllr B Rosser (unwell).
2. / Declarations of Interest
Cllr V Crick and Cllr N Davies declared an interest in Minute No’s 15.1, 15.2 15.3 - Torfaen CBC Planning Committee.
Cllr S Matthews declared an interest in Minute No. 11- Woodland Road Social Club.
3. / Presentation by Torfaen Museum Trust
The Meeting received a presentation by Deborah Wildgust, Curator of the Pontypool Museum and Sue Allford, Administrator, on behalf of the Torfaen Museum Trust.
RESOLVED: Members noted the presentation and agreed to give consideration to further Trust funding.
The Chairman extended his thanks to Mrs Wildgust and Mrs Allford for their attendance and their dedication and enthusiasm to the Trust.
4. / Chairman’s Announcements
a)Chairman Cllr Richard Clark, Cllr Colin Crick, Cllr Veronica Crick and the Clerk to the Council Ceri Mortimer were joined by children of Llanyrafon Primary School’s Eco Group in awild flower seed planting exercise at Cwmbran Boating Lake Car Park on Friday 22 April 2016.
b)The Community Council took over responsibility for the operation of the Woodland Road Sports & Social Centre as of 1 April 2016 and the Chairman extended thanks to the Community Council’s Vice Chair and Chairs of Business Planning Group and the Planning & Environment Committee for their attendance at related meetings.
c)The Chairman attended the Pontypool Community Council Civic Dinner Friday 22 April 2016.
d)Gwent Police communication re. Your Voice priorities for Croesyceiliog and Llanyrafon.
e)Cwmbran Big Event 2016 is being held on Saturday 22 June 2016 and Members are requested to attend the Community Council stand if they are available.
f)Torfaen Museum Trust and Pontypool RFC Opening Launch of the “Pooler Room” at Pontypool Museum on Saturday 7 May 2.30-4.30pm.
g)Llanfrechfa Village Association photograph and letter of thanks for CLCC Grant Funding which assisted the purchase of a marquee for community events.
RESOLVED: Members noted the Chairman’s announcements.
5. / Minutes
5.1 / Minutes of the Full Council Meeting held on 21.03.16 were approved and signed by the
Chairmanas an accurate record.
5.2 / Matters Arising from the Minutes of Full Council Meeting 22.02.16
There were no matters arising
5.3 / The Draft Meeting Notes of the Business Planning Group Meeting 11.04.16 were noted.
5.4 / The cancellation of the Planning & Environment Committee Meeting 11.04.16 was noted.
6. / Current Financial Situation as at 31.03/2016
(i)Balance of Funds
The current balance of funds document was received, approved and signed by the Chairman and Vice Chairman as an accurate record.
(ii)Cheques & Debit Card Payments
The document, which includes list of authorised cheques, debit card payments and standing orders was received, approved and signed by the Chairman and Vice Chairman as an accurate record.
The reconciliation document was received, approved and signed by a non-signatory Member as an accurate record.
(iv)Bank Statements
Bank Statement No. 541 was received, approved and signed by a non-signatory Member as an accurate record.
(v)Woodland Road Income/Expenditure as at 18.04.16
The income/expenditure document was received, approved and signed by the Chairman.
7.1 / Notice of annual audit of accounts for the year ended 31 March 2016
(i)Council received and noted correspondence including Appendices 1-8 received from the newly appointed external auditor on behalf of the Auditor General for Wales, BDO LLP.
(ii)Council received and noted the BDO Audit Spring Briefing April 2016.
(iii) Council received and noted the Summary of Timescale following Internal Audit.
8. / Financial Assistance/Grants
(i)Welfare Rights Advice Project – Financial Assistance Application
Council noted the proposal to locate the service at the Community Council Office.
Clerk recommended that Council await further financial information from Mrs R Tucker before making a decision on level of funding.
RESOLVED: Members agreed further consideration to be given to funding on the receipt of financial information being sought by the Clerk.
(ii)Parish of Llanfrechfa & Llandewi Fawr Flower Festival Financial Assistance Application
Council received and considered a funding request and a proposal of £150 grant. A vote was taken – 6 Members in favour, 1 Member against, and 5 Members abstained.
RESOLVED: Council approved that £150 be granted to the Parish of Llanfrechfa & Llandewi Fawr.
9. / Torfaen County Borough Council Payroll Bureau – Service Level Agreement.
Members considered the new Service Level Agreement.
RESOLVED: Members approved the SLA.
10. / Motion: Exclusion of Public & Press
Exclusion of Press and Public Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 4 of Schedule 12A (as amended) of the Act.
RESOLVED: Members approved the Motion.
Cllr S Matthews declared an interest in the next item and therefore played no part in the ensuing discussions.
11. / Woodland Road Sports & Social Centre
Council received and discussed the report presented by the Clerk to the Council.
On the 31st March 2016, Woodland Road Community Trust ceased operations. As a result Croesyceiliog & Llanyrafon Community Council have undertaken the running of the Centre, honouring all existing bookings and accepting new bookings, until such time a new business model is introduced.
Due to the sudden cessation of the Trust and the Community Council having to take over the operations with immediate effect Council ratified the following motions:
(i)RESOLVED its decision to operate Woodland Road Sports & Social Centre (WRSSC) following the cessation of operations by Woodland Road Community Trust. In doing so the Council will honour all bookings advised of by the Trust on 31st March 2016 and encourage and accept new bookings at the Centre until such a time that a new operating model is developed.
(ii)RESOLVED that it enters into an agreement with Torfaen County Borough Council to operate WRSSC
(iii) RESOLVED to enter into negotiations with third parties to develop a new operating model for WRSSC.
(iv)RESOLVED the temporary appointments of an Administrator and two Attendants on the agreed NJC Salary Scales, Terms & Conditions
(v)RESOLVED to approve regular overtime worked by the Attendants (at plain time) in excess of their core hours in order to undertake the full range of duties required in and around the Centre.
(vi)RESOLVED that the Clerk to line manage the WRSSC Administrator/Receptionist and Attendants. The staff to report/liaise with her all aspects of the WRSSC administrative, financial and operational duties
(vii)RESOLVED that the Administrator/Receptionist & Attendants to report to Cllr R Clark and Cllr C Crick on urgent or emergency operational matters outside of the Clerks hours (i.e. weekend/evening)
(viii)RESOLVED that an WRSSC Committee be set up to include Cllr R Clark, Cllr C Crick, Cllr D Dewar (Cllr A Rappell in reserve) and the Clerk, and delegated powers be granted to the committee to action decisions in relation to the operation of the WRSSC, and report back to a full council meeting at the first opportunity.
(ix)Members noted that undertaking the operational running of the Centre is in effect a “Project” and the demands upon the Clerk and Administrator has increased considerably. As a result existing projects on the Project Summary will inevitably be delayed or on hold for the time being at least.
(x) RESOLVED to seek a commercial valuation for the area of the Centre currently occupied by Woodland Road Sports and Social Club and an appropriate rent be sought from the Club backdated to 1st April 2016.
(xi)RESOLVED to go out to tender for the operation of bar functions for the Main hall at WRSSC (formerly known as the Oak Room)
(xii)RESOLVED to allow the use of the changing rooms at WRSSC to Croesyceiliog RFC until such a time as the Council is no longer sole operator.
(xiii) RESOLVED to allow the use of part of the annex building currently being used as the ladies changing room by the bowls club to continue until such a time as the Council is no longer sole operator.
(xiv)RESOLVED to engage with local community organisations and Torfaen County Borough Council to resurface the current tennis courts at WRSSC and to operate the refurbished area, either solely or in partnership, for the benefit of the community.
(xv)RESOLVED the following WRSSC expenditure:
  • £10.00 BT reconnection fee for main WRSSC landline
  • Purchase of mobile phone costed at £17.49 for the Administrator for emergency calls – Cllr C Crick to be reimbursed.
  • Avalon training for all members of staff including Clerk & Administrator at a total cost of £275

12. / Motion: To re-open the meeting to the public and press
RESOLVED: Members approved the Motion.
Meeting Re-Opened
Cllr St Matthews returned to discussions.
13. / One Voice Wales / Welsh Government
(i)One Voice Wales / SLCC Joint Event 22 June 2016, Swansea
RESOLVED: Members approved the Clerk’s attendance at the event.
Attendance & mileage costs will be shared with Gelligaer Community Council.
14.2 / CLCC Projects
Project Summary - Members received and considered the CLCC Project Summary presented by the Clerk.
RESOLVED: Members noted the Summary and accepted that due to the recent diversion of resources towards the Woodland Road Sports & Social Club project, some of the projects listed will be placed on hold for the time being. The Business Planning Committee are to discuss this further.
TCBC Environment Projects Budget Analysis
Members noted the analysis.
Cllr V Crick & Cllr N Davies declared an interest in the next item and therefore played no part in the ensuing discussions.
15.3 / Torfaen County Borough Council Planning Applications
16/P/00149 PROPOSED: Modify condition 3 of planning consent 13/P/00151 to extend the time within which reserved matters should be submitted AT: Conifers, Turnpike Road, Croesyceiliog, Cwmbran NP44 2AH
RESOLVED: There were no objections.
16/P/00185 PROPOSED: Re-building of rear conservatory into house extension and insertion of window on gable wall AT: 3 Llanyrafon Way, Llanyrafon, Cwmbran NP44 8RA
RESOLVED: There were no objections.
16/P/00188 PROPOSED: Rear extension and associated works AT: 11 Chepstow Rise, Croesyceiliog, Cwmbran NP44 2PY
RESOLVED: There were no objections.
16.1 / Cllr V Crick & Cllr N Davies returned to discussions
Correspondence Received:
Torfaen County Borough Council – Torfaen Local Development Plan Newsletter March 2016.
Members noted the Newsletter.

The Meeting Closed at 8.50pm

SIGNED: ______DATED:______


M:\CroesyLlanyCC\Common\Full Council\2016\Agenda~Reports~Papers\06~May~230516\5.1 Minutes FC 250416.doc

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