Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Region XII

Division of City Schools

General Santos South District


Brgy. City Heights, General Santos City


Child –Protection Committee


Address: Block 5, Dadianags HeightsSubd.,Brgy. City Heights,

General Santos City,

Philippines 9500

ID No: 131270

Chairperson: REX B. ARELLANO

Principal I

CP No 09287933491


Vice-Chairperson: BELEN F. TARRAZONA

Guidance Counselor

CP.No: 09092881523



DHES Teacher Association

CP No:09222877419



General Parent-Teacher Association

CP No: 09084251621

Signature: ______


Supreme Pupil Government

CP No: 09226818805



Barangay Council for the Protection of Children (BCPC)

CP NO. 099883312349


Schools District Supervisor: HYDE C. FRANCISCO

CP No. 09282496726


Date of Policy; June, 2015

Date of Next Review: June, 2016

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Region XII

Division of City Schools

General Santos South District


Brgy. City Heights, General Santos City

  1. Safeguarding Policy for Dadiangas Heights Elementary School

The first priority of Dadiangas Heights Elementary School is the welfare of our children. We are well-placed in protecting and safeguarding all of the children entrusted to our care against any act of child-abuse, exploitation, violence, discrimination, bullying and other forms of abuse.

All teachers who work with children in Dadiangas Heights. Elementary School must read this policy within the framework of DepEd Order No. 40, s. 2012.

  1. This policy aims to:
  • Promote zero tolerance policy for any act of child abuse, exploitation, violence, discrimination, bullying and other forms of abuse.
  • Ensure that all necessary procedure for child protection is in place.
  • Identify key individual and their specific roles in the promotion of this policy
  • Ensure children that the school head and the teachers are in the school who they can approach if they are worried of something.
  1. Principles
  • This school shall be conducive to learning and children shall have the right to education free from fear.
  • All children shall be protected from all forms of abuse and bullying to develop self-esteem and self-confidence.
  • This school shall advocate a positive and non-violent mode of disciplining children to foster self-discipline and to improve self-esteem;
  • Corporal punishment shall not be imposed on any child in this school for the purpose of discipline, training or control.
  • The school head shall take steps to prevent bullying and ensure that the appropriate interventions, counseling and other services are provided for the victims of abuse, violence exploitation, discrimination and bullying.
  • Pupils, students or learners shall respect the rights of others and refrain from committing acts of bullying and peer violence.
  • Parents shall be actively involved in all schools activities or events that raise awareness on children’s rights, positive discipline, and the prevention of bullying.
  1. Specific Areas of Concern
  • Bullying or Peer Abuse- refers to willful aggressive behavior that is directed towards a particular victim, who may be outnumbered, younger, weak, with disability, less confident. or otherwise vulnerable.
  • Child Abuse- refers to the maltreatment of a child, whether habitual or not, which includes any act by deeds or words which debases, degrades or demeans the intrinsic worth and dignity of a child as a human being; failure to immediately give medical treatment to an injured child resulting in serious impairment of his or her growth and development or in the child’s permanent incapacity or death.
  • Child Exploitation- refers to the use of pupils for someone else’s advantage which include sending pupils for an errand during class hour which expose pupils to harm on his or her way , exposure to domestic violence by keeping pupils outside for longer period of time which deprive him or her of learning development.
  • Corporal punishment- refers to a kind of punishment or penalty imposed for an alleged or actual offense, which is carried out or inflicted for the purpose of discipline, training or control by a teacher, school administrator, an adult, or any other child who has been given or assumed authority or responsibility for punishment and discipline.
  • Neglect- when pupils are deliberately and frequently left in their own during class hour, working time or activity time; expose them to condition detrimental to their health as when they are forbid to wear their slippers or shoes inside their classroom; neglect them extending their recess time by staying outside doing unnecessary things.
  • Violence against children committed in schools refers to a single act or a series of acts committed by school administrator and or teachers against a child which result in or is likely to result in physical harm or suffering. It includes:
  • Physical violence- refers to acts that inflict bodily or physical punishment, beating, slapping, hitting, choking or hair- pulling, pinching, terrorizing with threats, use of excessive force in handling.
  • Emotional violence- is the persistent maltreatment of a child such as to cause severe and persistent effect on the child’s emotional development, and may involve;
  1. Conveying to children that they are worthless or unloved, inadequate because they cannot meet the expectations of their teachers.
  2. Seeing or hearing the ill-treatment of another
  3. Serious bullying, causing children to feel frighten frequently.
  • Psychological violence- refers to acts or omissions causing or likely to cause mental or emotional suffering of the child which includes intimidation, damage to property, public ridicule or humiliation , deduction or threat of deduction from grade or merit as a form of punishment, and repeated verbal abuse; the imposition of negative attributes on a child, expression of persistent criticism, sarcasm, hostility or blaming; failure to show interest in or provide age appropriate opportunities for the child’s cognitive and emotional development.
  1. Disciplinary Measures

This school does not use physical intervention or corporal punishment but rather a positive and non- violent approach of discipline which may take the form of an individual training programlike counseling,skill training education and other activities that will enhance his/her psychological, emotional and social well-being. Integration of value formation in the different subject areas can also be undertaken to foster self-discipline.

Legal action can be taken against a teacher who had gone against this child-protection policy.

  1. Roles and Responsibilities

The Child – Protection Committee who are working on or on behalf of children have a responsibility to protect them. They have specific roles and responsibilities under child protection procedure. The names of those carrying out these responsibilities for this current year are listed on the cover sheet of this document.

It is the role of the Child-Protection Policy Committee to ensure that the child protection procedures are followed within the school; hence they should attend training about child protection.

The school head as the chairperson shall be the first focal point of contact for parents, pupils, teaching staff and external agencies in all matters of child protection.

In the absence of the same, the vice- chairperson can act upon all suspicion, belief and evidence of abuse reported to her.

The committee should provide an annual report to the division office regarding relevant issues and incidence of child abuse. They should also review this policy annually. The same should provide the General Parents Teachers Association a copy of this School-Based Child Protection Policy.

  1. Child- Protection Procedure

In an instance when a member of the teaching staff is suspecting or hearing a complaint of abuse:

  • Must listen carefully to the pupil and keep an open mind. Staff should not take a decision as to whether or not the abuse has taken place.
  • Must not ask leading questions, that is, a question which suggest its own answer.
  • Must reassure the person but not to give a guarantee of absolute confidentiality. The member of the staff should explain that they need to pose the information to the chairperson who will ensure that the correct action is taken.
  • Must keep a sufficient written record of the conversation. The record should include the date, time and place of the conversation and the essence of what was said and done by whom and whose presence. The record should be signed by the person making it which must be kept securely and handed to the chairperson.
  • In other instances, a complaint of abuse should be reported immediately to the chairperson to expedite action.
  • Parents will normally be kept inform of any actions to be undertaken under this procedure.
  • If the chairperson is concerned that disclosing information to parents put a pupil at risk, or is against the will of the pupil’s wishes, she will take further advice from relevant professionals or to teaching staff before making a decision to disclose or to discuss details with parents.
  • When an allegation or complaint is made against a staff, the chairperson should immediately inform the teacher concern. In this case, detailed guidance is given to a teacher to ensure that her behavior and action does not place a pupil or herself at risk or harm or of allegation of harm to a pupil.
  • A pupil against whom an allegation of abuse has been made should be interviewed by the Chairperson and guidance counselor and the school policy on positive and non-violent discipline of children will apply.
  1. Suspected harm From Outside The School

A pupil who disclosed to his or her teacher that she is suffering harm from outside the

school should be reported to the chairperson. During the interview, the chairperson should seek information with tact and sympathy using ‘open” and not leading questions. A sufficient record should be made of the conversation.

  1. Confidentiality and Information Sharing

The school will keep all child protection records confidential allowing disclosures only to

those who need the information to safeguard and promote welfare of the pupils . The identity or other information’s that may reasonably identify the pupil whether victim or offender, shall be withheld from the public to protect his or her privacy.

Similarly, no publicity should be given to any disciplinary action against a teacher during the pendency of her case as provided for in Magna Carta for Public School Teachers.

  1. Referral and Assessment

In all cases involving child abuse, the Child protection Committee (CPC) shall

accomplish the Intake Sheet (Annex B). The school head as the chairperson may refer the victim and the offender in extreme cases involving child abuse, etc. to the Local Social Welfare & Development Officer (LSWDO) for assessment. The LSWDO should determine the appropriate intervention.

  1. Record keeping

To monitor the keeping, confidentiality and storage of records in relation to child

protection, these records should be stored in a file in the principal’s office.

  1. Policy Review

The Child Protection Committee (CPC) is responsible for the annual review of this policy

and that the list of key persons on cover sheet is kept up to date.