Wallace, Steven Mark 1-3 Review www.revelationandcreation.com

Review Questions for Mark 1-3
When applicable, please provide scripture for your answers.

  1. Who is the writer of this gospel? Identity his connections and relatives.
  2. What is Mark’s proposition/theme for his gospel? ______
  3. What do these words mean?
    Jesus? ______
    Christ? ______
  4. What is a key word in the gospel of Mark? ______
  5. What was John role’s (1:2-8)? ______
  6. Why was Jesus baptized?
  7. Who is God well pleased with (1:11)?
  8. What are some things we can learn from the temptation of Christ (1:11-13)?
  9. What did Jesus preach when he came to Galilee (Mk. 1:15)? ______
  10. What was James and John’s response when Jesus called them (1:19, 20)? ______
  11. How do we know Satan and demons are real? ______
  12. What did Jesus say His purpose was for coming (1:38, 39)? What do you think the primary purpose of His body (the church) is? ______
  13. What was the primary purpose of the miracles which Jesus worked? ______
  14. Of what did Jesus warn the leper and what effect did the leper’s action have on Jesus (1:40-45)?______
  15. What did Jesus see (2:5)? ______
  16. List the four criticizing questions directed at our Lord in chapter 2. ______
  17. Why did Jesus eat with tax collectors and sinners? ______
  18. Did Jesus really say that He called sinners “to repentance” (2:17)? ______
  19. What are some of the marks of deity that Mark gives in these chapters? ______
  20. What was Matthew’s occupation? ______
  21. What happens when new cloth is sewn onto an old garment (2:21)? ______
  22. What is new wine and where should it be stored (2:22)? ______
  23. Thought questions (2:18-22):
  24. What is the Lord’s point in 2:21, 22? ______
  25. What might be an example of old cloth? ______
  26. What might be an example of old wine? ______
  27. What do the new wine and wineskins likely represent? ______
  28. Did Jesus break the Sabbath day and teach men that it is okay to set aside the commandments of God in times of human need? ______
  29. Was David justified and doing something “lawful” in eating the showbread, and what is our Lord’s point in bringing Him up (2:25, 26)? ______
  30. Did Jesus ever become angry and if so, why? ______
  31. What things would fall into the ministry of the apostles in 2:14-15? ______
  32. What is Peter’s Aramaic name? ______
  33. Why do we know Peter was not a Pope? ______
  34. What did the Lord’s people think about Him (3:21)? ______
  35. What did the Lord’s opponents think about Him (3:22)? ______
  36. Can there be strength in division? ______
  37. What had previously been done whereby some blasphemed the Spirit? ______
  38. Who are Jesus’ real family? ______