Sefton Local Pharmaceutical Committee Chief Executive Officer Dr Lisa Manning PhD, M.R.Pharm.S Chairman G Batten B.Pharm M.R.Pharm.S. Vice Chairman Una Harding Treasurer Laura Benyon B.Pharm. M.R.Pharm.S

Tel : 07912043872 Fax: 01704 833346 Address: 2 Redgate, Formby, Liverpool , L374EW Email:

The Meeting of Sefton Local Pharmaceutical Committee will take place at The Gild Hall on 11th October 2018 at 2pm


Present and Apologies

1 / Minutes of previous meeting, Apologies
Declaration of conflicts of interest
2 / Business Plan - subgroups
3 / Matters Arising
4 / CEO Business / LM
5 / Chairman’s Business / GB
6 / Members Business / All
7 / Treasurers Report / LB
8 / Any Other Business / All
9 / Date of next meeting / 15th Nov @7pm

Sefton Local Pharmaceutical Committee Minutes

5th September 2017

Name / Designation / Organisation
Present: / Dr Lisa Manning (LM) / CEO / Sefton LPC
Graeme Batten (GB) / Chair / Sefton LPC
Jitendra Patel (JP) / Member / Sefton LPC
James Moir (JM) / Member / Sefton LPC
Martin Smart (MS) / Member / Sefton LPC
Laura Benyon(LB) / Member / Sefton LPC
Janine O’Brien (JO) / Member / Sefton LPC
Abi Green (AG) / Member / Sefton LPC
Una Harding (UH) / Member / Sefton LPC
Sarah Winckles (SW) / Member / Sefton LPC
Graham Gilliland (GG) / Member / Sefton LPC
Tracy McDonough (TM) / Member / Sefton LPC
Joe Clarke (JC) / Admin Support / Independent
Chair Accepted Minutes / Graeme Batten / Chairman
No. / Item / Action
1 / Apologies
Asif Naik (AN) – absent.
GB brought the meeting to an opening. Last months’ minutes were signed off as a true and accurate record.
2 / Business Plan
2.6 / No conflicts of interest were declared.
Previously, GG said he would be in charge of the Sefton LPC’s Twitter account. UH was to pass on password and username/twitter account to GG in order for him to tweet and maintain this account. This has not been actioned from the previous meeting. GG will speak to UH and action this as soon as possible. GG explained that there had been a death within his Pharmacy and that he was dealing with that. GG said that LinkedIn would be good for Sefton LPC as other LPC’s were using it as a professional way of sharing information and networking.
In the last meeting, LM agreed to contact SONAR Health to see how many recently registered and completed their recent Flu Training. Twelve Pharmacies across Sefton attended the recent training. Compared to other areas. LM explained that we have done well to get twelve contractors to complete this training.
LM talked about the Blood Pressure Project. She explained that expressions of interest had gone out on Pharmoutcomes to 180 HLP’s. So far, 30 pharmacies across the area had signed up amongst the 180 has been invited to apply. Whilst we need approx. 120 contractors to sign up, if this is not achieved it means that HLP’s that sign up and are accredited might have to do more readings across the two years, but that this would increase the money for each contractor, accordingly. The training will be across C&M (open to all areas) and some will take place in Sefton and there will be at least 15 training sessions available, with at least two in Sefton. This will be open to all staff, including counter staff. Once the data is collated, and Pharmacies paid for inputting the data, it could show areas for developments or potential commissioned services etc. When you have completed your expressions of interest you will be written to stating that you have qualified for the project, training day dates will become available. You can attend the training, then to start you can logon to Pharmoutcomes and input the relevant declaration data, confirming that you have attended the training. LB asked how other Pharmacies could be added to the list of the 32 Pharmacies in Sefton. LM asked LB to speak with Bruce Prentice about this, asking his advice.
In the last meeting, JM stated that with the loss of Neil Beckingham, we don’t have a current head of Governance. Current governance issues were being reviewed bi-annually. Is this still being done? LM said that NB had been doing so and suggested the new vice chair take on this role. UH, as the new Vice Chair, agreed to be the Governance officer. UH said that she would provide everyone with the Nolan Principles so that all members can have a read of them and sign to say that they have seen this document. UH also said that she would carry out an audit of Governance every six months (October and April) and mentioned that she would review, and renew, the signed declarations of interest, from all members every six months, even if there are no new changes; alongside the checklist that needs completing as part of the Governance procedure.
LM reminded everyone that they need to RAG rate the Business plan. The deadline for this is the next meeting in October. This is an action that must be completed because we will be going through this in the next meeting, noting areas for development etc. / Action – GG, UH
Action – LB
Action – UH, LM
Action - ALL
3 / Minutes of last meeting and Matters Arising
3.8 / All members to email JC with their blog info at the earliest convenience. All those who have not completed their Bio’s need to do send asap as JC has only received four out of 13 bio’s so far. JC to resend the proforma for the bio’s for those that cannot find the original email.
GB to check has sent response to CCG re Split packs.
CATC invoices – LM to sent details of CCG for contractors to request historic invoices for accounting purposes only 3 contacted them. GB is concerned that We need to be careful not to complete tasks for NHS England/CCG because they are understaffed. LM spends a lot of time forwarding and chasing up contractors unnecessarily
JM previously explained that he was having problems logging into Pharmoutcomes to create a survey. AN was going to the Pharmoutcomes training on (22/6/17). He was supposed to look into this and feedback how to do this to all members, however, AN has been absent from the last two meetings and has changed his email address. AN to action this asap. In the meantime, JO has agreed to try and find out how to set up a survey on Pharmoutcomes, incase AN didn’t learn how to do this on his training day’s in July.
LM in discussion with commissioners about using Pharmoutcomes to collect data. We have already bought the super license across the C&M area and the more we can get commissioners to use it at a reduced cost from the LPC the less risk we have of falling short of meeting the costs of the license. This would be beneficial for the CCG’s and Sefton LPC as we would be able to see the results of the data. MS mentioned that each SLA could have a box for each contractor to tick a box to say give permission for the LPC to access the results of the data. MS to send LM the wording from the one that he has viewed. LM to email CCG as they have issues with sharing of activity data
This is ongoing. It hasn’t been actioned because of holiday’s etc. MS to email LM with the disclaimer asap.
MS is still unable to provide LM with the disclaimer due to a problem getting the information from his source. MS maintains that as soon as he receives the information, he will pass it on to LM. LM confirmed SL from CCG has committed to ask one last time if IG will accept LPC seeing the data.
Ongoing issue re shared bank account with other LPCs – LM to email IC to discuss progress- see chairman’s business. Update: There was a meeting today (5th Sept 17) about the joint bank account with the other CEOs. Nothing was finalised. GB will try to get hold of Ian Cubbin to find out what is going on with this issue and where we are up to. LB will try to attend the MALPS meeting on 4th October at 7pm.
LB previously expressed a concern regarding messages on every single script from a certain General Practice. This led to a discussion about Patient message verses a Pharmacy message. LB said that it was make life easier for Pharmacies if GP’s could write messages on the repeat side of the script only so that Pharmacies could just highlight when dispensing afterwards. It was decided that LM would bring up this issue at the next CCG meeting. This has been actioned. LM said that it was agreed that messages would be written on the patient message, rather than the Pharmacy message. The CCG were unsure as to how long the message stays on the patient message. LPC members maintained that the message stays on there until it is removed by the GP’s. LM said that the CCG were conducting an ‘experiment’ about contractors passing on the patient messages to the patients and around the removal of the messages from the system. LM said that she would go back to the next CCG meeting and ask what the outcomes of their ‘experiment’ was, in order for us to pass this on to contractors.
In the last meeting SW expressed concerns about the NPA Local Pharmacy 4U information that has been on television and social media and if it was appropriate. Other members expressed their concerns. LM wrote to Gordon Hockey and read out his response to the LPC members. Gordon said that there was nothing wrong with the proposed publicity and that it is reasonable to promote your contractors NHS Services. He has sought further advice from other LPC’s and as far as he is aware, it shouldn’t affect any Pharmacy and there is no cause for concern. / Action – ALL
Action – GB
Action – LM
Action – AN, JO
Action - MS
Action – LB, GB
Action LM
4 / CEO Business
4.5 / LM explained that there were two change of ownerships received. She has received paperwork from one Pharmacy and is waiting on paperwork from the other. UH explained that she is now no longer an Independent Pharmacy; that she was now Day Lewis PLC. LM explained that there was a slight issue regarding the appointment of UH as Vice Chair and that it was being looked into.
LM thanked members for their responses regarding the PNA. GB talked about Sunday opening hours and that there was a gap in the middle of Formby. He expressed that a Rota system was in place and this should be documented in the PNA, LM to email PNA lead with information.
LM said that, currently, nine (9) pharmacies have qualified and signed up so far NUMSAS, therefore, we are currently going to go ahead with those nine pharmacies to go live w/c 25th September. LM spoke with Bruce and asked: ‘What about the Pharmacies that want to be added in the future?’ Bruce said that once we go live at the end of September, it would be fine for new Pharmacies to sign up from the beginning of October. JM maintained that it was hard to sign up initially because Pharmacies need an NHS email address and there is a problem with the NHS issuing Pharmacies with relevant email addresses. JC to contact pharmacies to check ready to go live
Upcoming Training:
Quality Payments Training: delivered by NPA in Runcorn Holiday Inn on Tuesday 19th September, followed by Wednesday 20th Sept in Whiston Village Hotel.
EHC Training: Wednesday 27th Sept @ 6:30pm. This training is open to all Pharmacists to have previously delivered EHC. There is no limit on how may members you can send to the training. The training is at Southport and Formby District Hospital. PR8 6PN.
If you wish to attend, please confirm by email to:
Extra Training: After a consultation with the Patient Safety Group, there will be a Patient Safety Incident training with the NPA to catch the QP review point (at the end of Nov). There will be two training sessions and they will take place in the first week on November (one in Cheshire and one in Merseyside).
Blood Pressure Training will be coming up in the coming months. A date and venue has not yet been confirmed.
Note change of date for the next LPC meeting wed 11th Oct 2pm / Action LM
Action – LM
Action JC
Action – ALL
5 / Chairman’s Business
5.2 / In the coming months, GB will try to get out to meet with the contractors, starting with the Independent Pharmacies and assisting them; asking how best the LPC can support them. GB asked the members if they thought it best that he also meet with regional managers of multiple branches, by keeping/making it a fair process. GB expressed that alot of time is wasted chasing contractors up for inputting data and completing information on Pharmoutcomes. GB maintained that it is the role of the individual contactors to do that job and the role of the LPC to support contractors on an individual basis. There are concerns that NHS England are producing league tables for LPC areas. GB expressed further concerns that if something is not completed, there is a fear that contractors will turn around and blame Sefton LPC for not reminding them. Members talked about having a ‘Key dates’ section in the monthly Newsletters. JC to action this in the next Newsletter. GB asked members to chase up their buddy lists and ask the relevant questions about how Sefton LPC can best support contractors. JC suggested waiting until we RagRated our business plan first, so that we can use the next steps as a tool that we can work to.
GB asked (yet again) for all members to respond to emails from LM. This is now the third time that this has been asked. Members asked LM if she could include a response time period. LM said that she would include this in future emails. / Action – GB, JC, ALL
Action - ALL
6 / Treasurers Business
6.1 / LB has finalised the last two years of accounts and has submitted them to the auditors.
7 / Members Business
7.2 / SW asked a question about an advert from Sefton Council asking the public to rate the Pharmacy services. LM explained that this was actually the PNA questionnaire to ensure that services are being provided appropriately for members of the public and that Pharmacies were doing what they have advertised to do.
MS asked when the expressions of interest for the dressing service were going to go out. LM explained that it was discussed at the last CCG meeting and that, as far as she is aware, it all needs to be ready to start by 1st November so that they would be sent out within the next few weeks. She also explained that this would not be done via Pharmoutcomes but via letter to contrcators.
8 / AOB
8.2 / LM spoke with the CCG regarding the Patient Access app. They explained that we need to be promoting Patient Access to the public as the scripts will stay locally and has benefits to both the Pharmacy and the Patient. LM explained that Patients need to go into their surgery to get their password to set up the app. After they have registered, the patient can book appointments etc. This will help with the issue discussed in 3.8
JM discussed disposal of waste medicines and if outer boxes are aloud to be placed in the clinical waste. LM to contact PSNC with response / Action LM
9 / Date and time of next meeting
9.1 / October’s meeting will take place on Wednesday 11th @ 2pm, Gild Hall, Formby.
November’s meeting will be on Wednesday 15th November at 7pm Gild Hall, Formby.

Expense Claim from Sefton LPC