1Plants can store chemical energy which humans often eat. Where is the main energy store in each of the plants named below?


2Look at the drawing of the food web.

aName two producers in the food web.

bName two carnivores in the food web.

cWhere did all the energy that transfers through the food web originally come from?


3Eddy put some iodine solution onto different plants. The table shows the results from Eddy′s tests.

Part of the plant / Colour of the iodine solution on the plant
Slice of potato / Lots of blue-black
Cabbage leaf / All pale brown
Carrot / A little blue-black in patches
Piece of apple / All pale brown
Inside of a piece of tomato / All pale brown

aWhich plants contain starch?

biWhich plant part, in the table, can photosynthesise?

iiWhat substance is made during the photosynthesis?

cEddy leaves a potato in his shed, on the windowsill, and forgets about it for three months. When he checks it again it has grown shoots and leaves. The potato has become small and wrinkly. Suggest why it has become small and wrinkly.

dPotato leaves are poisonous to many animals, including humans. Why is this an advantage to the potato plant?

eMaize is an important food. It is used to feed chickens and to make bread. Both humans and foxes eat chickens. Draw a food chain that contains maize, chickens, humans and foxes.


4Rhubarb grows in the spring and summer. In late autumn the leaves die and the large stems collapse. There is no sign of the rhubarb plant, above ground, in the winter.

aiWhat two processes are happening in the rhubarb plant, during the summer?

iiWrite a symbol equation for the process that is producing food for the plant.

iiiRhubarb has very thick, long stems. Explain why it must also have very wide leaves.

bGeorge grows rhubarb in a pot. He left some in his dark garage for a week.

iWhat happens to the amount of glucose in the rhubarb stem, after a week in George′s garage?

iiExplain why this happens.

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