Parish Council Meetingheld in the Sports Pavilion, Chearsley Road on

Monday7th July 2014 at 19.30

PRESENT: -Cllrs R Thurbon (Chairman), S Butler (Vice Chairman), J Asher, C Bevan, A Camden and

C Cozens.

G Stevens (Parish Clerk) andJ Goddard (Press) and 2 members of the public.


Mr M Le Brun (Biodiversity Group) had obtained the quote as requested by Council for cleaning the war memorial. The quote was accepted and the Clerk will place the official order for this specialised work at a cost of £670. He further advised that the nettles around the recreation ground play area should be removed. The Clerk will arrange for Stonethorpe to do this with the next grass cutting. The Chairman thanked Mr Le Brun for his assistance.Mr Bolton who has lived at Hilltop for 38 years advised of his disgust regarding the primary school’s/ County Council’s admission policy whereby his children are precluded from the local school which will probably force him to leave the village to which he has contributed to for many years. The Chairman thanked him for his input and advised of the forthcoming meeting with parents, the school and councillors including our county councillor M Aston later in the month.


Cllr B Smith, District Council M Hawkett and County Cllr M Aston.




The minutes of the meeting held on 2nd June 2014were approved and signed by the Chairman as a true record.

Matters arising not addressed elsewhere. No issues were raised.


1)Red telephone Box. The Clerk advised that we now own the red telephone boxthat will be supplied with free electricity for 5 years. Council will consider the usage of the box and noted that it may need some cleaning and perhaps painting. Residents will be asked for suggestions by the Crendon Crier.

2)Clearing Bus Stops. The Clerk had not received the promised quote and had asked Stonethorpe to have a look at them for now but noting that with T F B doing the roads it will probably include clearing the bus stops. The Chairman will follow this up with TFB.

3)Invitation to celebrate at the school. On 15th July from 6-7pm an informal drop session in celebration of the work undertaken by pupils and staff on the school will be held. Cllrs Butler, Cozens, Camden and Bevan will attend.

4)Vandalised Sign. The new sign erected on Harroell field in respect of skate park rules was uprooted and words crossed out with felt tipped pen and then subjected to skate board abuse. The police were informed and assisted in erecting the sign again and the Clerk has taken up the matter with the contractor to fortify the poles in the ground.CCTV Harroell. I have tried to obtain a supplier to meet our requirements for Harroell with no luck. The Clerk advised that a resident has again raised the question of the cameras.The supplier previously suggested by the residents and others contacted by the Clerk are not able to meet our needs. It was agreed to leave this in abeyance for the moment.

5)Byelaws. Noted thatunfortunately the Secretary of State decided that the changing of the opening times could not be accepted as a minor change to the laws. We will now be required to advertise again for one month with an extra week thereafter before resubmitting for approval. The Clerk has dealt with the necessary statutory requirements.


The list was noted and the following actions approved. A) The Clerk has ordered the outside cabinet for the defibrillator. B) The goal mouths will be reseeded between games as agreed with the Club. C) The light for the car park in Peascroft is in progress. J Goddard was thanked for her input on consultations with affected neighbouring houses.


The draft minutes of the planning meeting held on 16th June 2014were noted.


The cheques drawn forJune totalling £4356.70 wereapproved for payment andthe bankbalance noted.


No correspondence was received for Council’s attention.

70/14 REPORTS.

Transport for Bucks. The Chairman advised that the Clerk had written to T F B expressing our dissatisfaction with their present service delivery. He is having a walkabout meeting with Mr S Campbell, our local area technician on the coming Friday and will raise numerous matters with him including some devolved services questions. As regards devolved services the Clerk will continuing investigating the proposals and report to Council.

Long Crendon Primary School. Update. The Chairman advised that a number of parents had contacted him or J Hooper(ex Councillor) with their specific problems and details. These will be used a basis for a forthcoming meeting with the school, some parents and Councillors. It is hoped the unfairness of the present B C C admission policy will be reviewed at the highest level with Council’s assistance.

Harroell Play Area. Cllr Butler and the Clerk reported on the proposed program and progress. Noted that an opening event will be held on 5th September and the Clerk will try to ensure the cycle track is completed before the opening. Other tasks are being organised by group members and the Clerk.

71/14 ANY OTHER BUSINESS. (For information only)

Giffard Way Cllr Cozens advised that the epicormic growth around the trees needed cutting. The Clerk will contactVAHT to undertake the clearing as soon as possible.

Cllr Camden Football Tournament. Council were advised of the tournament taking place on the 19th July and agreed with the parking arrangements that have been organised.

Magna Carta. Noted that the grant of £9500 had been approved by the National Lottery.

The Chairman closed the Council meeting at 21.00.

Signed...... Date......
