Name: ______
Section: ______
Date: ______
This activity provides a review of Pavlov’s famous experiment on the salivary response in dogs, as well as the basic processes of classical conditioning: acquisition, generalization, discrimination training, and extinction.
Salivary Response
In Pavlov’s famous experiment, what did he call the…
o unconditioned stimulus (UCS)? __Meat powder______
o unconditioned response (UCR)? ______saliva flow______
o conditioned stimulus (CS)? ______bell or other neutral stimulus ___
o conditioned response (CR)? The sailiva that the dog produce to the bell alone__
A New Salivary Response
Pavlov demonstrated that the dog had formed a conditioned association between two events. What were those events? What did the dog actually learn?
In the example of a child who fears doctors, what label would you give to the painful injection?
_Paiful injection ____ UCS _____ UCR __ ___ CS _____ CR
In the example of a child who fears doctors, what label would you give to the presence of the
_____ UCS _____ UCR __ Doctor___ CS _____ CR
Demonstrating Acquisition
How could we demonstrate that acquisition had occurred—that is,
What is extinction?
- The diminishing of response when, in classical conditioning, and unconditioned stimulus( UCS) does not follow a conditioned stimulus(CS); or when, in operant conditioning, a response is no longer reinforced
What is spontaneous recovery?
- The reappearance, after a rest period, of an extinguished conditioned response
What is generalization?
- The tendency, once a response has been conditioned, for stimuli similar to the conditioned stimulus to evoke similar responses
What is discrimination?
- In classical conditioning, the ability to distinguish between a conditioned stimulus and similar stimuli that do not signal an unconditioned stimulus. In operant conditioning, responding differently to stimuli that signal that behavior will be reinforced or no reinforced.
Conditioning an Eye Blink
What is the CR in this example? ______
What is the CS in this example? ____500 Hz tone______
What is the UCS in this example? _____put off air ______
What is the UCR in this example? ______
Experiment Simulation
Why are we interested only in the blinks that occur before the puff of air?
Discrimination Trials
How would you interpret these graphs? Did your subject show evidence of stimulus generalization, or stimulus discrimination, or both?
Extinction Trials
How would you interpret these results? Has the conditioned response been extinguished in your subject? What would happen if we continued immediately with more trials? What would happen if we brought her back to the laboratory tomorrow for more trials?