Concise presentation form for projects concerning CADSES programme

indication to fill it in
This form has been designed to diffuse projects or projects ideas through the web site of the Ministry for Infrastructures and Transports.
This form aims to achieve two major objectives:
  • to help the elaboration of trans-national projects, which meet the priorities defined by Commission documents and by CADSES programme. Both references cannot be disregarded for the interventions elegibility;
  • to facilitate information diffusion and exchange about projects in elaboration phase.
On the web page, CADSES – projects or “only ideas” will be listed:
  • projects divided according to axe and measure, having a certain degree of definition, at least as regard the identification of partners and funds;
  • ideas on which the competent Administrations have already expressed a favourable opinion, even if they are not yet defined in detail (these ideas will be gathered on the same web page as projects but separated from them).
Those who are interested in the diffusion of projects and/or ideas within CADSES programme are requested to fill in the presentation form and to provide as many indications as possible, to evidence the elegibility, the reliability and the interest of their projects and/or ideas.
It is made clear that:
  • forms must be written in English (the programme’s official working language), but they can be written in the languages of the project partners as well;
  • the competent Regions (as regard Italy) or corresponding national coordinators (as regard the other countries) shall previously and indicatively assess the consistency of each project form with the programme purposes.
The form is described below with comments, to facilitate the use. More over, it can be unloaded from this site.
Forms duly compiled shall be sent to the project leader, to be included in the web site.
1. Project
1.1 / (indicate project provisional title)
1.2 / (indicate axe and measure corresponding to the prject major objective)
2. Partnership
2.1 / Project leader
(instituion which will ensure the trans-national coordination of the project)
information about the project leader:
(contact person responsible for the project management at partner institution level)
  • name and surname:
  • function:
  • address:
  • phone number:
  • fax number:
  • e-mail address:
It is made clear that a possible leader, associated for ERDF funds (in case of project leader from a non – member State) shall be assisted by a “financial project leader “ from a Member State.

At this regard, compare OP CADSES chapter 5 paragraph 2 page 72

2.2 / Europeans partners already adhering to the project:
(instituion which will partecipate in the project as a partner)
Information about the person in charge:
(contact person responsible for the project management at partner institution level)
  • name and surname:
  • function:
  • address:
  • phone number:
  • fax number:
  • e-mail address:
2.3 / Partecipation modalities for non – member countries ibn the projects:
(indicatively describe how third countries can be involved in the project: role, activity, finacial resources…)
2.4 / Other partners which could be involved in the project:
3. Project technical contents
3.1 / Objectives and project short description:
(briefly describe – 20 lines max. – project aim and articulation (stages, mid-term results…)
3.2 / Description of the state of the art, of already existing studies or projects and of added value produced by the project:
(initial situation of the project subject, in order to outline the innovation and the benefit produced by the project)
3.3 / Project consistency with the European Spatial Development Perspective (ESDP) and contribution to the priorities of the programme, of the axe and of the measure of reference (concrete and measurables results):
(briefly describe – 20 lines max. – the answers that the project intends to give as regards the implementations of ESDP priorities and of those described in the SPD)
3.4 / Project consistency and complementarity with policies and structural actions carried out on the same subject at Community, national and regional level:
(briefly describe – 20 lines max– how the project contributes to the implementation of Community, national and regional policies concerning the subject dealt with and its complementarity with other Community, regional and local interventions)
3.5 / Envisaged project duration:
(briefly describe – 20 lines max. – the answers that the project intends to give as regards the implementations of ESDP priorities and of those described in the SPD)
3.6 / Estimated costs of project (in €):
(schematically submit a budget estimate for each partners and for each year, if possible)
3.7 / Intended financing (in €) (ERDF, co-financing, other funds):
(indicate financing resources intended for project implementation, if possible)
3.8 / Description of project management modalities and of financial circuits :
(indicate the internal partnership organisation between partecipants and envisaged financial circuits, in particular between leader and partners, if possible)


(other elements, that the author of the project proposal considers useful).

You can send your projects to: -