TOPIC / Person Presenting / Discussion/Follow Up / Person Responsible/Action

MAMSS Board of Directors Conference Call Meeting


June 29, 2013

2:00 – 6:00 PM

Present face-to-face meeting:

Marie Hamborg, President, Shelly Berg, Vice President, Pam Maas, Treasurer, Kathy Fezler, Brenda Martinson, Stefanie Frank, Adi McCarthy, Interim Secretary

Not Present: Deb Luck, Danielle Larson, Cindy Maki, Wendy Hanson

TOPIC / Person Presenting / Discussion/Follow Up / Person Responsible/Action
Call to Order / Marie / Marie called the meeting to order at 2:19 PM.
Review and Approval of March 2013 Meeting Minutes / Marie / Minutes from the March, 2013 Board of Directors Strategic Meeting were not presented for approval. Will be presented at the next board meeting
·  MAMSS P&P Addendum
·  Documents / Marie / ·  “Rules and Regulations” changed to “Policy & Procedures”
·  Add Code of Conduct to initial and renewal applications – to be sent yearly
·  Add signature to application so it becomes one page instead of returning two pages – Brenda will contact Allison to make changes
·  Board Strategic Retreat – evaluations from spring conference will be used for feedback
·  CPMSM, CPCS Scholarships – use within 12 months.
·  Distribution of membership roster – remove “C”. Replace with, “Membership rosters shall not be distributed to non-members without prior approval of the MAMSS President”.
·  Dues – removal of “Dues and fees” and replace with “Dues”.
·  Dues – c. “All past president, who have completed their two year term, shall have their membership dues waived.”
·  MAMSS Spring Scholarship – 2d “An unemployed candidate…” shall be removed
·  Nomination Committee – add bio into nomination form so that it may be emailed out with the ballots. Forms will be sent to Adi to make changes.
·  Regional Representative – 2k removed
·  Travel policy – 11 “Expense reports or debit card request forms shall be completed within 30 days”
·  Treasurer – 2c “Any spending over the amount of $500 shall be approved by the President prior to reimbursement. Removal of “requiring 2 signatures”
·  Resignation – 2d Accountability Statement must be created. 2a. “The President shall determine, with guidance from other board members, when performance…” 2b. “…document intervention in writing and present at the next board meeting.”
·  Website policy – 1. Make correction to web address for the MAMSS website. Attach addendums to MAMSS P&P. 4c. change to state “Advertisers will be charged $50 every 30 days with MAMSS Board approval”. Remove 4b. 4d – add language stating “Job opportunities posted for 30 days” 4e. MAMSS Spring Conference Sponsors will post for 1 year (12 months). Brenda will revise website advertising form. Flat $50 for 30days of posting, remove prorating. 3. Advertisement will not be posted until payment has been received.
·  Documents for the spring conference include:
Work Plan
Speaker agreements
Vendor letters
Sponsor letters
·  Documents for MAMSS certification scholarship include:
Congratulatory letter
ADD Sorry letter
·  Documents for Spring Conf Scholarship include:
Congratulatory letter
Sorry letter
·  Documents for Membership Coordinator include:
New welcome letter
Initial and renewal forms
Code of Conduct
·  Documents for Mentor Program include:
Mentor and mentee letters – immediate past president coordinates program
·  Documents for NAMSS Scholarship include:
Congratulatory letter
Sorry letter
·  Documents for Treasurer include:
MAMSS inventory list
debit card form
expense form
·  Documents for Volunteer Committee include:
Call for volunteers
Congratulatory letter
MAMSS nomination form and volunteer forms
Sorry letter
NAMSS nomination form for volunteer and educational committees – cap number of members on each committee
·  Propose changes that would allow those that had been disqualified to rejoin committees. Create a new policy regarding nomination committee; additionally, create a communication policy – to be drafted by the board.
·  Shelly also discussed adding more voting members to the Board. Issue will be placed on next meeting’s agenda.
·  Shelly wants the board to decide who sits on the nomination committee (scholarship) and for it to be agreed by all board members
·  The hope is to build off the NAMSS form to create a MAMSS form
·  Review all forms for further usefulness / Motion was made, seconded and carried to approve changes to MAMSS P&P
1.  Regional Representative Reports / ·  Region Reps held a conference call to discuss the revision of the Regions. Stefanie presented the Region Reps proposal.
·  Stefanie noted the Northern Region spans a very large area. Possibility of creating a NW and NE region with agreements to host on one side or the other. Incentives for attendance at meetings could be reduction in fee for Spring Conference. Consensus was to keep Northern Region as one region and ask Danielle to reach out to the western counties regarding possibility of hosting a Northern Region meeting.
·  It was proposed that MAMSS also host a conference with will help in growth of membership by reaching out to other hospitals. Regional reps will work with Allison.
·  Kandyohi and Meeker counties moved to the central region. Group will ask Allison to make changes to membership roster and Brenda will notify the members of the new Regions via the Chatline. / Motion was made, seconded and carried to approve new boundaries as proposed by Stefanie
2.  Treasurer Report / Pam / ·  June report not balanced, may report given.
·  It was noted that the Duluth rep was reimbursed $279 for travel. As regional representatives get reimbursed language will be changed to note that MAMSS board meetings will be reimbursed “not including the MAMSS Spring Conference and only those approved by the Board”
·  There are still some uncleared checks that inflate the actual amount of funds. Pam will balance the books for a more accurate picture of funds at next meeting
·  Ending balance for May was $28,156. Current balance is $11,950.
·  Shelly noted that this year $25,000 was budgeted for the Spring Conference and we came in under approx. $3000.
·  $55,600 proposed income with proposed spending of $24,000 ending 6/30/2013.
·  Update on all credits cards – all credit cards have been closed / Motion was made, seconded and carried to approve the reconciliation report
3.  Education Committee / Shelly / ·  Spring conference evaluations came back all good. MN BMP and DHS were only topics without positive feedback.
·  Conference came in under budget
·  Speaker agreements go to Pam for payment after President approval
·  Spring attendees noted they would like more time with NCQA and JC speakers
4.  Regional rep reports / Stefanie / The Southern Regional reps met two weeks ago. There were new people at the meetings. Email reminders to boost attendance
It was noted that Deb Luck’s significant other had suffered a stroke. As he was self-employed, donations were being taken to assist in his future care.
5.  Communication Report / Brenda / Brenda is moving away from using her work email as her means of communication with MAMSS members. She has created a gmail account and will begin building a contact list in gmail.
Additionally, it was suggested that MAMSS create a facebook page for further communication
6.  Membership Report / Allison / Allison not present to give update
Pam noted that there were 207 renewals
7.  Next Meeting / The next board meeting was scheduled for Friday, August 16th from 2 – 4 PM
Adjournment / Meeting adjourned at 5:33 pm. / With no further business, Stefanie F made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 5:33 PM. The motion was seconded by Pam M and carried.

Marie Hamborg, President
