Thornton Neighbourhood Plan Forum meeting, 25 February 2016, The Octagon main hall


Jean Johnson


June Chearman

Maureen Bundy



Pat Noble

Robin Watkin


P McGurn – Goodwin Trust

S Darley – Goodwin Trust

M Hodson – Hodson Architects

K Griffiths – KHCC Planning and minutes


Cllrs R Jones and Cllr Inglis


SD started proceedings and went through draft agenda, circulated by email. It was pointed out that 2 Hull University students had been taken on to support community consultation and that she had moved to a new shop unit within Goodwin Parade. This would help cement community engagement in developing the neighbourhood plan.

Purpose of this meeting was to highlight local infrastructure mapping, vision for the area, and specific projects that were coming on stream.

SD presented a multi-layered map of the area showing details of existing land uses/buildings, including open spaces, retail, takeaways, religious venues, housing association ownership, routes and footpaths etc.

General discussion ensued about the detail of this and what could be done to make the area a better place. There was general agreement about the significant amount of urban greenspace as a key feature in the area (although some was not very well used and should be), and limited retail along with poor access from parts of the area to the community hub (Goodwin Parade linked to the Octagon).

Comments were made about the number of housing associations in the area, some of which had not engaged within Goodwin Trust. There were concerns raised about isolated parts of the area and feeling that certain residents did not venture out or any further from where they live. This was thought to undermine the role of the shopping centre and commercial viability of retail/business uses nearby.

Following the theme of what the area looks like, a number of photos were presented. Issues were raised about proposals to improve the park and what priorities should be. Prompted by photos of the Anlaby Road ‘wall’ there was considerable discussion about natural surveillance and how opening up the estate would be of benefit. Some commented that community wardens and CCTV would make a real difference in people getting out and feeling safe. A draft sketch of new housing fronting Anlaby Road prompted discussion about benefits in providing activity to the road and about improving the ground floor environment beneath the flats. KG pointed out the need to engage with the residents of the flats to ensure a good balance of parking and new housing, should this be a route the community wanted. Other photos outlined poor parking/open space areas needing improvement into semi-public/private spaces communal spaces for residents. There was general support to address these issues.

The Goodwin Parade shopping centre was considered including sale of alcohol from shops. KG pointed out radical opportunity to re-develop this, should this be an approach the community wanted to take. SD highlighted the issues concerning seemingly simple improvements (painting) to the columns fronting the road. KG pointed out the proposals needed to be commercially viable and the Council landlord responsibilities.

KG outlined there was a need to engage more fully with the community and the plan sets the basis for this engagement. The Forum has to decide the nature of the vision for the area and policies governing what should be developed or protected from development will flow from that. The plan was still in early stages of development.

MB asked about whether the plan would make any difference or was it the people that had to change. SD responded by saying the plan will make a difference but it depends on what the community want to do and resources available. Even small things can make a difference. KG and MH confirmed the approach was valid and the point of planning/good design was to improve places. There were limits as to what can be done in planning (land use) terms but there was recognition that a small minority of people can make it difficult for others. The point was made that it is better to do something rather than nothing.

PM asked about the problems encountered on the estate and whether these were created through poor development/design. KG replied that it was often the case that current planning was engaged with sorting out development that had already taken place and thinking about ‘place’ had advanced.

KG outlined previous approach that looked back 200 years. It was outlined that the new Neighbourhood Plan would look to the Thornton of the future, but looking 15/20 years ahead. He provided a paper in looking at a vision for the area, developed on the back of work completed by Goodwin. This was work for the Forum to consider prior to the next meeting.

SD pointed out the success of the Lillian Balocca Mural on the gable end to the Goodwin college building, along with proposals to light Thornton flats. Mention of the New York hotel demolition had occurred and that Holy Apostles Church proposals were coming forward.

MH presented the floor scale map of a masterplan for parts of Grimsby. It was suggested there were parallels with projects being presented for Thornton.

DoNM to be determined and circulated in due course.

Minutes drafted 7/3/16 by KG