CentralDauphinMiddle School Chorus Policies

Mr. Jeremy Groff, 7th and 8th Grade Director ()(717) 540-4606 ext 74507

Class Schedule

Chorus meets during academic enrichment period, Days 5 and 6. Small group lessons will meet on a rotating basis on Day 4. When we approach concert time, there will also be 1 or 2 after school rehearsals to combine the 7th and 8th graders. There will be some extracurricular choral groups, by audition, thatwill rehearse after school, but these are optional and not graded.

Chorus Attendance

All students are required to attend chorus on their scheduled rehearsal days. This period is NOT to be used to make up work in other classes. Skipping chorus will result in an office referral and an “F” for the day.

Concerts Please mark your calendars!!!

Students are required to attend concerts. This is the test of our skills for the marking period. Concerts are a major portion of the assessments category, which carries 40% of the total marking period grade. Concert dates are listed below, and they are on the School District Calendar. Proper concert etiquette requires that all students must remain for the entire concert, giving support to our other performing groups, and maintaining a professional stage presence while performing.

Winter Concert7/8th grade –Wednesday December 13th, 2017, 7:00 PM.

Spring Concert:7/8th grade –Tuesday May 8th, 2018, 7:00 PM.

Concert Attire

Students must purchase a Music Department “Polo Shirt” and also wear dark (black) slacks or pants, and dark shoes. The polo shirt cost is $15.00, and helps to unify the group in proper attire, especially for this age group, and helps identify them as performers from our school when performing in the community.


Chorus is a graded subject in the middle schools. You will receive a chorus grade every marking period. The following components will determine a student’s grade in chorus:

60% Class participation and Written assignments

40% Performance Tasks (2 per marking period) and Concert performances


  1. Be here to sing. Everyone participates and does their very best!
  2. Be ready to learn. This includes being on time, paying attention to the director, bringing a pencil, and properly handling your sheet music and materials.
  3. Be safe. Horseplay, gum, and high heels do not mix well with standing on choir risers!

4 Points / 3 Points / 2 Points / 1 Point / 0 Points
Student comes to rehearsal class with all needed materials (such as folder, pencil, etc.) and actively engaged (singing, posture, etc.) in the rehearsal.
Student demonstrates effort in activities, exhibits a positive attitude, and is respectful of peers and self.
Student follows all teacher directions the first time asked and follows all classroom procedures (includes no food or gum chewing). / Student comes to rehearsal class but lacks some needed piece material(s) (folder, pencil, etc.) and actively engaged in the rehearsal.
Student demonstrates effort in activities, exhibits a positive attitude, and is respectful of peers and self.
Student follows all teacher directions the first time asked and follows all classroom procedures.
Student comes to rehearsal class with all needed materials but does not display proper behavior expectations. / Student comes to rehearsal class but lacks some needed piece material(s) (folder, pencil, etc.).
Student demonstrates inconsistent effort in activities.
Student does not follow all teacher directions the first time asked or displays lack of classroom procedure protocol. / Student comes to rehearsal but lacks all necessary materials and is consistently not participating in the rehearsal.
Student demonstrates limited effort in activities, exhibits a poor attitude, or is not respectful of peers and self.
Student does not follow all teacher directions the first time asked or displays lack of classroom procedure protocol. / Student is Unexcused from class.
Student is in school that period, but does not come to the rehearsal class.


The continued success of the CDMS chorus depends on the cooperation and commitment of its members. If it is necessary for a student to quit chorus, the student’s parents must send a note to the chorus director and the Guidance Office. Due to the performance schedule and the fact that the group relies on all its members, it is suggested that students only drop or quit at two specific timeframes during the school year. The first is at the beginning of the year, during the first month of school and the second is after the winter concert at the end of the second marking period. However, I highly encourage all students to give chorus a try. When a student is undecided on what to do with chorus, I find that those who stay with the group are happy they did so. Students will not be granted permission to quit chorus at any other time unless there is an extenuating circumstance or academic need. In this case, the student’s team teachers, guidance counselors, and/or music director will work towards the best decision for the student. If a student drops chorus all music department property must be returned prior to his or her release from the program. This includes folders and music; both of which must be returned in the condition in which they were issued.

Chorus Web Site

This site will include many pieces of need information. It will include lesson groups and schedules also. Go to cdschools.org and then click on “select a school” then “CentralDauphinMiddle School”. Next click on “music” and then select “chorus”.

Please keep this page of information in your Chorus folder.


Please sign and return this bottom portion by SEPTEMBER29thto indicate that you have read and understood the chorus handbook.

______Student name Grade 7 8

______Parent signature

CDMS 7th and 8th Grade Chorus HandbookMr. Groff