May 24, 2016

The Moody County Commissioners met in special session on Tuesday, May 24, 2016 in the County Commissioners' Room in the Courthouse at 9:00 AM, with the following members present: Jerry Doyle, Rick Veldkamp, Dan Miles, Tom Ehrichs and Chuck Jones, with Marty Skroch, Commission Assistant as Clerk of the Board, also present was Paul Lewis States Attorney and Hannah Koeller from the Moody County Enterprise.

Chairman Doyle called the meeting to order. Motion by Jones, seconded by Miles to approve the amended agenda. All voted “aye”.

Marty Skroch, HR Director met with the Board to discuss staffing. Motion by Veldkamp, seconded by Ehrichs to hire Logan Baldini as a full time dispatcher Grade 8/Step A at $12.74/hour effective May 30, 2016. All voted “aye”.

Paul Lewis met with the Board to discuss a lien on a property. Motion by Jones, seconded by Veldkamp to accept a settlement offer of $5,909.16 on property parcel # to be paid within 30 days. All voted “aye”.

Motion by Ehrichs, seconded by Miles to enter into executive session at 9:10 AM pursuant to SDCL 1-25-2. Reason: personnel. All voted “aye”. Motion by Miles, seconded by Jones to resume regular session at 9:20 AM. All voted “aye”.

Marc Blum, Highway Superintendent met with the Board. The Board received and opened bids for asphalt overlay on 9.5 miles of Moody County highway at 9:20 AM. The following bid was received:

Total Gross Bid

Duininck Inc. – Prinsburg, MN $942,040.00

Motion by Miles, seconded by Veldkamp to accept Duininck Inc. bid of 942,040.00 total gross bid for asphalt overlay on 9.5 miles of Moody County highway. All voted “aye”.

A discussion was held about the closing of county bridge 51-100-030, the Fink Bridge. Also present Adam Polley and Kevin Goff from Clark Engineering, Rick Wiese county resident, and Hannah Koeller from the Moody County Enterprise

Motion by Miles, seconded by Jones to enter into executive session at 10:05 AM pursuant to SDCL 1-25-2. Reason: personnel. All voted “aye”. Motion by Miles, seconded by Jones to resume regular session at 10:36 AM. All voted “aye”.

Motion by Ehrichs, seconded by Jones to adjourn the meeting at 10:37 AM. All voted “aye”.

ATTEST: Marty Skroch Jerry Doyle, Chairman

Commission Assistant Moody County Board of Commissioners