List of Physical Constants:

Name / Symbol / Value(s)
Gravitational Constant / G / 6.67 E -11 Nm2/kg2
Acceleration due to gravity / g / 9.8 m/s2 or 10 m/s2
Speed of light in a vacuum / c / 3.0 E8 m/s
Speed of sound at STP / 334 m/s
Mass – Energy relationship / 1 u = 931 MeV
Mass of Earth / 6.0 E24 kg
Mass of Moon / 7.4 E22 kg
Mean radius of Earth / 6.4 E6 m
Mean radius of Moon / 1.7 E6 m
Mean distance Earth – Moon / 3.8 E8 m
Electrostatic Constant / k / 9.0 E9 Nm2/C2
Charge of the Electron
One Elementary Charge / e / 1.6 E-19 C
One Coulomb / C / 6.25 E18 elementary charges
Electron-volt / eV / 1.6 E-19 J
Planck’s Constant / h / 6.6 E-34 Js
4.14 E-15 eVs
Rest Mass of Proton / mp / 1.67 E-27 kg
1.007825 u
Rest Mass of Neutron / mn / 1.67 E-27 kg
1.008665 u
Rest Mass of Electron / me / 9.11 E-31 kg

List of Prefixes:

Prefix / Abbreviation / Multiple
giga / G / E9
mega / M / E6
kilo / k / E3
centi / c / E-2
milli / m / E-3
micro / μ / E-6
nano / n / E-9
pico / p / E-12
femto / f / E-15

Wavelengths in a Vacuum:

Violet / 4.0 E-7 m – 4.2 E-7 m
Blue / 4.2 E-7 m – 4.9 E-7 m
Green / 4.9 E-7 m – 5.7 E-7 m
Yellow / 5.7 E-7 m – 5.9 E-7 m
Orange / 5.9 E-7 m – 6.5 E-7 m
Red / 6.5 E-7 m – 7.0 E-7 m

Absolute Indices of Refraction:

λ = 5.9 E-7m

Air / 1.00
Alcohol / 1.36
Canada Balsam / 1.53
Corn Oil / 1.47
Diamond / 2.42
Glass, Crown / 1.52
Glass, Flint / 1.61
Glycerol / 1.47
Lucite / 1.50
Quartz, Fused / 1.46
Water / 1.33

Uranium Disintegration Series:
