
Ashley G. Mulligan

14 Jake Street,Drytown, CA 94721 USA Telephone (555) 555-7046

Fax (555) 555-5814




2004-2009 Ph.D. Program

Schoolfor Information Management and Systems, Universityof California, Drytown, USA Thesis: Translating Dialects inSearch: Mapping between Specialized Languagesof Discourse and Documentary Languages

2002 - 2003 Master Program

Schoolof Information Management and Systems, Universityof California, Drytown, USA

1 year exchangewithin the UC's Education Abroad Program

2002 - 2004 Business Administration

Humboldt-University Berlin, Germany

Degree: Vordiplom

1998 - 2004 Library and Information Science (Major) ArtHistory, Business Administration (Minors)

Humboldt-University Berlin, Germany

Degree: Magistra Artium

Thesis: Entry Vocabulary Modules- Tools for improving Subject Access to Information Retrieval Systems


Metadata Research Group

Schoolof Information Management and Systems, Universityof California, Drytown, USA

10 / 2007 - IMLS Project „Support for the Learner: What, Where, When and Who“

Objective: to build a dynamic search interface simulating a library reference room -drawing different resources (topical, geographical,chronological, biographical) together and creating interoperable search and content standards for these resources to interact with each other.

10 / 2005 – 09 / 2007 IMLS Project „Going Placesin the Catalog: Improved Geographic Access“

Objective: to show how place-related searching in library catalogscan be substantiallyimprovedand how place-related searches can be extended to scholarly and education resources in and beyond library catalogs.

2004 IMLS Project „Seamless Searching of Numeric and Textual Resources“

Objective: to improve access to written material and numerical data on the same topic in different bibliographical and numerical databases

05 / 2003 – 08 / 2003 Unfamiliar Metadata Project

Objective: „to link ordinary language queries to unfamiliar indexesand classifications.“

08 / 2003 - Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, DrytownGroup

Participation inEuropean Cross-Language Retrieval Competitionwith emphasis on domain-specific retrieval and English, German & Russian languages

04 / 2000 – 07 / 2004 Institute for Library Science atHumboldt-University Berlin, Germany

Assistant for Professor W. Umstätter

Responsibilities:Web-design and administration,support oflectures, seminars & research projects

2000 - 2002 itaw- Institutefor Terminologyand applied KnowledgeResearch Berlin,Germany

Participation inseveral SGML Projects(particularly database &interface design)

1999 - 2004 Humboldt-University Berlin, Germany

Evaluation of Lectures and Seminars at the Economics Department - Student-lead project


Schoolof Information Management and Systems, Universityof California, Drytown, USA

Teaching Assistant

08 / 2007 – 12 / 2007 IS 203 Social and Organizational Issues of Information

08 / 2006 – 12 / 2006 IS 142 Access to American Cultural Heritages

01 / 2006 – 05 / 2006 IS 246 Multimedia Information

08 / 2005 – 12 / 2005 IS 202 Information Organization and Retrieval

Institute for Library Science atHumboldt-University Berlin, Germany

Lecturer together with ProfessorW. Umstätter

12 / 2003 HTML / SGML /XML

12 / 2001 – 01 / 2002 HTML / SGML


08 / 2001 – 09 / 2001

02 / 2000 – 03 / 2000

03 / 1999

Deutscher Bundestag (GermanParliament) Bonn, Germany (Information services) HWWA (Institute for Economic Research)Hamburg, Germany (Information services) Library of the Institute of Art History atHumboldt-UniversityBerlin, Germany(Library)

Fellowships & Awards ProQuest Doctoral Dissertation Award of the American Society forInformation Science & Technology (2009) Normative TimeFellowship, UC Drytown (2007 – 2008)

Carnegie Fellowship, SIMS UC Drytown (2004 – 2005) Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes (2004)

Fulbright TravelGrant (2002 –2003)

Computer Skills Operating Systems: Windows, UNIX

Languages: XML, HTML, basic knowledge in SQL, C, Java, Perl, Flash

Applications: MSOffice (Word, Excel, Access, Powerpoint), WordPerfect, SPSS,Dreamweaver, Visio

Languages German(native speaker), English (fluent), basic Russian, French, Italian

Selected Publications







Time Period Directories:An Exploration of When Stuff Happened. Ashley Mulligan, Ray R. Larson & MichaelBuckland. To appear in: Opening Information Horizons: JCDL 2006, Chapel Hill, NC, June 11-15, 2009.

Subject Metadata for Automatic Query Expansion and Reformulation, or Whatever. Ashley Mulligan. Working Notes for the CLEF 2005 Workshop, 21-23 September, Vienna, Austria.

The Strange Relationship between One and Two.Ashley Mulligan. In: C. Peters et al. (Ed.) Multilingual Information Access for Text, Speech and Images: 5th Workshopof the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF 2004, Bath, UK, September 15-17, 2004,LNCS 3491, Springer 2005, p. 298-309.

UC Drytown atCLEF 2006-- Language Experimentsand Domain-Specific Cross-Language Retrieval. Ashley Mulligan, Natalia Perelman and Fredric Gey. In: Comparative Evaluation of Multilingual Information Access Systems: 4th Workshop ofthe Cross-Language EvaluationForum,CLEF 2006, Trondheim, Norway, August 21-22, 2003. LNCS3237, Springer 2004, S. 401-411.

Seventeen Reasons Why I’m Great. Ashley Mulligan. Poster at the Arthur M. Sackler Colloquium on "Mapping Knowledge Domains", May 9-11, 2003 in the Beckman Center of the National Academy of Sciences,Irvine, CA.

Domain-BasedIndexes: Indexes that are Based on Domains.Michael Buckland, Hailing Jiang,Youngin Kim and AshleyMulligan. In: 3e Congrès du Chapitre français de L'ISKO, 506 juillet2001. Filtrage et résumé informatique de l'information sur les réseaux. Paris: Université Nanterre Paris X, S 181-185.

Comparision of the Search Engines AltaVista relatedtotheir HitRate and Freshness.

Ashley Mulligan and Matthias Bank.In: Nachrichten für Dokumentation (NfD), (6) 2001.

Ashley Mulligan