Children related safeguarding policy
Title / Type & Overview / Current Status / Timetable for Consultation / Approval
Protecting All God’s Child (2010)
Protecting All God's Children (safeguarding policy for children and young people, 4th edition, 2010) / Policy:
This is the main policy document for the Church of England outlining how it will respond to safeguarding concerns with regards to children and young people / Under substantive revision (to be combined with Adult Safeguarding Policy) / Phased consultation from March – September 2016 / House of Bishops, December 2016
Adult related safeguarding policy
Promoting a Safe Church (2006) - Promoting a Safe Church (safeguarding policy for adults) 2006
/ Policy:
This is the main policy document outlining how the Church of England will respond to concerns about adult safeguarding issues / Under substantive revision (to be combined with Children’s Safeguarding Policy) / Phased consultation from March – September 2016 / House of Bishops, December 2016
Policies and procedures relating to staff recruitment, vetting and disclosure
Safer Recruitment (2015) – Safer Recruitment (2015) / Practice Guidance:
This is the Church of England’s current guidance on undertaking safer recruitment practices for all paid and voluntary roles within the church, particularly those who are deemed to be in ‘regulated activity’ / Minor revision planned / No formal consultation planned / House of Bishops, May 2016
Specific safeguarding policies and practice guidance
Responding Well to those who have been sexually abused (2011)
Responding Well (policy and guidance for the church of England, 2011) / Policy & practice guidance:
This outlines how the Church of England will respond to those who are survivors of sexual abuse / Major revision planned– will become practice guidance. Working Group to be established in late spring 2016. / Formal consultation planned in February 2017 / House of Bishops, May 2017
Responding to Domestic Abuse (2006)
Responding to Domestic Abuse (guidelines for those with pastoral responsibility, 2006)
/ Practice guidance:
This outlines how pastoral responsibilities of those responding to domestic abuse within the church / Under major revision – will become practice guidance. Shorter document based on ‘Restored’ guidance / Formal consultation planned from 21 March 2016 – deadline 8 April 2016 / House of Bishops, May 2016
Responding to allegations
Responding to serious safeguarding concerns related to church officers (2015)
Responding to Serious Safeguarding Situations (2015) / Practice Guidance:
This outlines how the Church of England will respond to safeguarding allegations involving church officers / Minor revision planned
Further revision planned / No formal consultation planned
Formal Consultation (to be confirmed) / House of Bishops, May 2016
House of Bishops, December 2016
Risk Assessment for individuals who may pose a risk to children or adults (2015)
Risk Assessment for Individuals who may Pose Risk to Children or Adults (2015) / Practice Guidance:
This outlines how and in what circumstances formal risk assessment should be undertaken in respect of those who may pose a risk to a child or an adult / Minor revision planned
Major revision planned / No formal consultation planned
Formal consultation (to be confirmed) / House of Bishops, May 2016
House of Bishops, May 2017
Other related safeguarding guidance
Title / Type & Overview / Current Status / Timetable for Consultation / Approval
Joint Safeguarding Guidance for Single Congregational Local Ecumenical Partnerships (2015)
Safeguarding Guidance for Single Congregation Local Ecumenical Partnerships (2015)
/ Practice Guidance:
Outlines the responsibilities of single congregational LEPs in coming under the safeguarding policies of their respective denomination (Joint with Methodist Church) / No revision planned / None planned / -
Safeguarding in Religious Communities
Safeguarding in Religious Communities (2015) / Practice Guidance:
Outlines expectations of religious communities to come under the umbrella of local diocesan safeguarding policies and training / No revision planned / None planned / -
Joint Safeguarding Records Practice Guidance
Safeguarding Records: Joint Practice Guidance for the Church of England and the Methodist Church (2015) / Practice Guidance:
This outlines good practice in respect of recording practices (Joint with Methodist Church) / No revision planned / None planned / -
Safeguarding training
Learning & Development Framework (2015)
Learning & Development Practice Guidance (2016)
/ Practice Guidance:
This is the Church of England’s framework for learning and development in respect of safeguarding, outlining key roles and responsibilities and training modules to be undertaken / No revision planned / None planned / -
Planned Developments
Responding well to Spiritual Abuse / Practice Guidance:
To be developed to respond to the emerging understanding of spiritual abuse and its impact / To commence from April 2016 / Formal consultation (to be confirmed) / House of Bishops, May 2017
Complaints, Whistleblowing & Escalation / To be included within overarching safeguarding policy / Under revision / Part of phased consultation / House of Bishops, December 2016
Electronic Safeguarding Policy & Procedures Manual / To commence in late spring 2016 / Work to commence from March 2016 / House of Bishops, May 2017
Title / Type & Overview / Current Status / Timetable for Consultation / Sign-Off
Clergy Risk Assessment (Canon C 30) / Regulations in respect of undertaking risk assessment in respect of clerics – related to / Draft currently being finalised following consultation process / Consultation took place between 2.2.16 and 4.3.16 / House of Bishops, May 2016;
General Synod, July 2016
Diocesan Safeguarding Advisors (Canon C 30)
/ Regulations in respect of the appointment and functions of the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor – related to / Draft regulations to be circulated for comment / Consultation to take from 16.3.16 – deadline of 8.4.16 / House of Bishops, May 2016