1.1The County Associations shall be known as the North Yorkshire County Netball Association (hereafter called the CountyAssociation).

1.2The County Association shall consist of that geographical area known as the County of North Yorkshire for local authority purposes plus the town of Bridlington and the Village of Stamford Bridge near York, as approved by the All England Netball Association (hereafter called England Netball).


2.1The County Association shall be affiliated to England Netball and to Netball Yorkshire, the Yorkshire and Humberside Regional Netball Council– (hereafter called the Region).


3.1The County Association is established to:

3.1.1co-operate with England Netball and with the Region to promote and encourage the game of Netball at all levels and for all abilities;

3.1.2plan and help in the growth of netball within the geographical area under its jurisdiction;

3.1.3Organise such events as the members desire;

3.1.4adopt the rules and regulations laid down by England Netball;

3.1.5 keep a watching brief on Netball facilities within the County;

3.1.6employ the funds of the County Association as shall be deemed to be in the best interests of the game.


4.1 The membership of the CountyAssociation shall consist of:

4.1.1Clubsand schools (refer to England Netball articles for definition and eligibility);

4.1.2Registered participants – a registered participant is a person or school who plays, coaches, umpires or organises Netball or who is in any way concerned or connected with Netball. Participants must register with England Netball either through a club, the County Association or direct with England Netball:

4.1.3The CountyManagement Board

4.1.4Associate members – the following are eligible:

Any Company, Association or Sports Club within the County with an interest in Netball.

4.2All members of the County shall be bound by this constitution and other rulings of the County Management Board and by the current rules of the game.


5.1Each member shall pay the annual appropriate fees to England Netball which will includea Regional membership fee and a Countymembership fee. The County membership fees shall be proposed annually by the County Management Board and approved at the AGM.

5.2Membership fees are due on the 1st September in any one year and must be paid to the County prior to participating in any official County and local district competition.

5.3Membership fees for the current year shall be paid prior to participating in the game in any capacity.


6.1The affairs of the NYCA shall be conducted by the County Management Board. The officers of the County Management Board shall be:

Chair, Vice Chair,Secretary, Treasurer, Representative from the Education and Training Group, Representative from the Talent Development Group, Representative from the Participation and Competition Group, Representative from North Yorkshire Schools Group, The current Regional Netball Manager, the current County Netball Development Co-ordinator.

6.2All Officers must be registered participants and shall be elected/re-elected at the AGM. The Representative from the Education and Training group, Talent Development group, Participation and Competition group, and North Yorkshire Schools Group shall be responsible for forming the relevant groups.

6.3The County Management Board shall meet on not less than three occasions during a year, not including the AGM. Additional meetings may be arranged if necessary.

6.4A minimum of three members shall form a quorum, one of whom shall be the Chairperson or the Treasurer. The Regional Manager and the County Netball Co-ordinator are non voting members.

6.5The County Management Board may form additional sub committees as necessary for the better management of its affairs.

6.6The County Management Board may fill any vacancy in respect of the elected Officers to act until the next AGM.

6.7In the absence of the Chairperson, the committee shall nominate an Officer to take the Chair.


7.1An Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held at a date fixed at the previous AGM, normally April/May.

7.2The date and the agenda shall be circulated to all members entitled to vote no later than fourteen days prior to the meeting.

7.3A representative from each club affiliated to the County Association must attend the AGM. A representative from each affiliated school or a representative for North Yorkshire collective schools must attend the AGM. Any club or school/collective school delegate not represented shall be fined at an amount decided by the committee and approved at the AGM. As from 2012, this amount was agreed to be £100.00 per club.

7.4Business transacted shall be:

7.4.1to receive reports from all members of the committee;

7.4.2to receive an audited statement of accounts;

7.4.3to fix membership fees for the coming year;

7.4.4 to elect the County Management Board;

7.4.5to consider any proposed resolution to the current Constitution

7.4.6to elect an auditor

7.5Nominations for the election of Officers may be proposed and seconded by any two members entitled to vote

7.6Persons eligible to vote at an AGM shall be;

7.6.1each affiliated club – one vote each, the Schools’ Representative shall have one vote

7.6.2each Officer – one vote (unless when representing an affiliated club when they shall have a second vote). The Chairperson may have a second or casting vote in the case of equality in voting. No other club representative shall be permitted more than one vote.


8.1An Extra-ordinary General Meeting may be convened:

8.1.1by order of the County Management Board

8.1.2upon written request to the Secretary from five or more members entitled to vote at a General Meeting

8.2Each requisition shall state the purpose for which a meeting is required and shall set out any resolutions which is desired to propose.

8.3The meeting shall be held within 28 days of receipt of the requisition by the Secretary and 14 days notice of the meeting and of any resolution proposed shall be given to every member entitled to vote.


9.1The financial year will be from 1st April to 31st March the following year.

9.2Claims for expenses incurred on behalf of the County should be submitted to the Treasurer in writing prior to the auditing of the accounts.

9.3The Treasurer shall prepare the accounts for audit and submit to the AGM an audited statement of accounts.


10.1Proposals to alter the constitution at the AGM shall be submitted in writing to the secretary not later than 21 days prior to the meeting, either by the County Management Board or proposed and seconded by two members entitled to vote at the AGM

10.2A majority vote in favour of a proposal is required to amend this constitution.


11.1Any Officer and any member of the Management Board and/or its sub committees shall be indemnified by the North Yorkshire County Netball Association against all costs, charges, losses, expenses and liabilities which she/he may incur or sustain in relation to the execution of the duties of her/his office, relating to the NYCNA through affiliation to the Governing Body for Netball.


12.1The County Management Board shall have the power to discipline in such a manner as the County Management Board thinks fit, a member or club who has been guilty of conduct considered by the County Management Board to be disgraceful or prejudicial to the interests of the County or the game of netball or in breach of the memorandum, articles and byelaws of England Netball or the NYCNA. The power to discipline shall include power to recommend to the England Netball Executive to suspend or remove a member or a club from membership from the County. On receipt of notification of facts or circumstances that a member or a club may have been guilty of such conduct, the Committee shall have the power to:

a) appoint and constitute a Disciplinary committee consisting of no less than 3 from 5 and no more than 5 members

b) make such terms of reference and regulations a sit considers necessary for the conduct and proceedings of such Disciplinary Committee.

12.2A member or club who have been the subject of Disciplinary action by the Executive committee has the right to appeal to and Appeal Committee consisting of the Officers of the NYCNA who have not served on the Disciplinary committee concerned with the subject of appeal. Such a committee may affirm, vary or rescind any action decided by the Executive committee and substitute thereof any other decisions at it, in its absolute discretion, considers appropriate.


13.1 If any disputes shall arise on the interpretation of this constitution or the need arises to deal with any matter not provided for, reference shall be made to the Secretary who shall refer the same to the County Management Board whose decisions shall be binding on all parties.

13.2All funds or other property of the CountyAssociation shall not be paid to, or distributed among the members of the CountyAssociation but shall be applied towards the furtherance of the CountyAssociations objectives. Payment to individuals, other than petty cash expenses shall be sanctioned by the CountyCommittee.

13.3In the event of dissolution, the funds remaining will be devoted to other organisations whose objects are similar to those of the CountyAssociation or to other purposes approved by the Charity Commissioners.

May 2013