2AHIM USA Between the Wars

Introduction / (Max 3)
Introductory paragraph comprising some context relevant to the area/topic of the essay, definition of any terms in the question, a proposition/thesis statement and an outline of the narrative/thematic structure of essay. / 3
A few sentences outlining the theme of the essay, including a simple proposition. / 2
A sentence or two outlining the ‘who’ or ‘what’ to be discussed in the essay. / 1
No introduction to essay provided. / 0
Factual Content and Evidence used to support statements/lines of argument / (Max 9)
Very detailed essay using of accurate evidence throughout. Quotations, sources, statistics etc are used as supporting evidence and cited in a coherent fashion. / 8 9
Good level of factual content. Accurate evidence is used throughout the essay to back up and sustain arguments. Quotations, sources, statistics are used as supporting evidence and are cited in a coherent fashion. / 6 7
Satisfactory level of factual content. Relevant evidence is used appropriately to back up arguments. Some quotations, statistics etc are used in a coherent fashion. / 4 5
Lacking in factual detail. Limited evidence used and the response contains a number of generalisations. / 2 3
Lacking in factual detail. Very limited use of evidence and the response is mainly a series of generalisations. / 1
No supporting evidence, OR all generalisations, OR All evidence is incorrect. / 0
Complexity of discussion/argument / (Max 6)
Develops a highly sophisticated, complex and sustained argument throughout the discussion that demonstrates a high degree of analysis and understanding of the interconnectedness of events. / 5 6
Displays a sustained argument throughout the discussion that demonstrates understanding of the interconnectedness of events. / 3 4
A simple chronological narrative with minimal content about cause, action and reaction. / 1 2
Discussion/argument suggests no understanding of the topic and/or historic analysis of motivation, cause, action, impact, change and continuity. / 0
Conclusion / (Max 3)
Draws essay’s argument or point of view together. / 2 3
Very superficial conclusion, or vaguely summarises with use of clichés such as ‘In conclusion...’ or one that just repeats the proposition stated in the introduction. / 1
No conclusion given. / 0
Communication skills / (Max 4)
A sophisticated, well written and well constructed argument using appropriate historical terminology as appropriate. / 4
Accurate and relevant use of historical terms. Literacy enables the construction of an effective response with well developed sentences, paragraphs and/or essay. / 2 3
Limited reference to historical terms. Poor literacy skills may interfere with the ability of the marker to understand the response (as evidenced by very poor spelling, grammar, failure to use capital letters correctly and poor sentence and paragraph structure). / 1
Response is mainly unable to be understood by the marker. / 0
Research Organiser / (Max 3)
All sections completed in detail and it shows thought in the formulation of the thesis for the essay and revisions as necessary / 2 3
Not fully completed or lacking in detail or inappropriately completed / 1
Not handed in / 0
Research Notes / (Max 3)
Detailed research notes handed in that show a good understanding of the topic / 2 3
Not fully completed or lacking in detail or inappropriately completed / 1
Not handed in / 0
Bibliography / (Max 4)
References appropriately formatted and show a range of sources used to gather information / 3 4
References handed in but not formatted properly and/or do not show a range of sources of information used / 1 2
Not handed in / 0
TOTAL / /25