Deena J. González

Chair, Department of Chicana/o Studies

Director, American Cultures Program

One LMU Drive, UNH Suite 4400

Loyola Marymount University

Los Angeles, CA 90045




Date of Birth: August 25, 1952

Place of Birth: Hatch, New Mexico

Languages: English, Spanish, French/Portuguese (reading)


Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley, History (1985)

Dissertation: "The Spanish-Mexican Women of Santa

Fe: Patterns of their Resistance and Accommodation,


M.A. University of California, Berkeley, History (1976)

B.A. New Mexico State University (1974)


2001- Chair and Professor,Department of Chicano/a Studies, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles

2005-06 Director, American Cultures Program, LMU

2002-03 Interim Co-Director, American Cultures Program,LMU

2001 Summer Session, Visiting Professor, César Chávez

Center, UCLA

1991-01 Associate Professor, History/Chicano Studies,

Pomona College

1996-97 Fellow, Institute of American Cultures, Chicano Studies Research Center, UCLA and Visiting Lecturer, The César Chávez Center, UCLA

1993-96 Chair of the Intercollegiate Department of Chicano Studies, Claremont Colleges

1992 Fall, Visiting Associate Professor, Chicano

Studies, UCSB

1991-92 Visiting Associate Professor, History/Women's Studies, University of New Mexico

1985-91 Assistant Professor of History/Chicano Studies,

Pomona College

1990 Spring, Acting Chair, Chicano Studies, Claremont

1989 Spring, Visiting Assistant Professor, CMC

1988 The National Faculty, Evergreen State College

1987-88 Visiting Scholar, Center for Latin American Studies,

UC Berkeley

1987-88 Ford Foundation Minority Post-doctoral Fellowship

1986 Summer, Visiting Assistant Professor, UC Berkeley

1983-85 Instructor of History/Chicano Studies, Pomona College

1982-83 Visiting Lecturer, Department of Ethnic Studies,

Assistant Coordinator, Center for Latin American

Studies, UC Berkeley


2007: LMU Summer Research Grant, manuscript, “Nuevomejicanas


2006: Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Religious Thought and Practice


2006: Transforming the Curriculum Project (course revision)

2004: Academic Technology Award, LMU (summer grant)

2002: Herstory Award, Faculty Recipient, LMU

2002: LMU Summer Research Grant, manuscript, “Lupe’s Song”

2001: UCSB Friends-of-the-Library, Travel Grant

2001: Living U.S. Women’s History: Voices from the Field, Sophia

Smith Collection, Smith College, Oral History Interview

1999: Historical Consultant,Emmy-award recipient,“The U.S.-Mexican War Series," PBS(KERA/Dallas), Best Historical Programming

1996-97:Institute of American Cultures, UCLA Fellowship

1996: Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Literary Project, grant

1996: Summer Undergraduate Research Grant (SURP), Pomona College

1993-94:Ford Foundation Course Development Grant, Pomona College

1994-2000: Who's Who of American Women (Marquis)

1990: Hewlett Summer Research Grant, Pomona College

1989-90: NEH Summer Research Grant for Students, Pomona College

1986/87/88/89: Mary E. LaFetra Summer Research Awards,

Pomona College

1988-89: Co-Chair, Ford Foundation Fellows Conference

1987-88: National Research Council, Ford Foundation Fellowship

1987: Rockefeller Foundation Fellowship, declined

1981-82: President, Graduate Assembly, UC Berkeley

1978-79;80-81: Ottilie R. Schubert Fellow, UC Berkeley, History


New Mexico Digital History Project, Editorial-advisory Board

Program Consultant, Film Adviser, “Transforming America,” Dallas

Community College District, Distance Learning, 2004, 2000

Lora Romero Book Prize Committee, American Studies Association,


American Historical Association, Program Committee, AHA Annual Meeting, 2002

Program Consultant, Film Adviser, Project on Padre Martínez of

Taos, Paul Espinosa, Producer, 2000

Program Consultant, PBS/KERA (Dallas), U.S.-Mexican War Series,


Editorial Board, Aztlan: A Journal of Chicano Studies, 1997-00

Women of the West Museum, Advisory Board, Denver, Colorado

Program in Collegiate Scholars in History, Advisor, University of

Florida, 1990

Tomás Rivera Center Summer Dissertation Workshop, Advisor, 1989-95

Committee on Minority Historians, American Historical Association

Organization of American Historians

National Association of Chicano Studies

American Studies Association

Mujeres Activas en Letras y Cambio Social (MALCS), Co-founder

Editorial Board, Signs, 1986-90

Reviewer for: National Research Council/Ford Foundation Fellowships, American Council of Learned Societies Fellowships, NEH Fellowships (Panelist)

The National Faculty, appointed, 1989



Refusing the Favor: The Spanish-Mexican Women of Santa Fe,

1820-1880 (New York: Oxford University Press, 1999)

Book Manuscripts in Progress

Dictionary of Latinas in the United States, Editor and Compiler

Nuevomejicanas Bequeath: New Mexican Women’s Wills, 1750-1890

Lupe's Song: On the Origins of Mexican Woman-hating in the U.S.


Co-Editor-in-Chief with Suzanne Oboler, Encyclopedia of Latinos

and Latinas in the United States (New York: Oxford University Press, 4 Vols.,2005)

Series Co-editor (with Antonia Castañeda, Chicana Matters Series (Austin: University of Texas Press). Projected books, 15 volumes: 6 published, 5 forthcoming, 4 under review

Articles, Published Lectures, Commentaries, Conference Proceedings

Invited or completed (forthcoming):

"Chicana Studies: Adding Sexuality to Race, Class, and Gender,"

Julian Samora Research Institute (JSRI), Maxine Baca Zinn and Refugio Rochín, Eds. Michigan State University, East Lansing,

Michigan, Julian Samora Institute Publications

“Gay and Lesbian Latino Organizations,” Yvette Saavedra with Deena

J. González, in John Hawley, ed. Encyclopedia of

Homosexuality (Westport, Conn. and London: Greenwood Press)


“Surveying the Western History Association: Who’s WHA? Patterns of

Exclusion,” Western Historical Quarterly 38 (Autumn, 2007)

“A Life of Service: Remembrances From a Teacher’s Daughter,”

Dossier Section, Aztlán (Spring, 2006)

“History Practice Roundtable: Embracing Equity: Discussing

Inequity,” Response to Linda Kerber, Journal of Women’s

History, 18:1 (Spring, 2006)

“Rodolfo F. Acuña,” Encyclopedia Entry with Yvette Saavedra, in Suzanne Oboler and Deena J. González, Editors-in-Chief, The Oxford Encyclopedia of Latinos and Latinas in the United States, Vol. 1, (New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 2005)

“DQ University,” Encyclopedia Entry in Suzanne Oboler and Deena J. González, Editors-in-Chief, The Oxford Encyclopedia of Latinos and Latinas in the United States, Vol. 1, (New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 2005)

“Latino Identities and Ethnicities,” Encyclopedia Entry by Suzanne Oboler with Deena J. González, et.al. in Suzanne Oboler and Deena J. González, Editors-in-Chief, The Oxford Encyclopedia of Latinos and Latinas in the United States, Vol. 3, (New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 2005)

“Marianismo” Encyclopedia Entry in Suzanne Oboler and Deena J. González, Editors-in-Chief, The Oxford Encyclopedia of Latinos and Latinas in the United States, Vol. 3, (New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 2005)

“Widowhood,” Encyclopedia Entry in Suzanne Oboler and Deena J. González, Editors-in-Chief, The Oxford Encyclopedia of Latinos and Latinas in the United States, Vol. 4, (New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 2005)

“Gertrudis Barceló: La Tules of Image and Reality,” in Vicki

Ruiz and Virginia Sánchez-Korrol, eds. Latina Legacies

(New York: Oxford University Press), 2005 (Reprinted

and Revised)

"Malinche Triangulated, Historically Speaking," in Rolando Romero and Amanda Harris, eds. Feminism, Nation and Myth:

La Malinche (Houston: Arte Público Press), 2005

“Internal Colonialism,” Encyclopedia entry in New Dictionary of

The History of Ideas (Farmington Hills,MI: Charles Scribner’s

Sons), 2004

“Lupe’s Song: On the Origins of Mexican Woman-hating in the U.S.,”

Revised in Alicia Gaspar de Alba, Ed. Velvet Barrios (New

York: Palgrave:Macmillan),2003

Commentary/Response: “Enclaves y Transgresiones: Historical and

Contemporary Considerations in Pedro Cabán’s ‘Three Decades,”

Inaugural Issue: Latino Studies, 1,2003

“Gender on the Borderlands:Re-textualizing the Classics,” in

Special Issue, Frontiers: A Journal of Women’s Studies

Antonia Castañeda and Sue Armitage, Eds. 2003

"Juanotilla of Cochiti, Vecina and Coyota: Nuevomexicanas

in the Eighteenth Century," in Richard Etulain, Ed. New

Mexican Lives: Profiles and Historical Stories(Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press),2002

"Chicana Identity Matters," The Chicano Studies Reader: An

Anthology of Aztlán, 1970-2000. UCLA Chicano Studies

Research Center, 2001. (Reprint)

"Lupe's Song: On the Origins of Mexican/Woman-Hating in the United States," in Curtis Stokes, Theresa Meléndez, Genice Rhodes- Reed, Eds. Race in 21st Century America (East Lansing: Michigan State University, 2001).

"On the Lives of Women and Children in the Aftermath of the U.S.- Mexican War," in John Bloom, Ed. The Treaty of Guadalupe

-Hidalgo: Its Impact in New Mexico (Las Cruces: Doña Ana

County Historical Society and Yucca Tree Press, 1999).

"The Travail of War: Women and Children in the Years After the

U.S.-Mexican War," September,1998, printed at: www.pbs.org/

Kera/U.S.Mexican war

"The Unmarried Women of Santa Fe," in Zaragoza Vargas, Ed.

Major Problems in Mexican-American History, Houghton-Mifflin, 1999.

"La Tules of Santa Fe," in Zaragoza Vargas,Ed. Major Problems in Mexican-American History, Houghton-Mifflin, 1999.

"Speaking Secrets: Living Chicana Theory," Carla Trujillo, Ed. Living Chicana Theory, Third Woman Press, 1997.

"A Resituated West: Johnson's Re-gendered, re-racialized Perspective," Clyde Milner III, Ed. A New Significance: Re- envisioning the History of the American West, Oxford University Press, 1996.

"Chicana Identity Matters," Antonia Darder, Ed.

Culture and Difference: Critical Perspectives on

the Bicultural Experience, Bergin and Garvey, 1995. Reprinted in Aztlán: A Journal of Chicano Studies, V.22, No.2, 1997.

Reprinted in The Chicano Studies Reader: An Anthology of

Aztlán, 1970-2000.

"From La Leyenda Negra to La Tules," Gene Autry Museum

Publications, The Mask of Zorro: Mexican Americans

in Popular Media, 1994.

"La Tules of Image and Reality," in Beatriz Pesquera and

Adela de la Torre, Eds. Building With Our Hands: New

Directions in Chicana Studies, Univ. of California

Press, 1993. Reprinted in Ellen DuBois and Vicki Ruiz,

Eds. Unequal Sisters, 2nd ed., Routledge, 1994.

"Gender Relations in the Spanish Borderlands," Encyclopedia

of the North American Colonies, Scribner's, 1994.

"Old Age and Death: The Spanish Borderlands," Encyclopedia

of the North American Colonies, Scribner's, 1994.

"Encountering Columbus: A Lecture," in Teresa Cordova, ed.,

Chicano Studies: Critical Connection Between Research

and Community, National Association of Chicano Studies

Publications, 1992.

"Malinche as Lesbian," California Sociologist, Special Issue,

Culture and Conflict in the Academy: Testimonies from

the War Zone, Volume 14, Winter/Summer, 1991.

"The Rose Report and Beyond," AHA Publication Series, pamphlet


"The Widowed Women of Santa Fe: Assessments on the Lives of an

Unmarried Population, 1850-1880," in Arlene Scadron, Ed.

On Their Own: Widowhood and Aging in the American Southwest,

University of Illinois, 1988; reprinted in Ellen DuBois and

Vicki Ruiz, Eds. Unequal Sisters, 1st ed., Routledge, 1990; reprinted in Antoinette Sedillo López, Latina Issues:

Fragments of Historia (Ella) (Herstory), New York: Garland

Publishing, Inc., 1995.

"Chicano Studies and La Chicana," in Alfredo González and

David Sandoval,Eds. A Symposium on Chicano Studies, Loyola

Marymount University, 1988.

"Commentary: Assessments on Intercultural, Cross-cultural

Relations," in Lillian Schlissel, Vicki L. Ruiz, and

Janice Monk, Eds. Western Women: Their Lands, Their Lives,

University of New Mexico, 1988.

"Commentary: Chicana Feminism," in Unsettled Issues, pamphlet, Mujeres en Marcha, Eds. UC Berkeley Graduate Assembly, 1983.

Drafted Articles (in progress):

“Reading Their Lives: The Wills of Women Named Juana,

Manuela, Eduarda, Juanotilla and Rafaela"

“Negotiating Mexicanness"

Book Reviews

“The Medicine of Memory: A Mexica Clan in California; In Search

of Naunny’s Grave: Age, Class, Gender, and Ethnicity in an

American Family; Return to Aztlan: A Journey into an

Ancestral Past,” Latino Studies 2006, 4, (192-195).

Ross Frank’s “From Settler to Citizen: New Mexican Economic

Development and the Creation of Vecino Society, 1750-1820,”

Journal of American Ethnic History, fall, 2002.

"Carl Gutiérrez-Jones' Rethinking the Borderlands: Between Chicano Culture and Legal Discourse," The Latino Review of Books, Spring, 1996.

"Masquerades," Outlook, winter, 1992.

"Thomas Sheridan's Los Tucsonenses," The Pacific Historical

Review, and in the National Association of Chicano Studies,

Conference Proceedings, 1987.

"Sylvia Arrom, The Women of Mexico City," book review, Journal

of Social History, 1986.


KTLA Special Program, Interview by Lynette Romero, Journalist, Los Angeles, CA October 9, 2005.

“Transforming America: U.S. History Since 1877,” Video/distance learning (Interview:19th Century U.S. History) Dallas Telelearning, Dallas Community College, 2005.

“Shaping Lives,” Interview. Dallas Community College Series, History of the U.S., 2001.

"Living U.S. Women’s History: Voices from the Field, 1960-2000," in Oral History Archival Project, U.S. Women's History, Sofia Smith Collections, Smith College. Sherrill Redmon, Kathryn Kish Sklar and Mary Rothschild, 2001-02 (one of ninety-five historians interviewed).

Interview in “Mapping Intellectual/Political Foundations and

Future Self Critical Directions,” Margaret E. Montoya, University of Miami Law Review, July, 1999.

"Talk of the Nation," National Public Radio, Ray Súarez, Moderator, Dallas, Texas, 1998.

"The Travails of War," Susan Schewe, Producer, KERA/Dallas, 1998.

"The Aftermath of the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo," KNMSU, Las Cruces, New Mexico, Tomás Smith, Interviewer, 1998.

"America's Landscape: Surveying 500 Years of Change," Marc Lipshitz, Producer, MediaWorks, Bethesda, Maryland, 1997.

"Commemorating Charter Day at UCB," Berkeley, Keynote Student Speaker, UCB, April, 1982.


2007: AHA, American Historical Association, Response to “Linda

Kerber on ‘Women in the Historical Profession,’ Atlanta

(in absentia)

2007: LMU, Comparative Drama Conference, Introducer, Plenary

2006: Ford Foundation Fellows Conference, “On Teaching,” Panel

Washington, D.C. (in absentia)

2006: WHA, Western History Association, “Interpreting the Survey

on the WHA,” Panel Discussant

2006: Freshmen Orientation Keynote Address, LMU

2006: Latino Scholars Day, LMU, Keynote Address

2005: Berkshire Women’s History Conference, Chair, Panel

2005: UCLA, “Sleepy Lagoon Conference,” Presenter

2005: CSUDH, “Chicanas in Academe” Address

2005: UCLA, “Chicano Manual of Style,” Conference, Presenter

2005: UTSA, Women’s History Week, “Stories of our Academic Lives”

2004: Dean’s Colloquium, LMU, “Lupe’s Song”

2004: Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, “On Mexican Woman-hating”

2004: CSULA, “On Latina Butch/Femme”

2004: NACCS, “The Albuquerque Conference/Workshop of 1990”

2004: UCSB, “Revisiting a Survey: On Latina Butch/Femme”

2003: Closing Plenary Address, MALCS, San Antonio

2003: Keynote Address, Raza Graduation, UC, Berkeley

2003: CSULB, “On Women Named Juana, Manuela, Eduarda and


2002: Latino Studies Journal, Inaugural Conference, “Commentary: Pedro Caban’s Survey of the Status of Latino/a Studies

Programs,” Chicago: Univ. of Illinois

2002: East Los Angeles CC Lecture, “Women’s Wills from New


2002: Univ. of Houston, Chicana History Workshop, Commentator

2001: WHA( Western History Association Meetings ),San Diego, "Status of Chicanas in the Profession"

2001: MALCS (Mujeres Activas en Letras y Cambio Social), CSU,

Northridge, Keynote Address, Summer Institute

2001: Gene Autry Museum, Seeking El Dorado: African-Americans in

Far West, panelist, Los Angeles

2001: Otro Corazón: Queering the Art of Aztlan, closing address, UCLA