Directions for School Leadership Team: As part of the February School Improvement Training we will engage in collaborative conversation and share best practices based on each school’s Mid Year School Improvement Reflections. After input from the leadership team, each school is asked to bring this completed form to the training.

1. Has your school made progress towards achieving the goal?

A. How do the structures and systems in place at your school ensure all facets of the school culture create

predictable environments and a school climate that supports your SIP goal?

·  Yes, all teachers were trained in small group guided reading and Literacy Coaches, Peer Observation, and district reading coaches provide support when needed. During PLC teachers discuss data and differentiate instruction based on the assessment that is analyzed. When students are struggling, the teacher initiates RtI to provide more specific interventions. Teachers enrich the curriculum through centers. Document-based Questioning allow 4-5 grade students to dive deeper into nonfiction text.

B. What are the gaps that exist between your current state and your desired state?

Currently, we are a C. 74% of WHE students are reading on level based on Rigby Running Records and Burns and Roe Informal Reading Inventory. There is a still a gap between Kindergarten and first grade promotion. Vocabulary is also a gap in intermediate.

C. How will you address them between now and the end of this school year?

·  Teachers will continue to implement small group guided reading and small group in math to differentiate instruction. At WHE, the school goal is to develop readers in Kindergarten and have them proficient at a Rigby Level 6. The teachers in grades 4-5 utilize exit tickets to determine which students need intervention and enrichment. Primary teachers are including Vocabulary instruction to help reduce the gap across the grade levels. A Facebook page will also be created to introduce a word of the day and students will receive an incentive when the word is used during the day.

2. Have alterable barriers been eliminated or reduced? (Alterable barriers are in-house infrastructure mechanisms such as scheduling, class structures, teacher attendance, student attendance, staff development plan, etc.)

A. What evidence do you see that a barrier has been reduced or eliminated?

·  Currently, 61% of the students are reading at level based on Rigby Running Record and Burns and Roe Informal Reading Inventory. This is an increase of 11% from the 2014-2015 school year. Teachers also volunteer to provide additional learning opportunities to provide additional support to struggling students.

B. What evidence do you have that the barriers are wide-reaching and will help you achieve your goal?

·  From 2014 – 2015 WHE went from a D letter grade to letter C. Likewise, at the end of the second quarter in 2014-2015, K-2 were 60% proficient based on Rigby Running Record, and 3-5 was 50% proficient based on Burns and Roe Informal Reading Inventory. This means we decreased the proficient reading gap in 2015 – 2016 in K-2 by 20% and 3-5 by 17%.

C. If progress towards eliminating the barrier is not sufficient, where or what is the breakdown?

·  Based on the data progress towards eliminating the barrier is sufficient.

D. Did you identify other barriers that could serve as effective re- entry points into the plan?

·  Teacher attendance improved from the 2014-2015 school year. Therefore, this has allowed WHE to decrease the learning gap.

3. Are your strategies being implemented with fidelity?

A. Were decisions to continue, intensify, modify, or terminate strategies or action steps based on specific evidence?

·  Differentiated instruction will continue through small groups, centers, interventions and enrichment. RtI has also allowed students to be identified for ESE services. Identification of ELL students have also provided the opportunity to provide additional services through small group instruction.

4. What are your benchmarks for success?

A. How will you progress towards your goal to impact student achievement?

·  Differentiated instruction will continue through small groups, centers, interventions and enrichment along with RtI.

B. What is your desired state?

·  WHE desires to decrease the absentee and truancy. It is also the goal to increase at least one letter grade. We would also like our students to develop their soft skills through character education to increase their intrinsic motivation.

C. What gaps exist between your current state and your desired state?

·  Attendance is a barrier. Therefore when parents try to sign out a student early, administration meets with the parent to discuss the importance of school attendance and academic success. They also meet with parents who are truant in absences and tardies. Hispanic Unity also provides bilingual parent classes to aide parents in parenting skills.