The Norseman: Style Guide

Published Paper


Droid Sans Bold

32 point font

41.6 pt line spacing

Body Text


10 pt font

13 pt line spacing


Droid Sans

11 pt font

White background at 70% opacity

Dark background at 90% black

Image Borders

Lines – 2pt, 90% black

Dark background – 90% black

Light Text Backgrounds

45% black fill color

Black text

Light Gradient Backgrounds

40% black to 0% black

Pull Quotes

14-17pt Droid Sans

2pt 90% black border on top and bottom

Even Page Numbers

Left Alignment

White, Georgia italic 23pt

90% black background

Odd Page Numbers

Right Alignment

White, Georgia italic 23pt

90% black background

Opinion Attribution Boxes

80% black background

90% black border 1pt

10% black 11 pt Droid Sans


Top .25

Bottom .25

Inside .375

Outside .375

Special Feature Headline


21 pt font

Special Feature Box

50% black background

90% black boarder 2 pt

Viking Voice Section

Body Text


10 pt font

13 pt line spacing


26 point MEgalopolis Extra

100% black

HEADLINE (dot = alt+8) TYPE Headline types include:





Art Boxes

80% black background

90% black border 2pt

Caption: 10% black Droid Sans 11 pt

Art Headline Boxes

90% black background

White 1pt border

White text Bebas 19pt

The Norseman: Style Guide

How to Create a Post
First go to: and login
User Name: Full Name (Example: Rebecca Dominy)
Password: vikings
This will take you to the Dashboard. Click the “Add New” under the “Posts” button on the left.
You will then type your headline and copy and paste your body copy.
Select the first paragraph of your article and copy and paste it to the “Excerpt” box.
Change the “Author” at the bottom of the page using the drop-down menu.
Add the “Tags” for your article.
Change the date of publication to the date dictated by the calendar.
When all steps are complete, click “Publish”.
If you would like to preview your page, you can click the “View Page” button above your headline.

Photographs within Articles – border: 0pt, align: right;

All photographs MUST have a caption

Adding Italics – <i>Type Text</i>
Adding Bold Text – <strong>Type Text</strong>

Copy and paste the text you need based on the location of the pull-quote you are using. The words in all caps, must be replaced with your actual quote and attribution. This information must be placed in the exact spot you want the pull-quote to appears.
<blockquote style="margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 15px; position: relative; float: left; clear: left; border-left: 1px solid gray; width: 300px; font-size: 1.4em; border-top: 1px solid gray; border-bottom: 1px solid gray; border-left: 0; border-right: 0; text-align: center; display: block;"> INSERT PULL-QUOTE TEXT HERE <em> - ATTRIBUTION</em> </blockquote>
<blockquote style="left: 115px; clear: both; margin-left: 15px; margin-right: 215px; position: relative; border-left: 1px solid gray; width: 500px; font-size: 1.4em; border-top: 1px solid gray; border-bottom: 1px solid gray; border-left: 0; border-right: 0; text-align: center; display: inline-block;"> INSERT PULL-QUOTE TEXT HERE <em> - ATTRIBUTION </em> </blockquote>
<blockquote style="margin-left: 15px; margin-right: 10px; position: relative; float: right; clear: right; border-left: 1px solid gray; width: 300px; font-size: 1.4em; border-top: 1px solid gray; border-bottom: 1px solid gray; border-left: 0; border-right: 0; text-align: center; display: block;"> INSERT PULL-QUOTE TEXT HERE <em> - ATTRIBUTION </em> </blockquote>

Also See Related Articles
In the Dashboard, scroll down to the box labeled Custom Fields.
Select “Series” from the Name drop down and then past this information in the Value box beside it:
<i>This post is a part of the <a href="WEB PAGE LINK">NAME OF SERIES</a>.</i>
You will need replace the text in all-caps.
Example: <i>This post is a part of the <a href="">Technology in the Classroom series</a>.</i>

The Norseman: Style Guide