Request for Submissions - CN150012 California Assessment of Student
Performance and Progress
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February 18, 2015
Addendum #3
Request for Submissions
California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress
To all Prospective Bidders:
Please use this Addendum to update your copy of the RFS. This addendum hereby revises RFS CN150012, as follows:
RFS Section 4.3, Delete the following Table 4.1 - Timeline of RFS Events:
Activity / Action DateRequest for Submission Released / Tuesday, November 19, 2014
Intent to Submit Due / Friday, December 5, 2014, 1 p.m. PT
Receipt of Questions from Bidders Due / Friday, December 5, 2014, 1 p.m. PT
CDE Response To Questions / Friday, December 19, 2014, 1 p.m. PT (Tentative)
Submissions Due / Wednesday, January 14, 2015, 1 p.m. PT
Review of Submissions / Tuesday, January 20, 2015 to Friday, January 23, 2015 (Tentative)
Development of Recommendation and SBE Agenda Item / Monday, January 26 to February 23, 2015 (Tentative)
Implementation Readiness Package Evidence Due / Friday, February 13, 2015, 1 p.m. PT
CDE Recommendation to SBE / Tuesday, February 24, 2015 (Tentative posting date for SBE March 2015 agenda item)
SBE Designation of Contractor / Wednesday–Thursday, March 11–12, 2015 (Tentative dates for SBE March 2015 meeting)
Contract Negotiations to Begin / Monday, March 16, 2015 (Tentative)
Anticipated Contract Start Date / Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Replace with the following Table 4.1 - Timeline of RFS Events:
Activity / Action DateRequest for Submission Released / Tuesday, November 19, 2014
Intent to Submit Due / Friday, December 5, 2014, 1 p.m. PT
Receipt of Questions from Bidders Due / Friday, December 5, 2014, 1 p.m. PT
CDE Response To Questions / Friday, December 19, 2014, 1 p.m. PT (Tentative)
Submissions Due / Wednesday, January 14, 2015, 1 p.m. PT
Review of Submissions / Tuesday, January 20, 2015 to Friday, January 23, 2015 (Tentative)
Development of Recommendation and SBE Agenda Item / Monday, January 26 to February 23, 2015 (Tentative)
Draft Implementation Readiness Package Evidence Due / Friday, February 13, 2015, 1 p.m. PT
Final Implementation Readiness Package Evidence Due / Tuesday, February 24, 2015, 1 p.m. PT
CDE Recommendation to SBE / TBD
SBE Designation of Contractor / Wednesday–Thursday, March 11–12, 2015 (Tentative dates for SBE March 2015 meeting)
Contract Negotiations to Begin / Monday, March 16, 2015 (Tentative)
Anticipated Contract Start Date / Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Section 5.4. - Submission of Evidence of Meeting Implementation Readiness Package, delete the following text:
The bidder is responsible for providing the CDE with evidence of meeting Phase I of the Implementation Readiness Package standards per Section 3.3.2.B.2 by February 13, 2015, 1 p.m. PT. The Implementation Readiness Package is being deployed in increments on and Phase I is expected to be fully deployed by December 31, 2014. The bidder must complete the Evidence of Meeting Implementation Readiness Package Form (RFS Attachment 14) and must provide documentation of conducting the Implementation Readiness Package simulated assessment administration. At a minimum, the evidence must include the Client Summary Report Output produced by the Implementation Readiness Package and evidence of meeting the rendering and interaction requirements of the Phase I Implementation Readiness Package standards. It is the bidder’s responsibility to ensure this evidence is submitted to Debbie McClurg by e-mail at by the specified due date. Only bidders who submit evidence of compliance with the Implementation Readiness Package will have their submission considered for recommendation to the SBE.
Replace with the following text:
The bidder is responsible for providing the CDE with draft evidence of meeting the Implementation Readiness Package standards per Section 3.3.2.B.2 by February 13, 2015, 1 p.m. PT and final evidence by February 24, 2015, 1 p.m. PT. The Implementation Readiness Package is being deployed in increments on The evidence produced by the Implementation Readiness Package will allow for the evaluation that items and applicable tools, supports and accommodations rendered correctly; items and tests were scored correctly; and results were correctly delivered to the data warehouse. It is the bidder’s responsibility to ensure this evidence is submitted to Debbie McClurg by e-mail at by the specified due date. Only bidders who submit IRP evidence by the specified due dates will have their submission considered for recommendation to the SBE. There are two parts to the evidence submission: (1) item rendering and interaction evidence and (2) item scoring evidence.
Item Rendering and Interaction Evidence
The IRP provides a means for bidders to document the assessment delivery system’s capacity to accurately render items and allow for item interactions (e.g., drag and drop, select response, etc.) on each required device and operating system. At a minimum, the final IRP evidence submission must include a completed Item Rendering and Interaction Worksheet (IRP V1.0 Module A Form) that can be found at The IRP provides bidders the necessary tools to show compliance with item rendering and interaction requirements for all the item types within the Module A Form. The following directions and samples provide bidders with information to ensure they capture the item types that are included within the form.
Note: Use any of the packaged assessment items available in to affirm your test delivery system’s ability to render items on the required platforms and operating systems. Many of the item types are found in the test package within the IRP ((SBAC_PT) SBAC Math HS-Math-10-Spring-2014-2015). Please see the following as suggestions regarding how to find exemplars of the remaining item types: EBSR, WER, HTQ and SA to ensure a complete evidence submission. These suggestions are not required. However, bidders must use at least one item exemplar for each item type to demonstrate their system’s capacity.
1. Go to
2. Select 2015.01.15.PracticeAndTrainingTestContent.Zip
3. Import the package contained in2015.01.15.TrainingTestContent
Test Name: ELA Grades 3-5 Training Test
Render SA (Short Answer) using the following item: Question #1, (Family of Artists), Item #1692
Test Name:ELA Grades 6-8 Training Test
Render EBSR (Evidence Based Selected Response) using the following item: Question #3, Parts A & B (Fishy Weather), Item #1694
4. Import the package contained in2015.01.15.PracticeTestContent
Test Name: G11 ELA Performance Task
Render WER (essay) using the following item: Question #4 (Mandatory Financial Literacy Classes Argumentative Performance Task; cycle through first segment of questions),Item #2703
Test Name: G11 ELA Practice Test
Render HTQ (Hot-text) using the following item: Question #2 (Sustainable Fashion), Item #2576
5. Additional options for rendering examples can be found in Practice Tests.xlsx and Training Tests.xlsx found in the folder:2015.01.15.TrainingTestContent
A completed IRP V1.0 Module A Form indicating both rendering and interaction for all items types, platforms, operating systems and browsers would indicate compliance with rendering and interaction requirements.
Item Scoring Evidence:
At a minimum, the final evidence must include the Client Summary Report Output produced by the IRP. [Note: The CDE strongly encourages bidders to download and conduct the simulation using the most recent version of the IRP to ensure an accurate demonstration of system functionality.] This portion of the IRP simulation may be conducted using the test package found within IRP titled “(SBAC_PT)SBAC Math HS-Math-10-Spring-2014-2015.” The Client Summary Report Output provides evidence that the proposed test delivery system can accurately capture and score student responses and produce an output file meeting the requirements for submission to the Smarter Balanced Data Warehouse. A Client Summary Report Output that indicates a Status of “no errors” or “ignored” for all parameters (exclusive of Opportunity Item: format; Opportunity Item: isSelected; Opportunity Item: score; Opportunity Item Response: content; and Opportunity Item ScoreInfo: scorePoint which may output as errors) would indicate a compliant output file.
Detailed instructions for generating performing the test of item scoring are in the “Implementation Readiness User Guide” which is part of the implementation readiness package. The tool performs best with either the Chrome or Firefox browser. The following is a summary of the directions but should not be used as a replacement for the Implementation Readiness User Guide:
1. Go to
2. Click “Choose File” and upload a test results file compliant with the Test Results Transmission Format specification at
3. Click “Upload”, a summary result is displayed.
4. Click on the name of the uploaded file – toward the left side of the page beneath the “home” link.
5. The detailed test results are displayed in tabular form with the following column headings: Parameter, Expected Value, Returned Value, Status, Explanation.
6. The tests results display is not yet print-friendly. To capture the test results for submission, select and copy the contents of the table and paste them into the word processor of your choice.
Section 6. EVALUATION PROCESS, delete the following text:
Implementation Readiness Package Review. CDE staff, with technical assistance from UCLA, will review the Smarter Balanced Implementation Readiness Package Phase I evidence submitted by February 13, 2015, 1 p.m. for compliance with the requirements outlined in Section 3.3.2.B.2 of the Scope of Work and Section 5.4 of the RFS. Only bidders who submit evidence of compliance with Phase I of the Implementation Readiness Package will have their submission considered for recommendation to the SBE.
Replace with the following text:
Implementation Readiness Package Review. CDE staff, with technical assistance from UCLA, will review the final Smarter Balanced Implementation Readiness Package evidence submitted by February 24, 2015, 1 p.m. for compliance with the requirements outlined in Section 3.3.2.B.2 of the Scope of Work and Section 5.4 of the RFS. Only bidders who submit final evidence with the Implementation Readiness Package will have their submission considered for recommendation to the SBE.
Delete Attachment 14 – Evidence of Meeting Implementation Readiness Package Form in its entirety.
And replace with Revised Attachment 14 (2-18-15)
Request for Submissions - CN150012 California Assessment of Student
Revised Attachment 14 (2-18-15) Performance and Progress
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CA Department of Education February 2015
Evidence of Meeting Implementation Readiness Package Form
Requirement: The bidder is responsible for providing the California Department of Education (CDE) with final evidence of meeting the Smarter Balanced Implementation Readiness Package (IRP) Phase I standards per sections 3.3.2.B.2 and 5.4 of the Request for Submissions (RFS) by February 24, 2015, 1p.m. PT. The bidder must complete this Evidence of Meeting Implementation Readiness Package Form (RFS Attachment 14) and must provide a completed Item Rendering and Interaction Worksheet (IRP v 1.0 Module A Form) and Client Summary Report Output produced by the IRP.
It is the bidder’s responsibility to ensure this final evidence is submitted electronically via e-mail to Debbie McClurg at by February 24, 2015, 1 p.m. PT.
Attestation:I/We submit, via e-mail, the following attached evidence of meeting implementation readiness per Section 3.3.2.B.2 of the Request for Submissions for the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress:
q Rendering and Interaction Requirement: Item Rendering and Interaction Worksheet (IRP v 1.0 Module A Form). Completed for all item types within the Module A Form and for all platforms documented within the form.
q Scoring Requirement: Client Summary Report Output from the IRP Item Scoring Module
Name of Firm: ______
Individual Contact: ______
Address: ______
Phone: ______Fax : ______
E-mail address: ______
Signature of Firm’s Representative Date
Title of Representative: ______