Pahrump Valley Center
ART 101, 1005 - Beginning Drawing I
Fall 2012
Instructor: Katherine Withers
Office: Pahrump Valley Center
Phone: cell...307-250-8682
Office Hours: By appointment - after class
Credit Hours: 3
Days/Times: Tuesday evenings from 7:00 p.m. – 9:45 p.m.
Classroom: Room 107
Text: Drawing (Space, Form and Expression) 4th Ed. ISBN: 978-01360319101
by Wayne Enstice & Melody Peters;
Pearson/Prentice Hall
Catalog Description:
A disciplined foundation of drawing skills based on the visual observation of objects and landscapes. This class requires three (3) hours of studio practice weekly, three hours of drawing homework weekly, plus reading assignments.
Course Description:
In this class students will learn how to draw a variety of objects by observation in a studio environment. The class will be enhanced through the General Education objectives listed on the final pages of this document. Emphasis on developing problem-solving skills.
Methods of Instruction:
All the work, classwork and homework, is completed by the students with guidance from the instructor. There will be required classroom discussions and a written paper with illustrations by the student as a final exam.
Other Resources:
Drawing from Observation by Brian Curtis
Drawing From the Right Side of the Brain by Betty Edwards
*Lessons in Classical Drawing by Juliette Aristides....highly recommended!
Course Requirements:
Students are required to attend class regularly, participate in class work and discussions, complete all homework, and purchase supplies for their projects.
Required Supply List:
[All these can be purchased at the local Walmart]
willow charcoal
Daler Rowney 11x14 extra white drawing pad
Daler Rowney artist sketching set
Daler Rowney colored pencil set
Daler Rowney black spiral-ring sketchbook - 8.5”x11”
Daler Rowney eraser set
Krylon Spray Workable Fixatif [sealer that stops drawings from smearing]
very soft brush [to clear eraser debris - [like a makeup brush or soft 2” paintbrush]
**viewfinder/ templates...make out of smooth stiff cardboard...viewfinder with a 3”x4” opening [leave a 2” border]. Also make a 5”x4” template, a 6”x6” template and a 8”x6” template. Use a sharp utility knife and a ruler...clean straight edges please.
*portfolio - can purchase one or easily make out of heavy cardboard with duct tape sealed on one or three sides ..approximately a 22x28 size.
* for portability...a couple of long bungee cords to secure your portfolio, sketchpad, and drawing board all a small box with a handle for everything else.
➤ Be sure to clearly label the sketchbook and portfolio with your name. You will be graded on these. All drawings, quizzes and exams should be saved and have your name and date in the upper right corner.
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Evaluations and Grades:
Student drawings will be graded on being able to follow the directions and objectives of the lesson, sincere efforts to do the best of one’s ability, and craftsmanship. All general education classes have a written paper requirement. There will 3 written exams.
Grading is based on a percentage of total points possible:
Participation, attitude and attendance...... 15%
Exercises, homework, final projects...... 70%
Written illustrated exams...... 15%
Grading Scale: 90 -100 = A
80 - 89 = B
70 - 79 = C
60 - 69 = D
Below 60 is failing
A "W" will only be given up until the 13th week. Incomplete grades will become an "F" if not completed. Incomplete grades are permitted only for medical reasons.
*Please let me know if you have signed up as an “audit “ student... sometimes this does not get recorded.
A Grade / B Grade / C Grade / D Grade / FailingCATEGORY / Excellent
Achievement / Very Good
Achievement / Satisfactory
Achievement / Limited Achievement / No or Poor Effort
Craftsmanship / Media is manipulated with a high degree of competence. Project meets all physical requirements.
. / Media is manipulated in an above average manner. Project meets all physical requirements. / Media is manipulated in an average manner. With a few minor technical difficulties. / Media is manipulated in a way that shows lack of student effort. / Student does not attempt the project.
Follows directions / The student has solved all problems or tasks and shows high achievement toward understanding goals and objectives of the assignment. / The students have solved most problems or tasks with a good understanding of goals and objectives of the assignment. / The student has solved some of the problems or tasks and shows satisfactory achievement toward goals and objectives. / The student shows limited achievement towards stated goals and objectives. / The student does not attempt the assignment.
Grade Appeals
Should you have concern or complaint about the way grading is handled in this class the student should follow the steps of the official review process as stated in the GBC General Catalog. Note that the first step is to meet with the instructor.
Class Work/ Homework...[all homework due at the beginning of class]
Students should keep all of the work done in class until the end the semester . I will be reviewing each student’s work in a final portfolio and sketchbook review.
Some exercises will be done in class and others for homework. All work will be graded in class. Please write the assignment number and date on the back of each drawing in pencil. Late assignments will not be accepted.
If class work is missed because of an absence, the work must be made up upon returning. Missed homework must also be completed.
Attendance - Mandatory
This course requires in-class discussion and participation. Attendance is mandatory for all students and is an important life skill to master. Roll is taken each session and is tabulated into the final grade along with the quality and quantity of your in-class work. Your responsibility is to attend daily, punctually, and maintain classroom decorum. Poor attendance and lack of participation will lead to a lowering of a letter grade.
Upon missing a third class, the student will be dropped from the class roll unless there is medical documentation of a prolonged illness. Being late to class three times counts as one unexcused absence and can affect your grade.
**Please let me know if you are going to be absent by leaving a message by email to me at least two hours before class or it will be unexcused. Any classes missed must be made up ...classwork plus homework due when returning to class.
Academic Honesty
Great Basin College considers academic honesty one of its highest values. A student who obtains academic credit for work that is not the product of his or her own effort is being dishonest and undermining the academic integrity of the college. Students are expected to be the sole authors of their work. Use of another’s ideas must be accompanied by specific citation and reference. In addition, a student may not submit the same work for credit in more than one course. The disciplinary consequence of plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty include non-acceptance of work submitted, a failing grade in the course, and/or or other disciplinary action as outlined in Great Basin College’s Student Conduct Policy.
Student Conduct Policy
"Messages, attitudes, or any other form of communication deemed to be outside the bounds of common decency/civility as judged by common standards of classroom behavior (determined by the instructor) will not be tolerated."
The behavior of GBC students, as member of the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE), is governed by GBC and NSHE Code. Misconduct, as defined and established in the NSHE Code, Title 2, Chapter 6, Section 6.2.2 and the above misconduct as defined by GBC, is subject to Disciplinary Sanctions as defined by NSHE Code, Title 2.
Plagiarism will not be tolerated under any circumstance.
The Great Basin College catalog contains specific information on all of the above.
Please turn cell phones off in class. Texting or using electronic devices is not allowed...wait until break time. Non-compliance will adversely affect your grade .
Music and Technology
This is a non-vocal class experience when drawing. Music can be inspirational while working. When we begin to do longer assignments will usually be available.
This is the responsibility of everyone in the classroom [not only for your individual work area] but also the tables and supply areas. No eating or drinking allowed.
Safety instructions must be followed in the art room. If needed there is a first aid kit in the office containing bandages and first aid cream. I will discuss the locations of the fire extinguishers the first day of class and how to use them. If an event calls for evacuation of the building we will exit the through
the door at the back of the class to your right. Some of the materials used in this class may have potential hazards; their safe use and handling is important. If you have, or develop sensitivity to any materials, contact the instructor immediately.
Disability Statement
GBC supports providing equal access for students with disabilities. An advisor is available to discuss appropriate accommodations with students. Please see the instructor for any concerns. If you have trouble seeing or hearing..please sit in front of the class.
FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974)
From time to time throughout the course, selected assignments completed by you may be made available for public display. Should this cause you concern, please indicate to me in writing that you do not wish to have any of your work so displayed.
Student Success
Welcome to all students of this beginning drawing class! Most students will see that with just a few lessons they will be able to draw better than they thought possible. An added advantage of this class is that you will be able see the world in a new way and that an appreciation of the arts is valuable for enriching the experience of life.
This list provides learning objectives, learning outcomes and measurements for Art 101.
Completing Art 101 fulfills the Fine Arts General Education requirement.
Objective 1: Communication skills - Communicate clearly and effectively in written and oral form, i.e. discussion, reading, listening, and accessing information. Strong
Student will be able to:
Have weekly verbal discussion on work assignments in class and homework.
The student will create a drawing with a written critique.
Have weekly discussions of text material.
Students will be able to present their work to the class and communicate clearly in written and oral form. They will be able to explain their art work to the class. The grade for the drawing and writing assignment are determined through a rubric.
Objective 2: Critical Thinking - Integrate creativity, logic, quantitative reasoning, and the hierarchy of inquiry and knowing in social and scientific understanding. - Moderate
Student will be able to:
Quantitative Ability - To some degree
Create a grid enlargement - drawing to scale.
Exhibit an understanding of size relationships of angles, and proportion.
Execute one point and two point perspective drawings.
Reasoning and Independent thought - Significant
Integrate problem solving within a drawing
Draw representative, symbolic and expressive images that meet the requirements of an assignment.
Identify the vocabulary and mechanics of a visual language.
Become familiar with a variety of drawing implements and drawing papers.
Be able to identify and show proficiency with various art media.
Analyze the elements of art and learn how to apply the principles of good design.
Create a realistic interpretation of an object, create depth and practice the art of illusion.
Become familiar with colors, their applications and theories.
Become familiar with value designation including crosshatching and stippling technique.
Describe the effects of light on form and its mood enhancing properties.
Illustrate the theories of “right-side brain” training including upside down drawings, negative shapes, sighting, etc.
Learn art terminology and vocabulary.
Scientific Understanding - To some degree
Have an understanding of color and be able to compare additive and subtractive use of color.
Develop connections between math, science, psychology and art by studying the anatomy of plants and animals and personal characteristics exhibited by these.
Students will create drawings using still life, portraits, landscapes and animals as subject matter. Students will be familiarized with different drawing media. Their understanding of this knowledge will be demonstrated in their class work, class discussions and homework assignments.
Objective 3: Personal and Cultural Awareness – Understand the roles of individuals in society, the development of human societies and the significance of creativity in the human experience. - Strong
Sense of the Individual in Society – Significant
Correlate cultural events to the expression of art.
Identify particular artists in his/her cultural context and explain differences in drawing styles.
Recognize and cultivate individual differences between artist personalities through video, discussion from text and class reports.
Interpret some of the drawing techniques of world cultures and how this applies to drawing knowledge.
Demonstrate craftsmanship and the value it has in our society and other world societies.
Recognize that practicing the arts require a level of commitment of self discipline and perseverance enhances self worth.
Sense of the Past – Significant
Encourage tradition of sketching as a continuous source for ideas and motifs.
Relates to the history of drawing through textbook, class discussion and videos.
Make reference to historical artists identified with each of the elements of art.
Make a connection of the cultural and historical heritage of contemporary society to the visual expression of the artists of the past.
Explain the divergence of attitudes, values and beliefs within a society as expressed through the visual arts, and how it has evolved through history.
Sense of Accountability - Moderate
Have an awareness of individual artists who exemplify the idea of self expression and pursuing personal art goals.
Have an understanding of copyright laws and how they pertain to students/ artists.
Appreciation of Fine Arts - Significant
Have an understanding of the criteria of Fine Art.
Comprehend drawing as a basis for all artistic modes, (painting, architecture, sculpture, etc.).