Standard/Instructional Objective:

  • Students learn the appearance, general composition, relative position and size, and motion of object in the solar system, including planets, planetary satellites, comets, and asteroids.
  • Students learn the role of gravity in maintaining planets, stars, and the solar system.


Due: TBA______

All Do (Teacher assigned) 12 Choose to Do (My Choice—pick 2) 3 4 5

Special Instructions:

1. Reading Guide: pp 267-270, #1-23, pp271-274, #1-28, pp274-276, #1-13. When you are finished show the teacher so he can record that you did it.
2. Construct a Venn diagram showing the differences and similarities between the inner planets and the outer planets. Use pages 752-767 to help you. The criteria you will use is
  • Position relative to the sun (both distance and vertical position), type of surface, relative temperatures, period of revolution, direction of rotation spin, direction of revolution, relative sizes

3. Do the activity “Speeding Around the Sun” on pages 768-769. You must do the problem, procedure, analyze and conclude. All questions in each section must be answered in complete sentences.You must also make a data table and a line graph that shows the average period of revolution for each distance. It is vital that you read all directions and questions carefully. If you don’t your data will be inaccurate and therefore you will be marked down heavily.
4. Do the Science Sleuth titled “The Lost Mining Probe”. It’s the future. The World Space Police have gotten a tip that Redhook Crushing and Mining may have launched an illegal mining probe into a restricted area of space. Your mission is to locate the probe. During the activity you need to write down notes of the information you get from interviews, reports articles, pictures, etc. You need to write a paragraph stating your conclusion and describe and explain all of the evidence that supports your conclusion.
5. Sharpen your Skills (1) Use data in figure 10 on page 753 and figure 19 on page 761. Use the data to make a line graph (make sure both x and y axis is correctly labeled with proper units and a title) of the average distance from the Sun and period of revolution of Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. (2) Explain what period of revolution is. (3) Describe how the 2 variables, distance from Sun and period of revolution, are related. (4) Describe the difference between period of revolution and period of rotation are.