Executive Board Meeting Minutes - March 29, 2006

Executive Board Members Attending:

OSAA Staff Present: Tom Welter and Cindy Simmons.

1. Call to Order/Introductions/Approval of Minutes/Miscellaneous. The meeting was called to order at 9:05 AM and the December 14, 2005 were approved. Future minutes will be approved via Board email prior to the next scheduled meeting.

2. OSAA Report:

Brad Garrett updated the Board on the 6A classification initiative. The issue is before the State Board of Education. Brad also discussed the work of the State Championship committee which will recommend formats for state tournaments and championships on April 10. The OSAA Executive Board plans to act on those recommendations May 1.

Brad provided the Board with OSAA's views regarding the OSAA/OAOA Officials Education and Certification proposals which include the NFHS/ASEP component. The OSAA supports and encourages officials’ training, noting that before OAOA there were no OSAA statewide or regional standardized training programs available to officials.

Following the lead of the majority of states, the OSAA strongly believes there should be additional certification requirements for officials who desire to work OSAA post-season contests. The OSAA encourages OAOA to continue in its efforts to explore additional education and certification opportunities including the NFHS/ASEP offerings.

3. Communications:

The Board had a lengthy discussion regarding communications of OAOA activities and initiatives to its membership. Since its beginning OAOA updates including Boardminutes have been routinely emailed to all Commissioners and Presidents for whom we have email addresses. Despite repeated requests, we have only about 60% of Presidents’ email addresses. Each Regional Representative will be provided with a list of associations for which we need President's email addresses, and will contact the associations for the information.

Board minutes are posted on OAOA's website as well as a vast amount of additional information including all the details of the ASEP proposal since its origination. All members can access the website at anytime.

Clark and Jack have visited with associations and/or their leadership, and are always available at associations’ request.

Some OAOA’s Regional Reps have also visited their regional associations and will also honor any invitation.

The OAOA Executive Board is committed to free and open communication of OAOA activities and initiatives with all associations and all OAOA members. The Board feels the above methods of communication should be sufficient. However, the key is for Commissioners and Presidents to pass the information along to their membership, and for members to review OAOA’s periodically website.

OAOA will explore the addition of a "list serve" system where individual officials can sign up to receive periodic email updates direct.

Again, the Board strongly urges all Commissioners and Presidents communicate OAOA activities and initiatives to their membership.

4. Proposed OSAA/OAOA Officials Education and Certification Program:

The Board thoroughly discussed the OSAA/OAOA Officials Education and Certification proposals including the NFHS/ASEP course/certification component. Input from many associations and officiating leaders throughout the state was reviewed. Each board member shared information, ideas and concerns received from their respective constituency.

The Board recognizes that many associations have excellent training programs but other associations do not have the same resources making it a challenge to develop a uniform high level training program within their association.

The Board believes there is a great need for standardized training across the state.

The Board believes there needs to be something more than just scoring 90 on the test to be playoff eligible. A recent survey did not find any state with the NFHS test as their only playoff requirement.

Finally, there is a need to better train officials in more general concepts such as officiating philosophy, conflict management, etc.

Following the December board meeting, the concept of OAOA Board approved substantially equivalent alternatives in lieu ASEP program requirements arose. This was further discussed in great detail. The Board agreed that any alternative should, at the minimum, meet the following criteria:

a. standardized following NFHS rules/mechanics/interpretations.

b. available to all officials statewide.

c. verifiable completion/participation.

The Board determined that the ASEP offerings meet the above requirements and should remain an alternative component of any education/certification program.

It is anticipated that statewide or regional camps and clinics as well as other established certification/training programs could meet the approved criteria. Such alternatives to the ASEP component would be proposed to the Board for approval. The Board would seek guidance from the appropriate OAOA State Sport Committees.

It was MOVED (Rink) and SECONDED (Place) to amend the proposal to include language allowing substantially equivalent board approved alternatives to the ASEP requirements; and to extend the exemption for taking the ASEP Principles Course to include any official previously licensed/certified by a State High School governing body. Motion passed unanimously.

The specific proposed additional provisions to the OAOA Athletic Officials Handbook are:

1. First year officials in school year 2006-07 and thereafter, shall complete the NFHS/ASEP Principles Course or an alternative qualifying procedure approved by the Executive Board of the OAOA within their first three years of officiating, This requirement does not apply to any official previously licensed/certified by a State High School governing body.

2. Officials selected to represent a Local Association at any State Championship event shall, beginning in school year 2009-10 have completed the NFHS/ASEP Officiating Methods course, or an alternative qualifying procedure approved by the Executive Board of the OAOA, in the applicable sport.

All associations are invited and encouraged to obtain clarification and provide feedback direct to any Board member prior to its next meeting on June 21, 2006, at which time the Board will make its final decision to be forwarded to be OSAA Executive Board for its approval in July 2006.

5. Financial update:

The association’s finances were reviewed. The Board discussed whether unused State Sport Committee funds should carry over from one year to the next. Some Board members favored no carry-over as an incentive for each committee to find ways to spend their allotted amounts ($1400 per sport in 2005-06 budget year) furthering their mission, while others favored a carry-over policy but with a limits.

It was MOVED (Graham) and SECONDED (Reichert) that unused budget funds may be carried over to the next budget year if a plan for expenditure is submitted and approved by the Board. Motion passed unanimously.

6. OAOA business travel expense reimbursement policy.

It was MOVED (Rei) and SECONDED (Graham) that OAOA business travel reimbursement shall be $75 per diem if an overnight stay is required and $.25/mile round trip. Motion passed unanimously.

7. Salem-Mid Valley Regional Representative Board Vacancy:

The Board discussed the replacement of Regional Representative Sam Balsley.

Resumes and information from seven applicants from the Salem/Mid-valley region were distributed. Board members will continue to review the material. Selection of the new regional representative shall be made by a Board email vote within two weeks.

8. Recruiting:

A summary of the OAOA recruiting public service announcement developed at no cost to OAOA by Chambers Communication of Eugene was reviewed. Since October, 2005, the announcement has been aired a total of 334 minutes with a cost equivalent of over $44,000. Efforts to have the PSA aired in the Portland market by have thus far been unsuccessful; however, the OSAA has agreed to assist in these efforts.

9. Awards:

The OAOA/NFHS awards program was reviewed and Board members will encourage local associations to submit nominations of deserving officials. To date, there have been no nominations of an association for the association of the year- award.

10. Other matters:

Jack gave a quick update on the progress of the sports specific committees, the coach contacting the media proposal, and the football mercy rule proposal.

11. Future meetings:

The Board discussed future meeting dates. It was MOVED (Weinke) and SECONDED (Huxel) that meeting dates by standardized to the second Wednesday of August, November, February and June, with the June meeting being an all-day retreat. Motion passed unanimously.

Upcoming meeting dates:

June 21, 2006 (previously set) – noon and through dinner

August 9, 2006 – 9:00AM

November 8, 2006 – 9:00 AM

February 14, 2007 – 9:00 AM

June 13, 2007 – noon through dinner

Meeting adjourned at 2:22 pm.


D:\OAOA Temp\OAOA Minutes - 3-29-06.doc