IDL 190 Freshman Seminar: Music

Fall, 2010

1 Credit


Dr. John Lockwood

SP. 301


Assisted by Professor

Dr. William Wieland

SP. 304



The expressed goals of the class are to ensure that each student is equipped to make the most of the academic and social environment at NorthernStateUniversity and to gain the greatest possible advantage of the college experience.

1) To insure as much as possible the proper attitude and study skills for academic success

2) To adjust to college life in inclusive learning and social environments

3) To further develop camaraderie among music majors

4) To identify and deal with initial academic problems


1) Attend Class

2) Know the musical terms on pages 54 and 55 of

3) Keep a notebook of all IDL activities to be submitted to Dr. Lockwood

at the conclusion of the semester.

4) Attend one art opening event

5) Attend one sporting event

6) Attend one NSU theatre, community theatre event

7) Attend one CAB sponsored event


September 3 General, Spafford, JFAC, Library tourDr. Wieland, Dr. Lockwood

September 10Accompanying, Piano proficiencyDr. Faflak

September 17Gypsy Days

September 24HandbookDr. LaFave, Dr. Perkins

October 1Concert Etiquette, AudienceDr. Bultema, Mr. Skyles

October 8Time management/practicingDr. Manhart

October 15 Orchestration & ArrangingMr. Hemke

October 22Technology in EducationDr. Beckler

October 29Allstate at NSU—no class

November 5SDMTA at Northern--??

November 12ConductingDr. Vodnoy

November 19Music HistoryDr. Woods

November 26Thanksgiving

December 3World MusicDr. Wieland

December 10TBA--Turn in notebook

Northern State University recognizes its responsibility for creating and institutional climate in which students with disabilities can thrive. If you have any type of disability for which you require accommodations, please contact Karen Gerety at the NSU office of Disability Se5rvices (626-2371) as soon as possible to discuss your particular needs.

Under Board of Regents and University policy student academic performance may be evaluated solely on an academic basis, not on opinions or conduct in matters unrelated to academic standards. Students should be free to take reasoned exception to the data or views offered in any course of study and to reserve judgment about matters of opinion, but they are responsible for learning the content of any course of study for which they are enrolled. Students who believe that an academic evaluation reflects prejudiced or capricious consideration of student opinions or conduct unrelated to academic standards should contact the academic dean administratively in charge of the class to initiate a review of the evaluation.