Name ______Period ______

Advertising Slogans

1. _____ Just do it / a. Kentucky Fried Chicken
2. _____ Like a good neighbor / b. Bounty
3. _____ Betcha can’t eat just one / c. Arby’s
4. _____ Anything else would be uncivilized / d. Lay’s Potato Chips
5. _____ I love what you do for me / e. AT&T
6. _____ It’s finger-lickin’ good / f. Hallmark
7. _____ The few, the proud, the … / g. Campbell’s Soup
8. _____ Just for the taste of it / h. Right Guard
9. _____ Quality is job 1 / i. Diet Coke
10. _____ When you care enough to send the very best / j. Taco Bell
11. _____ The quicker picker-upper / k. Energizer Bunny
12. _____ Don’t leave home without it / l. M&Ms
13. _____ What are you eating today? / m. State Farm
14. _____ Melts in your mouth, not in your hands / n. Delta Airlines
15. _____ When there's no tomorrow / o. Ford
16. _____ Head for the border / p. U.S. Army
17. _____ It’s everywhere you want to be / q. Visa
18. _____ Snap, crackle, pop / r. Coca-Cola
19. _____ Is it soup, yet? / s. Gatorade
20. _____ We love to fly and it shows / t. Toyota
21. _____ It keeps going, and going and going / u. Dr. Pepper
22. _____ We do more before 9:00 am than most people do all day / v. US Marines
23. _____ It’s the real thing / w. Nike
24. _____ Hold out for the Out of the Ordinary / x. Rice Krispies
25. _____ For that deep down body thirst / y. Federal Express
26. _____ Reach out and touch someone / z. American Express

Advertising Slogans KEY

1. __W___ Just do it / a. Kentucky Fried Chicken
2. __M___ Like a good neighbor / b. Bounty
3. __D___ Betcha can’t eat just one / c. Arby’s
4. __H___ Anything else would be uncivilized / d. Lay’s Potato Chips
5. __T___ I love what you do for me / e. AT&T
6. __A___ It’s finger-lickin’ good / f. Hallmark
7. __V___ The few, the proud, the … / g. Campbell’s Soup
8. __I___ Just for the taste of it / h. Right Guard
9. __O___ Quality is job 1 / i. Diet Coke
10. __F___ When you care enough to send the very best / j. Taco Bell
11. __B___ The quicker picker-upper / k. Energizer Bunny
12. __Z___ Don’t leave home without it / l. M&Ms
13. __C___ What are you eating today? / m. State Farm
14. __L___ Melts in your mouth, not in your hands / n. Delta Airlines
15. __F___ When there's no tomorrow / o. Ford
16. __J___ Head for the border / p. U.S. Army
17. __Q___ It’s everywhere you want to be / q. Visa
18. __X___ Snap, crackle, pop / r. Coca-Cola
19. __G___ Is it soup, yet? / s. Gatorade
20. __N___ We love to fly and it shows / t. Toyota
21. __K___ It keeps going, and going and going / u. Dr. Pepper
22. __P___ We do more before 9:00 am than most people do all day / v. US Marines
23. __R___ It’s the real thing / w. Nike
24. __U___ Hold out for the Out of the Ordinary / x. Rice Krispies
25. __S___ For that deep down body thirst / y. Federal Express
26. __E___ Reach out and touch someone / z. American Express