Notes from the NGO Working Group meeting

Date: 5 May, 2006

Venue: FPA, Willis StWellington

Present: Jo Fitzpatrick (Acting Chair), Jacki Richardson, Carole Maraku, Kawshi De SilvaDamian Zelas (MoH) and Anna Seatter (MoH)

Proxy attendees:David Bradley, Cathy Kern,Tiva Toeono

Apologies:Gill Greer, Louise Carr,Joanne Hayes,Dahlia Naepi, Marion Blake, Jenny Prince

Absent:Ida Faiumu-Isa’ako

Secretariat: Alan Chapman (Minute Taker)

Welcomes:Those attending as proxies were welcomed to the meeting.

Previous minutes:

Minutes were confirmedJo/Jacki

Matters arising from the previous meeting:

  1. Forum Framework and Terms of Reference

The meeting agreed that a Sub Group should review these documents, as well as the WG Protocols, with particular reference to:

  • provisions for covering membership vacancies, prior to the annual elections
  • ensuring agencies formally support applications for those seeking WG membership
  • parameters for the use of proxies
  • (as previously noted)only collecting information necessary for the election purpose and that NGOs are registered appropriately.

Sub group of Carole, Kawshi, Anna, Jo and Alan.

  1. 2006-2007 Budget bid

The meeting discussed the format for the WG’s budget proposal. It was agreed to emphasize aspects of partnership and negotiation, and ensure the proposal was based on costed outputs, referenced to service descriptions, policies and WG activities.

Alan, Damian and Anna to work on a further draft of the Budget proposal.

  1. DHBNZ


Since establishing a more routine connection with DHBNZ, we have been exploring ways that a closer relationship can be fostered and identifying which DHBNZ projects could appropriately include NGO participation.


Currently NGO workforce issues are the main focus of attention. The aim is to align NGO workforce issues with the projects being undertaken by DHBNZ. While the WG considers that working with DHBNZ will enable greater access to DHBs, it is likely that a regional engagement between NGOs and DHBs with be a desirable long term strategy. This may well require a specific project to be designed, which could lead to best practice models being identified.

Of the priorities identified for work with DHBNZ,(ie Workforce, Relationship building with DHBs and PHO involvements), it is probably best to focus on one, ie workforce, and keep the others supported at a lower level.

  1. Working Group Membership

The meeting acknowledged the suddendeath of Linda Simson from Christchurch who had recently agreed to take up a position on the Working Group. Her significant contribution to mental health services and the NGO sector was noted with appreciation.

  1. Primary Health Care Strategy
  2. Clinical Services

The Working Group has been invited to facilitate NGO contributions to several Primary Health Care projects:

  1. the Ministry’s forthcoming paper to the Minister on the place of NGOs in the Primary Care Sector.
  2. a paper on NGOs’ perspectives of PHO governance,
  3. Feedback on the Primary Care Strategy Implementation Workplan

Additionally, the Ministry of Health’s Clinical Services Directorate has offered a 2 month funded secondment for a NGO representative to assist with the Report on the place of NGOs (1. above).


The Working Group will facilitate smaller regional forums on these issues in the next few weeks which will be an opportunity for NGOs to contribute their perspectives.

The secondment position will be advertised via the NGO email database and a decision will be made on the most suitable applicant by Gill, Jo and Alan, who will then make a recommendation to Sarah Turner (MoH).

The regional consultation will involve Working Group members, the research contractor and the Secretariat. They will be hosted in the four main centres.

Alan will make the arrangements in consultation with local representatives.

  1. Workforce Planning Issues


As a follow up to the September Forum it was agreed at the previous Working Group meeting to engage a researcher to prepare a report on NGO sector workforce issues. This appointment has been made and the Working Group held a discussion led by the contractor, Kirsty Peel, to scope some of the issues to collect information from NGOs on.


Key conclusions were that the report produced should ensure the strategic advancement of the NGO workforce issues. It should include a stocktake of workforce projects already underway, focus on NGO issues and identify any gaps in current planning with respect to the NGO sector.

  1. Pandemic Planning

There are still significant issues to resolve, including the impact on contractual obligations in the light of pandemic forced service delivery stoppages.

An update on pandemic preparations was made at the April forum.


Need to keep NGOs informed on implications of contracting. Anna to check with MoH.

  1. MoH’s Draft Instruction to MoH staff on NGO contracts (Lobbying/Advocacy)


In October 2003 an issue arose through questions in Parliament regarding a clause in NGO contracts concerning lobbying. This raised issues of the Ministry’s political neutrality. Discussions have continued both with the Ministry and other government departments and between government departments themselves.

The Working Group has developed a set of contracting principles for NGOs contracting with the Ministry.


Following the formal presentation of the MoH’s statement on contracting at the April Forum, the meeting continued to express its concern at the lack of ability to negotiate a more satisfactory resolution, that amongst other things, would ensure NGOs retained their autonomy to make Select Committee presentations.

It was noted, however, that the provisions of the MoH statement apply only to fully funded NGOs working in the health promotion field. The Working Group is keen to ensure that DHBs apply the terms of the Statement appropriately.

  1. April 2006 Forum Report


The April Forum, opened by the Minister and held in South Auckland, was on the theme of contracting.


The taping of the meeting did not record anything beyond the first 45 minutes. Consequently, the information on which to base the report is limited. The Working Groupwas asked to provide any notes they had taken.

  1. October 2006 Forum planning


The next Forum is being planned for October and the theme will be governance.


  • Planning subgroup will be:

Kawshi, Jacqui, Carole, Anna, Gill and Alan

  • Venue arrangements

Alan and Anna

  • Agenda setting

Check with NGOs (Alan)

Check with MoH NGO Interest Group (Anna)

  1. MoH Cross Directorate NGO Interest Group

Anna has arranged a meeting of this Group for 22 May and requested ideas from the Working Group on agenda items.

It was suggested that the Working Group make a presentation to the Interest Group on the Forum and the Working Group’s current activity focus.

Next meeting is: Friday 30th June

2006 Meeting dates:

Friday 29th September

Thursday 30th November.

DRAFT Action PointsAppendix I

NGO Working Group meeting 5 May, 2006

Item / Task / Responsibility / Timeframe / Progress
1 / Review of Forum Framework and Terms of Reference / Carole, Kawshi, Jo , Anna, Alan / ASAP
2 / Funding Proposal-further draft / Anna, Damian, Alan / Immediate / Done
3 / Regional consultation meetings / Alan , WG / Immediate / Done
4 / MoH Secondment
  • Write specification and advertise
  • Select candidate
/ Alan
Gill, Jo, Alan / Immediate
ASAP / Done
5 / Pandemic Planning-contract implications / Anna / ASAP
6 / April Forum Report- notes / WG, Alan / ASAP
7 / October Forum
  • Planning
  • Venue
  • Agenda-
  • Check with NGOs
  • Check with MoH NGO Interest Group
/ Kawshi, Jacqui, Carole, Anna ,Gill, Alan
Anna. Alan
Anna / ASAP
ASAP / Ongoing
8 / MoH NGO Interest Group
  • Agenda items
  • WG presentation
/ WG, Anna
Anna, Alan / ASAP
Immediate / Done
NEXT WG Meeting / WG / 30 June


Notes from the NGO Working Group 05-06 v1